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Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Arpy

  1. tumblr_inline_mufczyoAOe1rpytwq_zpsbd617


    You know what really grinds your gears? Levers. Thanks to those gears, the ground beneath your seat rose up and flung you and Makaru into something very like a roller coaster car.

    You thought you heard voices coming from somewhere, but then the car lurched forward and you were off down a psychedelic track of strange grinning faces and flickering lights.

    "Makaru, put your hands in the air!" you screamed.

    "There's no way of knowing which way we are going!" he screamed back.

    "No, seriously, put your hands in the air!" you yelled. The two of you raised your hands just in time to catch a low-hanging ledge, which only dislocated your shoulders a tiny bit given the speed. The car zipped off the end of the track and into an Olympic pool's worth of hot boiling lava.

    You clambered up onto the dimly lit ledge and focused your eyes. You stood stock still in shock. An equally surprised being stared at you from the shadows. It crossed its front legs.

    such sphinx, it said.

    very riddle


  2. survivorarpy.png

    Amazing Rahi? On your island? It was more likely than you thought. You wriggled back and forth gleefully, even though you weren't playing bingo.tumblr_mryw1jEzcX1rf11n3o7_500.gifYour fair-weather friend of a Blocking Lava Ape was pretty amazing, after all, and he was readily accessible. Back in your camp. You hoped. Even so, you felt compelled to kick it up a notch, to get something truly amazing..."Hey," you said to your fellow Supertramps, "think we can teach Ludo to play the Imperial March on the bagpipes while riding a unicycle?"

  3. survivorarpy.png

    "DOO DOO DOO-DOO-DOO" you finally hooted. Those darn grumps.The formatting of this Survivor match had suddenly shifted, you noticed keenly. The dance party and stabbing had both died down, and now you were pretty much standing around on the beach waiting for the next challenge like the lazy bums that you were.You did really want to go commit some third-degree shenanigans (and check up on Ludo), but you also really wanted to stick around and see what vital information could be gleaned from being in such close, non-stabby contact with the other team. You had heard murmurings about a distillery, for instance.Your mind wandered as you stared up at the sky, and pretty soon you were curled up into a little ball and rocking back and forth over the fact that your lyrical twists and turns of phrase would never be as clear or sharp or punchy as Neko Case's. So you were easily distracted. Who wasn't?You decided to play some tetherball on account of your fro.tumblr_mryw1jEzcX1rf11n3o6_500.gif

  4. survivorarpy.png

    Violently stabbing to violently dancing to violently stabbing again. It amazed you how rapidly your fellow survivors could veer from one extreme to another. You guessed that violence was the common theme.You did the only thing you could do to break the vicious cycle. Your voice got all gravelly."Mahna-mahna."
  5. Good to see you building again! It's super cool that you got the struts to turn and everything. The sculpting on the front is ace, though I'm not sure about that one black tube.The back being flat works, but maybe some curved System pieces turned sideways would work instead of the liftarms to get more of a taper.

  6. survivorarpy.png

    It was just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right. You put your hands on your hips and brought your knees in tight. But it was the pelvic thrust that really drove you insane, and you almost fancied you'd fallen through a temporal distortion before you blacked out on the sand. All dancing and no food made Arpy a faint-headed boy.When you came to, Eeko was mysteriously gone and visions of Tim Curry were dancing in your head."I think we'll go with a little Bohemian Rhapsody, gentlemen?" you said.
  7. survivorarpy.png

