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King Kobra

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Blog Entries posted by King Kobra

  1. King Kobra
    The first being the likes of one of my all-time favorite bands, Flogging Molly. I've already have the great fortune of seeing this Irish Punk band 3 previous times, one of those being a New Years Eve show (probably the best night of my life) and in a few days I will be making it my 4th time
    A little more to my recent tastes is on the 28th when I will have the pleasure of seeing the Glitch-Hop/Dubstep Duo KOAN Sound live at the Avalon with Gemini and the Foreign Beggars Since KOAN's Funk Blaster EP dropped a while ago I've been dying to see them so I'm excited to finally have the opportunity! Not only that but the tickets (AFTER those nasty online fees) were a mere 20 bucks each :0
    It shall be a good month, I'm thinking
  2. King Kobra
    Have pretty much taken over most of my life recently >.<
    Aside from work I come home, play a few matches of LoL and then switch to Minecraft and work on random projects with my friend.
    Since my parents are out of town for the weekend, I got a lot of time free of nagging so I spent it playing 12 straight hours of LoL yesterday >.< my excuse is that my friend is sick so it's the only way we could really 'hang out' X)
    As for Minecraft they really need to fix multiplayer so that you can play survival and stuff, for now there's no health system and some of the mechanisms you can make are bugged. Hopefully they update soon
    Hit me up if you play LoL or Minecraft
  3. King Kobra
    Didn't know if this would be ok as a topic so just dropped it here instead.
    I think it would be cool if some MOCists got together and used Skype or MSN to video-call while MOCing and bounce ideas back-and-forth as well as get a look at how the other person goes about MOCing. It's really just a basic idea right now but I think it would really be cool if it ended up working out and having a few MOCists critiquing each other and giving tips during the process instead of after the build.
  4. King Kobra
    There's always that group of people that has the year farther back than me. Every time I see somebody with an 8-year spinny my eyebrows raise a little bit because it seems to give them some sort of legendary persona. I was thinking about this today and then I went to the members list and searched back to the original admins and checked their old posts.
    They have the 9-year Spinny.
    It's a Red Hau Olda.
    All I could think was "Eeeeepppppiiicccccc "

  5. King Kobra
    It has been sooo long since I was really active on here and that kinda makes me sad so I figured I'd drop a post in my blog so CzaR and Dalek can say hi to me anyways I think I may be visiting here more often and leaving some original content such as art and MOCs because I have some free time again
    In other news, Super Metroid on a legit and working SNES is highly addictive :l
  6. King Kobra
    Hellloooo everybody
    Yeah so I'm just here real quick to say that I'm not dead and neither is my epic. School is out and I have some free time so I miiiight be back within the next couple months to continue The Fall of BZ-Koro :]
    And I also might be selling some of my rare items in my Bionicle collection soon, as I don't really MoC anymore....that's a maybe though haha
    Hope you're all doing well!
  7. King Kobra
    Going to be going on holiday in Rome in a week (well actually it's an Italy trip with like 2 days in Rome and 3 in Chinkatera [or however it is spelled {brackets in brackets ftw }])
    So yeah, I think a week in Italy might provide me with some ample poetic and artistic inspiration, so expect maybe a few poems when I return, perhaps a sketch or two as well!
  8. King Kobra
    Ok, so as you may have read in my last post, I have set a goal to write at least 3 Poems/Short Stories a week, starting the first week with only 2 to break myself into it. I completed my two and would be delighted if you reviewed them!
    Z... ~ Quick little story I wrote to practice detailed description and heightened diction. And yes the title actually has a meaning behind it.
    Absence ~ Possibly one of my favorite poems that I have written in a long time. Simple but I tried to make it a deeper poem instead of just all literal meanings.
    Also, I'm going to have a little side-section in my week updates where I recommend a Short Story that I really liked, just something to give some well-written SS's a little well-deserved attention.
    This week we have Requiescat In Pace by .:Toa Velox:.
    It's a great love tragedy written for SSC #5, definitely worth the time it took to read!

