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Status Updates posted by Biomech

  1. Hey You, it's about Time for you to Speak to Me, I'm in a lot of Sorrow. And oh your shirt, you're Wearing the Inside Out. (Pink Floyd ftw!)

  2. hilaaaaarious

  3. His banners suck. I hate to be so blunt. ;)


  5. homg its ###burst =O

  6. homg look at my spinnehhh... I didn't even notice it. =O

  7. how do i kno ur not his sidekik =O

  8. How's Dumbledo-- oh wait he's dead... hmmm...

  9. How's it going maaan, it's been a while!

  10. hows da foot

  11. Hush little baby don't say a woooord, and never mind that noise you heeeard... Metallica woo.

  12. I -do- like the way he smells though. Kinda... orange-ish.

  13. I already played last night... I can't play everyday cuz of school work.

  14. I can't bare to look at you anymore...

  15. i cant tell if you're being sarcastic or not so... thanks? lolz

  16. I dunno if Treyarch will be as community involved as IW is...

  17. I find it tasteless as well. =/

  18. i find you atraktive :)

  19. i giv u 5 kthx

  20. I have my reasons. =)

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