    Tufi's voice came from somewhere. You looked around curiously for a hidden speaker system. "Please make your way to the beach for tomorrow's Immunity Challenge. Bring the idol. Leave your attachments behind."You gazed at your surroundings in bemusement. You recalled what Makaru had said, although your brain might have been putting words in his mouth, so to speak. Aha. But had you ever really left the beach? Where did the beach end and the rest of the island begin? What were a few thousand fewer grains here than there?Also, you hoped Tufi didn't mean all worldly attachments. You were really hoping to keep your shorts, however dysfunctional the zipper may have been, so you steeled yourself to accept the consequences of boldly wearing clothes. You shrugged off a couple of .pdf files and flicked the paperclip into the distance. It did a lovely sparkly cartwheel before disappearing behind a pebble. So it goes.
  8. There is no war within the walls of Ba Sing Se. Eurasia has always been at war with Oceania. Do not go near the dog park. I voted for Attak on Bionicles. Intentionally bad things aren't always my fave and irony and cynicism are old news, but this comic is far from being a random spewing of cheese and pie and gratuitous SFX, nor is it without a sense of fun. The introduction of Greg as a villain and the juxtaposition of quotes throughout writes back to the dominant mode of discourse regarding Bionicle story and questions the dichotomy of monster vs. titan in a way that I find entirely appropriate. After all, what is fan culture about if not the reappropriation of the goals and ideologies of a franchise's producing entities? It also benefits from using preestablished characters that require less external context than the sprites used in other entries, which I presume are only familiar to denizens of the art forums.Technically speaking, I have no idea what the techniques used were, but it's a lot better than I could do with MSPaint and a bunch of stock images and a refreshing change from sprite comics. As well, I prefer the fusion of panels, perspective, and sequences to the pedestrian rectangular panel, although #4 does a good job of toying with panel layout too.In fact, lest people think this contest is solely between #1 and #5, #4 is probably my second favorite entry, in terms of actually dealing with monsters and titans and bringing some hand-drawn stuff into the sprite mix, and I'm sorry it doesn't have more votes. It also has a cute ending, but that's still nothing compared to the unresolved tension of #1, which mirrors the real-life tension felt by many at Bionicle's ending. Synchronicity!So, #1 with an honorable mention to #4. Good luck to everybody!

  9. survivorarpy.png

    "You think dental hygiene is important?" you asked Sumiki. "I'd kill for a comb and some shampoo at this point." In the indeterminate amount of time spent on this island, your fro had been soaked in saltwater, infiltrated by sand, attacked by a piece of flaming kelp (and who had thrown that, anyway?), and mussed by a Lava Ape.DeeVee had made light of your challenge to a battle of wits and everyone else had been focused on the toothbrush battle, but that was okay. The glancing blow to your head had caused you to temporarily forget that you were neither Sicilian nor in possession of iocaine powder, which was all right because you hadn't spent years building up an immunity to the stuff.DeeVee was all right, at least as far as you knew. You didn't actually know if he was left-handed."Back to camp already," Makaru spoke up. "Take the long way home."You pocketed several of the sticks for later use. Maybe you could use them to make a comb.
  10. survivorarpy.png

    Sumiki bumped your chest for great justice, and things devolved into madcap shenanigans shortly thereafter. Toothbrushes, robots, and flesh wounds (which were really just scratches) flew fast and furious, but not Fast and Furious 6 because how would you fit a 26.2 mile runway on this island?You were fine with shenanigans in principle, but you were supposed to be surviving, and getting involved in stabby poky fightsseemed kind of antithetical to the whole idea. You clambered up on top of a soapbox-shaped rock and read from a card you'd prepared while Sumiki and Kakaru were parrying and riposting."I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school," you said. "I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles that everyone would eat and be happy."A piece of flaming kelp swung through the air and knocked you into Bfahome. You changed your mind. You would fight, but not with your fists. There was a reason you had been sorted into Ravenclaw, after all."I challenge someone to a battle of wits!" you cried.
  11. survivorarpy.png

    You stepped forward, boldly. It was time to do science. Ridiculous science.You snapped off exactly one half of the half of the stick that remained. You could have kept taking turns with the Settlers and breaking the stick into a Zeno's paradox of tedium, but you had a better idea.ONE (fourth) of the stick remains," you said. "However, by the simple mathematical operation of rounding to the nearest whole number, Janus has already taken a whole stick, whereas I have essentially taken zero sticks. Play reverts to the Settlers now, and if you take any more of the stick, you will still have more of it than us no matter what. QED," you finished.You admitted to yourself that it was possible that both teams had lost for taking parts of the last stick, but you were willing to gamble it on the principle that you would only lose half as badly as the other team given your 0.25 of a stick.
  12. survivorarpy.png

    "One stick, two stick, red stick, blue stick. Black stick, blue stick, old stick, new stick," you recited to yourself. "This one has a little star. This one has a little car. Say! What a lot of sticks there are."You removed two sticks on a whim and named them Thing One and Thing Two. You wished one of the Settlers was named Marvin K. Mooney so you could ask him to please go now.SEVEN (7) sticks remained.
  13. survivorarpy.png


    You choked on your gum at the sheer surprise of it all, or you would have, if you'd had any gum. "Foiled again," you murmured. Your plans trashed, you dashed off to the landing area, thanking Mata-Nui that you hadn't actually choked, let alone choked to death. The last thing this island needed was another dead person. Then again, maybe it didn't have any. Your understanding of biology was imperfect and relied a lot on medical dramas, but it was possible that xccr was only mostly dead...and mostly dead meant slightly alive. What a fortunate son.

