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Master of the Rahkshi

Premier Retired Staff
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Year 18

About Master of the Rahkshi

  • Birthday 05/04/1990

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  • Location
    Rim Fortress
  • Interests
    Bionicle (once again)

    College (which is the big one these days)

    Anime, to some extent. It's hard to find one that doesn't make my brain bleed, but when I do find one that's good, it is GOOD. I'm currently working on Ghost in the Shell. Apparently, most video stores stock six copies of GitS. Total. Per chain. Princess Mononoke wasn't bad, either.

    Manga, to a much greater extent than anime. Most often, the anime shows are cheap ripoffs of the manga, which are generally far superior, such as Fullmetal Alchemist and Claymore. Yes, I am a manga snob. I'm into Claymore, FMA, Hellsing, Love Hina, and a few others. So basically either romantic comedies or dark bloodbaths. Startling contrast, I know. I tried reading Bleach and Naruto, but they just seem to be lacking something. Eh.

    Writing my stories. I'm very good at writing them; it's FINISHING that I have issues with. I currently have... *counts* seven in the works. Five are Bionicle-based.

    Some video games, mostly RPGs. I prefer games that actually have a coherent and well-developed storyline as opposed to straight shooters. Gears of War has an incredible story, and is fun to play to boot, so it's high on the list. I love the Final Fantasy series of games, especially IIIX and X, and XII to some degree. The Knights of the Old Republic series (MMO I AM SO HAPPY!); in my opinion, ONE of those games contains more plot and backstory and explanation of the galaxy's history/way the Force works (delete one depending on whether it's the first or second game) than all of the movies and most of the books combined. The Metroid Prime series (Samus rocks). Age of Mythology; I am a huge sucker for mythology. Recently I bought Mass Effect; going to have to see if that's any good. And StarCraft. MUST have Starcraft II...

    My taste in music is really, really odd. Green Day and Red Hot Chili Peppers are two favorites, along with the Barenaked Ladies earlier songs. When I need to write, however, I listen to Evanescence or Linkin Park. I dunno, but something about dark music gets my creative juices flowing. Maybe that explains most of the stories I write.

    I loove to read. Most of them are comedies or fantasy/sci fi. Sometimes all three at once. Terry Pratchett, in my opinion, is one of the best writers alive today. The Discworld series is absolutely hilarious. Robert Rankin is good too. Dianna Wynn Jones writes well too; I own the Tough Guide to Fantasyland. Absolutely no fantasy writer should go without it. I think I've read most of the Star Wars books that have been written (most of which are better than the movies) and currently have the Lord of the Rings on my shelf above my desk.

    Hobbies? I think they're all up here.


    I have a life.


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    Yeah...can't remember it.

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  1. If it will bring you satisfaction. I'll back online in about a week, by the way.

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