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Posts posted by Ultrapunch

  1. The new trailer that was shown at the Official Doctor Who Convention has been leaked online BTW, the official version should be released on Monday.

    It's all from the first 3 episodes and features lots of awesome western cyborg-cowboy bits, some Egyptians(?) and giant robots in a space ship, running on beaches, a snow-covered landscape and a snowy Dalek eyestalk.

    It's exciting stuff.

  2. Bionicle does pop up now and then in popular culture, I too have read 'Maximum Ride', seen 'Date Night', and that episode of 'Malcolm in the Middle'.One interesting story:The other day my friend bought a YoYo and brought it into school to open. It came with one of those mini-CDROMS. When we were explaining to him what it was (he didn't know), my friend said: "They used to have them in BIONICLE canisters". This began a long discussion about Bionicle, which was entertaining. I didn't let on that I knew almost everything off by heart though.Also my yoyo-ing friend claims he had the Nuju and Matau CDs but threw them away. What a waste.

  3. 11 years ago, I was 7, a happy, bright-eyed, geeky child (with a tinge of the 'uncool'), and I first encountered BIONICLE and I was hooked.Over the next 9 years it was my passion, I bought all the sets I could and revelled in the storyline.Discovered BZP in 2003, but didn't join until 2007 (I may be wrong).I followed the storyline until the "end", but failed to buy any of the sets. After that I used that as an excuse to move on to new things.I'm now generally sadder, (in my pursuits and general demeanour), but retain many of the qualities of my previous self, and am completely unsure about my future and what I want to do. Bionicle will always hold a special place in my heart (and my cupboard, I'm never getting rid of them).I also just bought Tahu Stars online, and am ATM on some sort of nostalgia high, which brought me back here.EDIT: Wow! I've just realised I too have an Olmak spinny, that's SOOO cool!

  4. I agree that the hypochondriac, timid Waturu becoming Kiva is a bit unbelievable, but I still enjoy Kiva for the whole gothic theme and nostalgia reasons as it was my first full series. I also agree that the 2nd half of Hibiki was disappointing after the first one, especially as Asumu didn't get to transform.Decade was a mess, enjoyable, but made no sense. Do not swear or bypass the word filter. - WW

  5. MEGAMAX Updates!OOO


    MEGAMAX will also feature Kamen Rider Aqua, who is also Miharu Minato, who is also Kamen Rider Poseidon.Apparently Aqua is Good, Poseidon is bad. Aqua also doesn't seem to use Core Medals. So perhaps Poseidon is a Core powered Aqua, so Aqua could be a basic form similar to Den-O's Plat Form. About the Core Medals, if alchemists from 800 years ago can make Core Medals, I'm pretty sure the Kougami Foundation or Foundation X can. And (I know we're to ignore Core) but Kougami can make a Greeed-esque body for Nobunaga they could probably make a new Greeed body for Ankh. Fourze


    Just Fourze and Nadeshiko fighting the Virgo Zodiarts...but on the far right there's a small picture of the Greeeds and Terror, Claydoll, Red Nasca Dopants! Interesting as they should all be dead.There's also another picture from the Movie War section showing all the riders in a row (7 legendary riders, Nadeshiko, Fourze, OOO, W, Aqua).Interesting, so Aqua and Nadeshiko will play a part in the final portion. There's also a scan from Telebi-Kun which says 'The New Year is Heeeere!' and has silhouettes of Fourze using a rocket module on each arm, and a mystery character! And it says 'Happy New Year' and 1st January 2012. Hmmm.

  6. On the topic of AgitoAgito is awesome, I'm watching it bit by bit as TV-Nihon release subs, but I'm loving it. The dynamic between the 3 main riders and how it evolves is really interesting. Definitely looking forward to seeing more. On the topic of FourzeIf all the boss Zodiarts are based around the Zodiac, then there should be 12 of them.We're almost 10 episodes in and so far we've seen glimpses of Virgo, Leo and Libra and had significant interactions with Scorpio.If we're going to get through all 12 of them (13 if there's a Ophiuchus Zodiart), Fourze'd better hurry up. I suppose a few could be movie Zodiarts, and if the Kamen Rider Sagu (Sagittarius) rumour is true than that'll lower the number to around 7~9 ish. If they've all gone Last One, than presumably there bodies will be lying around somewhere. Or maybe they've decomposed or something? What will happen if Fourze turns off the switch and there is no body to return to?

