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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Kraahlix

  1. Kraahlix
    I got a server, that's pretty awesome.
    Problem is, I have nooooooo...
    ...oooooooooo idea what I'm doing with it. Thanks to SK and Bioran for being willing to help out.
    Also, I met Kayru. That was pretty darn awesome.
    I'm sorry for not being active, getting back to you, editing BS01, etc. I'm trying to get some things done so I can have more free time - we will see how that goes.
    If you have not read my contest entry yet, please do. I could use some posts in it. Just state your honest opinion! Thanks.
  2. Kraahlix
    Years, and years, and years, and days ago...
    I adopted three stray cats as my own.
    Actually, just two. The other one tagged along and went to the bathroom all over my porch. Her eyes were all gunked shut.
    Anyway, the other two cats were nice.
    For some reason, I got two bunnies. They always made huge messes, smelled bad, and never wanted to be petted. They would avoid me. Not the most fun idea of a pet, eh?
    Then I met a family that had a pet rat. The rat was actually pretty fun, it could go through mazes and be held and stuff. They're not all bad like some people think. (If you haven't given a rat a chance, why haven't you?) So of course I wanted one. In order to get the rat, I was told I had to get rid of my bunnies. Well, one of them died, so that simplified things.
    The other I gave away to some random person who said they wanted it.
    So I went to go pick out a rat. The worker-lady took off the rat-tank lid, put some food in, and let them eat while I watched. One rat in particular got trampled on his way to the food. I pitied the poor thing, and chose it.
    It was very calm and kind-looking. I picked it up, and cradled it.
    It wedged it's little nose into the crook of my elbow.
    And proceeded to try and ruin my jacket...
    At home with the rat, I was playing with it in my living room. Watching from outside, the 3 stray cats looked in through my window. Apparently, they were jealous that I let the rat in the house and not them.
    That was the last day I ever saw those cats.
    My rat lived to be 3 years old. He got fat, blind, and tried to eat my fingers as often as his food.
    If this story isn't depressing yet, you have no heart and only a black hole fills the void in your chest. I was left with no pets.
    Skipping forward a bit, an orange stray cat found my porch. I let my young nephew name it. What did he name it? Cattyjackers. >_<
    I left on a trip. I came back. Cattyjackers was nowhere to be found.
    Walking to the park one day, I saw my adopted stray cat in the window of some old ladies house. I knocked on the door, asked if she had found it recently, and she broke down and gave me (a very well thought-out) sob story about how Cattyjackers had been digging in her garbage for food when she found him on Christmas Eve. The old lady named "her" Angel...
    I tried to explain that Cattyjackers was a boy and had been left with plenty of food. I wanted my cat back.
    I also didn't want to take something from an old lady (even if it was mine), so I let her bribe me. She said I could pick from a truck-load of any cats that her friend would bring down from a farm. I could pick a blue cat, a green cat, a pink cat, a cat with wings... etc.
    Backing away from the old lady slowly, I said goodbye to another one of my pets.
    To be continued...
  3. Kraahlix
    Today, was an eventful day in the realm of BIONICLE podcasting.
    I recorded a show with the guys from iBZP as a guest-star, on their new show called "The Three Virtues." It's basically the same thing with some shifting in management and segments. And a new name. It was pretty fun, so I'll let you know when that episode goes live.
    On the BS01 side of things, we finally got our next show hosted - Q&A Session 1. Some other staff and I just kicked back and answered questions from our overflowing inbox and had a good time.
    Now it's full again. ;_;
    We'll record episode 8 this week.
    ~End podcast discussion~
    *Remembers one more thing*
    T3V and the BS01 Podcast plan to collaborate on an annual live podcasting event. Sound like a blast? Sounds like a blast! Guess where you can stay posted? Here! =D
    ~Really end podcast discussion for real~
    *Realizes that's all there is to talk about*
    Noooooooowait, sad news. Dorek was going to come to a concert with Kayru and I. Now he's not.
    But I will get to meet Kayru...
    Everyone meets Kayru. ;_;
    Just joking, Kayru. Super dooper looking forward to it! =D
  4. Kraahlix
    There will be new posts when each episode comes out, and probably a look at the behind the scenes production aspect of it ( I know right?), but for now I'd like to catch you up on all that's happened.
    We began podcasting in November of 2009, I believe. I started out on some wimpy host before I really understood about the bandwidth thing. We couldn't have gone on much longer, but Danwojo913 offered to host the files with his server. He also guest-starred on the second episode. Up until show number 6, we had a streak of a new podcaster each time. We also had a few other great guest-stars, namely Toaofcheese (Ep 4) and Binkmeister (Ep 5). While Kelly M. was with us, we conducted an interview, and released it as a separate download.
    Each show has rockin' intro music, news discussion, OGD highlights, (sometimes) a segment on sets, part in a series on the comics, topical discussion, and a Q&A session. We got so backed up on questions, that we decided to record an entire Q&A show. When was that? Well, not too long ago, but Bioran (our new host - KanohiJournal) still hasn't uploaded it. That's kinda what's keeping us delayed right now, by the way. The Q&A Session 1 was really fun to record, and with no strict schedule, we just relaxed and had a good time. It's definitely worth a listen once it comes out.
    So, if you're interested in the show and haven't subscribed already, you can find all the links you need on the left side of my blog. Big Kanohi. Can't miss it.
  5. Kraahlix
    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you; the one - the only -
    MYSELF >:B
    *thunderous applause ensueth*
    You probably either know me very well or don't recognize me. Chances are, since you're reading my blog, you know me well - and that would be from BS01. I am BS01 Staff member Kraahlix, so this blog will assuredly be plagued by the rants and whining documented experiences of... that.
    Enough said.
    On the BZP front, I'm one of those older members that was super active, then took a backseat. Lately though, I've been feeling drawn back into the community here, so I decided to become a premier member and get back into the swing of things. For starters, I plan on entering the S&T contest. I'm also a judge, and I need to go judge more entries.
    Sidenote; Say, there's a blog contest going on now, isn't there? Should I enter? Do I even stand one cotton-picking chance?
    /Sidenote; Another thing I'm going to be doing in the BZP community - guest starring on the iBZP podcast. Haven't really listened to the show, but I plan on making it awesome if it's not already. Be sure to check it out, I'll blog about it when it gets up. Recording on Sunday.
    And of course, speaking of podcasts, I'm the host of the BS01 Podcast. And I am every bit biased when I say that it's an outstanding show =) Click here for the info. But seriously, we've received nothing but praise for it, so if you're interested in a podcast where storyline fanatics (namely the BS01 staff) discussing all things BIONICLE, I think you will really enjoy it. There's also the topic you can check out here.
    This blog will serve as a sort of HQ for the podcast.
    What else will be on this blog? I've touched on a few things, but I also plan to write about... stuff. I dunno. What do you like to read about?
    Expect a bunch of random I guess. Not overboard random, just good random. A variety. Spice in your life. Mix it up a little already. Geez.
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