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Papa Vinc

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Papa Vinc

  1. Here's an interview that the creators had with Digital Trends: https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/bionicle-masks-of-power-interview/

    Notable Quote: “Horizon Zero Dawn is basically Bionicle without the trademark."

    I'm curious though that they said there's some Bionicle aficionados on their time. This is the first time I've heard of this and I'm delighted to see something like this decades on, but is there anyone from BS01 or the broader community involved?


  2. On 8/10/2021 at 8:22 PM, Dimensioneer said:

    Boy, twenty years since I picked up my first couple of Toa at a local Wal*Mart. I was immediately hooked.

    I went looking for an online community and couldn't find what I was looking for so I tried my hand at setting up a forum. Look where we are today. B-)

    And subsequently I saved up money to get myself and a friend lifetime Premierships. Pretty sure I sent you cash! In the mail!

    Cheers and thanks for the foundation.


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  3. Misc memory: Someone got this part stuck somewhere and the title of the topic was "How do you get the ball out?!" with the OP text-screaming "I got the ball piece stuck and I don't know how to get it out, can anyone help me?!" and everyone reacted/replied accordingly.


    EDIT: Apologies! Wasn't aware of the revived topic rules/was careless of the date due to nostalgia.


    That scene's writing was soooo an input from a man who REALLY didn't want to be in the franchise anymore.


    ALLEGEDLY. With a production budget of $200,000,000, the three stars (Rey, Finn, Poe) each took around $450,000 each.


    Ford's salary was $25,000,000.


    WITH .5% of GROSS earnings.


    That man is set for the rest of his life.



    Also, good movie, it wasn't bad, and that's all I could have asked for this day and age.



  5. :kaukau: What? Absolute zero and -32o F aren't the same thing.Actually, what Malchior just said pretty much sums up every opinion I've thrown out so far. Which is why if I were to ever become staff I'd create my own original digital painting of a Kaukau and hope that it became a BZP eventually.Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh

  6. Though, I've heard the main actress in the movie had critics calling her fat (which is kinda ridiculous because she's got a pretty normal stature). It bugs me, especially when girls call themselves fat. I've actually dealt with being overweight and let me tell you; calling yourself fat when you're a regular size is offensive. If you have low self-esteem that's your problem, but when you start insulting people who actually do have a problem right to their face, it's beyond annoying. >>

    That kinda stuff breaks my heart. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a feminist, but society's portrayal of beauty is skewed and, to be redundant, heartbreaking.
    You want beauty? I think there's nothing more beautiful to me than a woman able to kick my asterisks.Bella Swan: How important it is to HAVE A BOYFRIEND (And a daughter who is going to marry your ex, apparently)Katniss: How important it is to LIVE. And be a mack-mommy and have two-dudes.Don't hate the player, hate the game....The Hunger Games.~TN726
  7. The rerelease coincides well. And I'm glad that DeGrasse Tyson got on James Cameron's case about the proper allignment of the stars.But you know I didn't need to see in 3D? 4 very sad members of a classical ballroom quartet about to drown and playing their music -- SADLY. It's like you want to save them and think you can reach them...but you just can't.Also,You people make me ecstatic and just beam with pride and joy.For the sheer reason that I went through Twitter reading people's "DA TITANIC WUZ REAL?"Thank you. And yes, Twitterverse, "dat cray."~TN726

  8. So, first of all, how do you people get anything done around here with this new forum? There's just so many buttons, features, and outright-digital-gizmos that clutter the place? This new forum-layout could use some contrast.I now also know how senior-citizens feel.Secondly,I'm considering purchasing a Sony VAIO Y/YB series laptop/netbook. The classifications of netbooks are kind of blurry, but I'd still consider a 12-incher netbook category.Anyway, the stock AMD Fusion processor's the E-450, which is Dual-core, running on a 32-bit system.But sizing it up to the current and future Intel Atom processors, what do you guys think?I only remember one other time I've used an AMD processor (Because I'm an Intel man -- plus I like my clock rate like my loan interest: fixed) an Athlon X64 rig I borrowed to game with. Didn't have a great experience on it so it never really stuck in my head.Thanks,(PS: Srsly? The max filze size is 128MB?! I remember when it used to be, like, 2MB or something.)~TN726

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