  7. Finally watched Accel: really good. One thing which struck me about the W Returns films is that they were quite action heavy, while the series itself didn't have that many fight scenes. Looking forward to next week's Fourze - judging by the preview it looks like we're going to see the Fire States.It seems a bit too soon after Elec States - I wonder how many states we're going to get in total? Fourze having the modules means he doesn't really need states - but again I'm not complaining, they still look cool.

    Episode 10: N/A - 11/06Even Tomoko transformed into the Zodiarts after Ritsuko. To save her, Gentaro takes her to the moon.

    From this summary it looks like Goth-Girl will become a Zodiart, she'll probably fulfill an informant/computer support role for the Kamen Rider Club . Also the Red-Eyed Man being the Principle/Head Teacher of Amanogawa... makes sense.If he's the cause of the Zodiarts, it explains why the school hasn't been closed down, or at least investigated. Kengo, Gentaro and Yuki's teacher is called - Sarina Sonada - which can be rearranged to form 'sasori nanoda' which means 'I am the Scorpion' in Japanese. Interesting...
  8. I'm definitely hoping for it to be good, and I knew they were trying to link OOO and W's universes. Unfortunately I don't think it worked very well, as there were a number of continuity errors in Movie War Core (such as Gill, Nobunaga being Birth, Eiji having all the medals etc.) I still enjoyed it though and am very much looking forward to MEGAMAX. I'll have to seek out that cut of Eternal, although I liked Eternal, his descent to completely crazy did seem quite sudden. They didn't even check if she was alive or not, and just decided that they should kill everyone in Fuuto. But if they didn't we would have never got A-Z... I've just realised I completely forgot to watch Accel Returns, It's been on my computer for ages completely untouched. I'm off to do that now!

  9. I'm really enjoying Fourze so far, for it's likable characters and it's awesome Koichi Sakamoto (who worked on Power Rangers) fight scenes. Seriously who wouldn't want a chainsaw or pogo leg? I think Fourze has a really good cast, and the high school theme fits it's 'over the top-ness' However I still hold W, Kiva, and Hibiki as the pinnacles of the Heisei series. I enjoyed the rest, but they didn't have the same sort of lasting impression as these series. W had a brilliant atmosphere and felt managed to blend Kamen Rider and detectives near perfectly. Kiva was just awesome, the Horror theme was brilliant, and it was incredibly enjoyable especially the flitting between 2008 and 1986. Hibiki was full of drama, weirdness (the Douji and Hime will never cease to be terrifying), and took the brave step of not having the rider as the 'main' character, giving a fairly serious look at growing up. (Interestingly, Hibiki wasn't originally intended to be a Kamen Rider show) The rest of the series's are all mixed bags for me. I've tried to watch many of them, but give up relatively quickly for whatever series. Also, if they do replace Den-O with W and make loads of spin-off movies, I won't be complaining both W and Skull are awesome. And if they do merge Fourze's world with W's through Foundation X, the result will be brilliant. Or it'll be a mess, only time will tell.

  10. Despite being a massive Doctor Who and Video Game nerd, those have sufficiently mainstream popularity that I don't particularly feel guilty about them. I suppose it'll have to be BIONICLE (I'm including this site in that) and Tokusatsu shows (incl. Kamen Rider, Sentai, Power Rangers etc.).I vaguely hint at them in conversations with friends (I once said 'Morphenomenal', I got some odd looks), but they're not going to find out any time soon.

  11. Oh, this is awesome-sauce IMO. Despite Harley's face being a bit... off, I think that these are really good interpretations of Harley and the Joker. I think that the Piraka-head suits the Joker as it screams crazy smile, which fits the Joker completely. I also love the colour schemes, but think that the Joker has a bit too much black ( I appreciate that purple pieces are rare), very good job none the less.

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