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Lord Kaitan de Storms

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Blog Entries posted by Lord Kaitan de Storms

  1. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    Okay let's see how many people can get this right:
    Which ONE of the following is NOT a mineral?
    1. Quartz.
    2. Ice.
    3. Coal.
    4. Gypsum.
    Post your answer in the comments section. I'll announce the winners later today!
  2. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    So in preparation for NaNoWriMo I'm working on a conlang.
    What is a conlang, you ask?
    A conlang is an articficially constructed language, often created either for intercutural communication (like Esperanto) or for works of fiction (like Tolkien's Elvish languages or Klingon).
    I am currently working on a language designed to be the language of the human kingdom which is the primary focus of the first part of my story. The language is set up to resemble a generic Indo-European language.
    What's that mean?
    Well, the Indo-European language family is the most widespread and widely spoken language family in the world. Its members include English, Spanish, Russian, Greek, Persian, and Hindi. These languages are generally characterized by have a complex, isolating grammar system (that means nouns decline and verbs conjugate by adding prefixes or suffixes); English is an exception here; most of its endings have been whittled away through time. The language I am creating is not an exception. IE languages are also characterized by having a fairly high number of stop (short, hard sounds like "P", "D", "G", "K", etc.) compared to a low number of fricatives (long, hissy sounds like "S", "TH", "V", etc.). Again, English (and in this case its close relatives, like German and Norwegian), is an exception here. And again, my language is not.
    Vocabulary-wise I've drawn heavily from English, however, but also from Latin and German; once again, it's supposed to be a generic Indo-European language for a generic Indo-European society.
    So, does anybody else here conlang or enjoy linguistics?
  3. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    Remember, Remember,
    The Fifth of November,
    Of Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot
    For I know of no reason
    The Gunpowder Treason
    Should ever be forgot.
    Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
    T'was his intent
    To blow up the King and Parliament!
    Three score barrels of powder below
    To prove old England's overthrow!
    By Providence he was catch'd
    With dark lamp and with burning match!
    Hulla boys, hulla boys, let the bells ring!
    Hulla boys, hulla boys, God save the King!
    What shall we do with him? Burn him!
  4. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    Thank you to those who noted places where they could be found.
    I got them off of BS01 and finally got to watch them. They were quite good.
    I think I know understand why some fans are so dedicated to the Macku-Hewkii pairing.
    They also made the Bohrok story seemed fuller and more complete.
    I wish they'd kept that scattered story format when they added in the books and movies.
  5. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    This RPG is AWESOME.
    I keep finding myself spending a lot of time on the internal monologues of my characters. I have no idea why, but I seem unable to NOT do so. It's really quite fascinating.
    It's also nice to finally have characters who take on a life of their own.
  6. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    I'm rather excited for this one; it looks like it'll be fun.
    I've completely rewritten my old IL race again, so they have a fairly free and open democratic-republic now. They're still big on the science and diplomacy and religion stuff, though. And I still use a romanesque theme.
    How're your profiles going for ya'll who plan to play?
    Also, on an unrelated note, if anyone has an av for Isaac from Golden Sun, it would be most appreciated...
  7. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    So over the summer I went on a ten-day backpacking trek through the Sangre de Christo mountains of New Mexico, United States, at Philmont Scout Ranch.
    Philmont Scout Ranch is a facility run by the Boy Scouts of America, set up for High Adventure backpacking trip. In all, we hiked 57 miles through the northern region of the camp; during this times we we saw such sites as ancient Anasazi sites, the only know T. rex footprint in the world, and climbed to the top of Baldy Mountain, the tallest mountain at Philmont at 12,441 feet above sea level.
  8. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    So I went to my first tournament on Saturday.
    I did extemporaneous speaking and impromptu speaking, which are the two limited preparation events. Extemp gives you a half hour to gather sources, impromptu just gives you two minutes to gather your thoughts (no sources required). I did much better on extemp, actually; but that may be partly because all of the questions were current events questions, and I follow the news closely (and critically; I'm not too trusting).
    I didn't make finals for either one, though; but hey, it was my first tournament, and I learned alot.
  9. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    So I am in my school's forensics (public speaking) team. I do extemporaneous (limited preparation), impromptu (pretty much no preparation), informative, and parliamentary (debate) speaking.
    Our first competition is tomorrow, which means I probably won't be on tomorrow at all. But expect a blog about it Sunday.
    Anyone else do forensics?
  10. Lord Kaitan de Storms
    And in celebration, we all get blogs!
    I'll be enjoying this feature. Perhaps share some stories from my backpacking trek during the downtime. Perhaps comment on the roleplaying on BZP. Doing everything I can to avoid saying anything political.
    Oh, and there will definitely be posts about conlanging, because that is fun.
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