    Alrighty then, hopefully I can continue to get some inspiration and write more in the coming week! For now, though......*yawn*....I'm tired......
  9. King Kobra
    Hello everyone! I recently decided that I want to expand my skills in Poetry and Short-Story writing and try and improve, so I laid down a project for myself. Over the next year (hopefully I can last that long) I will try to write at LEAST 3 Poems/Short-Stories a week.
    Because I find it easier to articulate my thoughts, they will probably mostly be Bionicle-related, and thus will be published in the SS Forum. So obviously you will see me posting a LOT in that Forum for a while. If I can even last a few weeks I will make myself a SS Library post or something, to catalog it all.
    Wish me luck on this daring feet of literature, mostly because I'll get sick of it in a couple weeks and I don't want myself to quit.
    Hoping to have two by the end of the week, so stay tuned....
    EDIT: Oh yeah, and just because it kinda pertains to this entry, why don't you check out my latest SS: Z...
  10. King Kobra
    Yes I just beat it a few minutes ago
    Opening Cinematic to the last level is sooo legit! After you see it you will see just how freaking awesome the Spartans are 8D those Elites got completely owned XD
    Going to start playing online matches soon, and I might FINALLY be getting Rock Band 2 soon, finally lolz
    Like I said in previous blogs, hit me up on XBL: Charybdus Rage
  11. King Kobra
    Is freaking awesome
    If you haven't gotten it yet, it's definitely worth the money!
    I picked up the Legendary Edition last night (or technically this morning lolz) and already have quite a few hours of gameplay in. Experimented with Covies today but prefer Marines overall.
    If you have an Xbox Live account, hit me up: Charybdus Rage
  12. King Kobra
    I'm going to be at the midnight release with my video-site-that-I-can't-say channel, Death By Cone!
    Can't waaaiit to get it
    While I'm saying random stuffs, go ahead and review The Fall of BZ-Koro please, I really want some feedback so I can adjust my writing a bit...
    Also, I'd just like to say hello...
  13. King Kobra
    Yesss it's true, I am possibly returning again again just for the heck of it. I plan to continue working on my Epic: The Fall of BZ-Koro.
    I'd appreciate if anybody can go and review that epic, as I need some tips on improving my writing and I need to see if anybody even likes the story.
    Oh yeah, on a side note, Halo Wars in less than two weeks ^-^ I'm excited!
  14. King Kobra
    Hey everybody! I was just logging on to Xbox Live a little while ago and I noticed that Halo 3 had some new content.
    Apparently this new "Keep It Clean" ~50MB download is some NEW CAMPAIGN ACTION O.o I have yet to play it but I'm definitely going to ASAP.
    Also, they added 30 new achievements to the game! Some of these are only obtainable on the Legendary Maps, and some are only on the upcoming Mythic Maps =D It adds a good 750 GamerScore to the Halo 3 overall amount. I can tell you that the Legendary ones are a little difficult, but are worth it because they each reign in at 50 points O.o
    Also, there's one random achievement in there worth 0 points that is described as "After Sept. 25th, beat Halo 3 Campaign on Xbox Live with 4 players with the Iron Skull on and everybody driving Ghosts."
    I have no idea either....
    But yeah, if you're a Halo 3 player, start it up to grab the achievement update and then download the free Keep It Real campaign thing =D
    And add me! =====>
  15. King Kobra
    I was just in -Wrinkledlion-'s blog, so I check out one of his art topics (the top one) and I post in it, thinking that it's pretty cool.
    And then I get a clear look at the post above mine.
    Which occured 21 days ago.
    You can't imagine the humility of reporting your own post only seconds after you post it =/
  16. King Kobra
    OK! So me and the rest of Death By Cone (Tahu Nuva 3.0 and someone that's not a member here) are going out to the MIDNIGHT RELEASE of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed at GameStop in the Whittier Town Center tonight!
    We're setting up our usual Projector/Xbox 360 combo and we're going to be not only playing Rock Band, but the manager of GameStop is going to let us DEMO ROCK BAND 2! Because people on BZP don't know about us, let me give a quick explanation. We had this great idea to use the public AC Outlets in the Whittier Town center to publicly play video games on a huge screen and basically go until we were kicked out. We never go kicked out, because the security guard didn't even care lolz he just walked up and reset the power grid (which doesn't turn anything off) and we got to play well into the night! We're doing this every couple weeks so if anybody lives around here I'll be posting the locations of our appearances in this blog in the future =)
    This will be in front of the live audience that is waiting in line for their copies of the amazing new Star Wars game =D I'm going to be getting a copy myself =]
    And every customer that has the game payed off before 11pm will get a raffle ticket for the chance to win a LIMITED EDITION CLONE TROOPED ACTION FIGURE SPECIALLY MADE FOR THIS PROMOTION!!! There are only 50,000 of these in existence, and I believe there is going to be twenty there at GameStop tonight 8D
    Because I'm not allowed to link to the certain huge video site that our channel (Death By Cone) is located on, I'll just tell you to search for us on that certain website if you're ever on it. We would appreciate support and subscriptions, and be on the lookout for the video footage of tonight's shenanigans!
  17. King Kobra
    So I think that I'm moving into the range of obsessed now lolz. I got back from the mall today with yet another Legend of Zelda T-Shirt. This brings my LoZ Gear count to the following:
    4 Shirts
    Belt Buckel
    4 Pins
    So yeah, I think I'm obsessed but it's so awesome I just can't stop buying them! I was tempted to get the Backpack before school started rofl XP
    My new shirt is the best one though, they finally released Ocarina of Time shirts 8D this one has Link and Ganondorf with some shiny gold stuff here and there, maybe a picture will come soon lolz.
  18. King Kobra
    Hey everybody! Me and my good friend Tahu Nuva 3.0 recently recorded a Webcast thing discussing some points of Bionicle and stuff and plan on making it a regular occurrence to record and post them up. The first episode is not yet posted but we plan on recording the second one tonight (maybe)
    I would love if we got some support on this, some feedback as well. Hopefully we can get the huge file of the first episode compressed and posted by the end of the night =]
    I'm just letting the general public know, so when we post it up people will know about it already =D
  19. King Kobra
    Since it's already 1am and I have some unfinished homework, I've decided to pull an all-nighter so I can finish that stuff and not wake up late for school in the morning. I'm planning on playing MNOLG2 because it was soooo glitchy back in the day that I never beat it. I want to see what happens past Ga-Koro.
    In other things, if I get reaaaally bored I might just play the demo of Feeding Frenzy I got on XBL Arcade the other day.
    I have a half-empty can of Brisk Iced Tea that I'm going to try and make last until 6 so I can take a shower and wake myself up...
    My mission is clear, wish me luck.....
  20. King Kobra
    Okay so yeah, I just recently posted a chapter (after a whopping year and 8 months) in my old epic The Fall of BZ-Koro.
    The Link
    I'd appreciate if you would check it out and review it. I worked hard on it back when I first wrote it and I enjoyed reading it when I came back on here recently, so it spurred me to continue it.
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