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Blog Entries posted by Arpy

  1. Arpy
    10. Aubrey Plaza
    9. Rose Byrne
    8. Florence Welch
    7. Alaina Huffman
    6. Imogen Heap
    5. Neko Case
    4. Stevie Nicks
    3. Stevie Nicks
    2. Stevie Nicks
    1. Stevie Nicks
    0. Misha Collins
    You're welcome.
  2. Arpy
    And he told me I was pretty.
    (This is all true except for the plane and him telling me I was pretty and the one time was just last night but other than that)
    (I am too lazy to upload pictures to whatever image hosting sites are allowed these days)
    (What was my life before Mean Girls)
  3. Arpy
    I consider Rhiannon to be a totally viable name for any future daughter I may have and it is absolutely because of the Fleetwood Mac song.
    E: this is still true even when it is not April 1st
  4. Arpy





    I was reminded of these for the first time in a while owing to a comparison with the Chima energy pieces, and I nostalgia'd SO HARD. Mainly because I remember my eight-year-old self thinking they were the COOLEST THINGS EVER. Which they pretty well were. They were VEHICLES shaped like BUGS that had METALLIC CYBORG TYPES WITH WICKED HELMETS piloting them and WORKING MAGNETS to pick up ENERGY ORBS.
    I owned all of the sets above (the first one was the second Lego set I ever got), and even looking back at them fourteen (oh wow) years later, I'm still struck by their singular aesthetic: the muted colors shot through with neon green, the crude imitation of organic forms with relatively industrial-looking pieces, the metallic circuitry and copper lightning bolts, and the distantly human echoes in the gray- and blue-skinned minifigures. Also, there was a robot in a clear helmet called Gigabot, which is hands-down the best name ever for a Lego minifigure.
  5. Arpy
    Oh wow you guys, I have had an incredibly eventful week+end. Excellent way to close out the semester, if I do say so.
    I've been on this massive energy high ever since staying up till 3 a.m. to finish what amounts to a Brontë/Thursday Next fanfic for a class's final, which was then followed by staying up till 3 the next night as a result of seeing The Avengers, which was fantastic and perfect and my favorite superhero movie yet, then I tore through my etymology final with much gusto, polished my final draft of that Marxist AD paper, and snuck up to the roof of a campus building with actual turrets and parapets and whatnot.
    Then just yesterday, I had a lunch date with a lovely and classy person, took a highly restful nap, started a thrilling book on language by Steven Pinker (yes, I like linguistics; don't judge), went to a lake and swam across the entire thing because I could, later discovered the lake was closed for some reason (if I die of e. coli or something, I have no one but myself to blame), knew the delight of squishing about in endless mud, took "ironic" non-hipster photos with fences and nature paths and such, engaged in gladiatorial Nerf combat, discussed some stimulating topics of discourse with fellow seekers, and went on one last early-morning donut run, which I am now feeling the effects of in the form of a sugar-induced headache etc.
    Now it's just an Old English final and a few more days between myself and the end of the semester, which means I will also be moving into the house I hope to occupy until the end of the year and graduation. Crikey!
  6. Arpy
    Hello, fine people! It's been a while since I've rambled to this little corner of the internet, eh? This semester has been...interesting, to say the least. Here are some of the parts of it that have actually been quite pleasant and informative. I:

    Got to go home for spring break, which was especially nice given that we determined that I’m staying at college over the summer except of course for my trip to Puerto Rico.
    Met with some librarians over said break and got some great pointers and advice.
    Also tore through several novels, including The Marriage Plot and Slaughterhouse-Five. Lots of thoughts and emotional resonance involved.
    Wrote a fairly ludicrous essay in which “Tell Me How I’m Supposed to Breathe with No Eyre” formed part of the title.
    Realized that free license to write a paper on anything I want is intoxicating. Hello, Marxist reading of Arrested Development!
    Received an anthology of Poetry for Cats and shortly gratified that thing for parodies which I have always had. “She Walks in Booties” and “Meowl” were some notables.
    Continued geeking out about Old English in a variety of ways, including bandying about tropes from our translation of Apollonius of Tyre and accidentally spelling modern English words with their older equivalents.
    Started having dreams in Spanish, albeit still with some L2 learner mistakes (which some part of me recognized as mistakes and berated my subconscious for making).
    Found out that ALA Midwinter will be practically next door to where I hope to be in January. Oh yes.
    Somehow placed second in my first-ever eating contest, and never you mind that there were only four people in it.
    Presented on factors in linguistic variation to a full room of faculty and students and whatnot. It went smashingly and you missed it. I totally should have been a ling major. :c
  7. Arpy
    That is how long I've been alive, and do you know, I think this coming year might be even better than the last one, and that's saying quite a bit, because this last one was pretty splendid. Hurrah!
  8. Arpy
    My college is having a fundraiser today to raise money for our sister school in Japan, which has been severely affected by the recent earthquakes, tsunami, and radiation leaks.
    While I wholeheartedly approve of their end goal, I remain uncertain as to whether playing "Friday" nonstop until they get enough money qualifies as psychological torture and a violation of my Eighth Amendment rights.
    (Also, Ghostbusting Tennant is the best thing since missile-riding Barrowman. QED.)
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