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Blissfully Insane

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Status Updates posted by Blissfully Insane

  1. Hi, person that left a comment about two years ago that I haven't seen until now!

    1. Hexann


      That guy is now inactive......apparently you are to...

    2. Hexann


      Dang, made that comment a whole 5 years ago!

      Now you have another comment to look forward *cough* If *cough* when you get back! :P

      Nope, I'm not anybody you know. Just randomly commenting.

  2. You are so talented at making Avatars and Banners. I wish i had Banner and Avatar making skill. Than i could get into a shop an stuf...(I spelled it wrong on purpose.)

  3. And if you don't know how to PM(Personal Message), Click on the members username and press Send Message, And type.

  4. i want comments!

    (sniff) im so lonely...

  5. 0_o wow. this is my first time leaving a comment in a profile other than mine.

  6. yes! i am the toa of chocolate! do you want chocolate?

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