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nuhvok campaign manager

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Year 14

About nuhvok campaign manager

  • Birthday 12/15/1994

Profile Information

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  • Location
    in a dingy office in the middle of onu-metru
  • Interests
    Greetings, foolish mortals. I am nuhvok campaign manager. My interests include chess and other strategy games, psychology and the general study of the mind, philosophy and philosophical discussion, robotics, discussing the annihilation of the human race in it's many forms, music, poetry, art, photography, food and cooking, and mythological studies.

    I don't really follow Bionicle or other Lego themes as much as I used to, but I still like to buy sets for MOCing and discussing MOC designs. Basically, if you're looking for me, chances are I'm going to be in the BBC forum.

    Anyways, that's it about me. Feel free to comment on my profile, send me a message, make yourself at home! Drinks are in the fridge, bathroom's first door on the left, oh, and don't pet the dog. EVER.

Contact Methods

  • LEGO.com Account
  • AIM
    Don't stand...

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  1. Birthdays are beneficial to health. Studies show that people who have the most birthdays live the longest.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nuhvok campaign manager

      nuhvok campaign manager

      To think, you wouldn't be able to legally vote until you've lived 72 years...


      How have you been, man? It's been ages!

    3. Velox


      Haha, yeah.


      I know, it's been forever! I've been alright, I s'pose. Looking forward to finishing off high school in a few months. How about you?

    4. nuhvok campaign manager

      nuhvok campaign manager

      Oh, can't complain. Juggling my school situation with my chronic illnesses has been "fun", to say the least. But I am getting better physically and to make up for lost time sick at home, have been teaching myself various skills. Cooking, practicing with my drum and music, exercising, archery, things like that. The illnesses set me back, no doubt, but I am not out, and I think it's safe to say that my life is improving day by day. :)

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