  14. survivorarpy.png

    "Okay," you said to your merry band of spies travailing travelers, "Bonus points if anyone finds some rubber trees on the way. I'd love to vulcanize the stuff and carve some Supertramp stamps to mark all our stuff with berry inkjuice. The privacy of private property should be shouted from the rooftops, so to speak."Sumiki raised a hand. "Wouldn't shouting be counter-productive?""Don't you talk to me about grammar...!!!" you quoted. Because it was a quote, everybody accepted that its relation to the train of conversation was tangential at best and didn't question it. They could tell you'd done theater and were desperate to force lines into everyday conversation even when they didn't come from plays.Bfahome raised a hand. The hand was Eeko's, with whom he was skipping through the woods in a flurry of fun, but it was definitely a hand. "What do we do if they catch us? I'm worried about them harshing my funtimes."Eeko raised a hand. "Harshing my funtimes? Does anyone actually talk like that?""Wait your turn," you told him. "Besides, he plainly just did. If anyone catches us, we'll say we came to make a deal. Who knows, now that we don't have to worry about getting Ludo back to camp, we might even see about making one. I bet they'd settle for something ridiculous. Anyway, I'd like to see these Nektann for myself and see what else they're up to.""So lots of seeing, basically," Sumiki said."Exactly," you replied. "And you didn't raise your hand."
  15. survivorarpy.png

    'twas the middle of the week, and all through the camp,Some fine people were living la vie Supertramp.The large ape was placed in a tower with care,In hopes that fruit targets would soon end up thereSurvivors were snuggling under some leavesWhile occasional raindrops fell from the eavesAnd Tohu sat immunizing us on a shelfAlong with a picture that seemed drawn by an elf.You didn't have a lawn, just tall grass and rocksAnd a DIY windvane you'd made from your socks.The foot-warmers fluttered and flapped in the breezeAnd your drawbridge protected you from any bees.Your material needs seemed altogether well metYou had water, friendly berries, and even a pet.It was almost too easy, you thought with a start.You'd expected a challenge more harder than art.As you lay ruminating on your flat rocky bedSome fear and foreboding settled into your head.You hadn't heard anything from the other teamAnd you struggled to think what this silence could mean.Were they jealous of art? Did they have a big plan?Were they building a bomb? Were they just down a man?All this waiting made you anxious. You were ready to spy.Things had to be bad if you were versing on the fly.So you crept from your leaf like a ninja in bootsAnd you negated that stealth with some loud whistled toots."Listen up, Supertramps", you proclaimed like a prince,"I'm done sitting around--let's do reconnaissance!"
  16. Oh gods, I think it was something along the lines of a theory topic explaining in detail what the major plot points of 2002 were and how they would come to pass. I remember Krana featured prominently. And they were evolving into something? Now that the archives are shot I can't check up to see.

  17. survivorarpy.png

    Now returned to the camp and apprised of recent developments by Makaru, you immediately busied yourself making your fort presentable for the Empress. The fruit and log went into a surprisingly load-bearing tower where Ludo would live.As one of the resident MOCers, you felt that you should have been in charge of the drawbridge engineering, but you settled for making a moat to go under it."LUDO DIG!" you said to your apish minion-friend. Ludo sniffed at the blueprints (okay, they were more like dirtprints) started scraping at the ground, and built up speed as he went. Pretty soon he was windmilling his arms through the dirt like Ryan Lochte, and the Supertramps had a Nektann-proof moat."JEAH," Ludo said, broishly."Okay," you shook your head. "That's just too far." You hoped he wouldn't be a bad influence on the team. At least he wasn't like Michael Phelps?

  18. Allowing myself to be talked out of quitting staff in July '12 when I was so disgusted I couldn't take it anymore - and then being fired anyway by the same people two months later. Oh, wait, I thought you said "what's your greatest BZP regret"; my mistake. My greatest achievement would be the good I did during my very long tenure on staff. I really made an effort to connect with members and be fair and nurturing rather than just a punishing authority figure - sometimes I succeeded and sometimes I didn't, but the successes gave me great satisfaction. Until recently, this site gave me a lot of positive things and I feel like I gave a lot of positive stuff in return the entire time I was on staff, and that's an accomplishment I'd like to be proud of, if it were worth anything.

    My greatest achievement was getting deputized as Forum Leader by this guy right here at Brickfair 2010 to help with the BBCC voting.But greatness is relative; I'm much prouder of greater things I've accomplished in real life.
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