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Status Updates posted by bonesiii

  1. Adv -- Probably depends on what the award would be. I'd like there to be more than one though.

  2. ah well, half the members mispell it anyway. XD

  3. Ah, the sweet smell of a correction:


    Haven't gotten to do one of those in a looooooong time. :)

  4. All contest questions will be answered eventually. :) Please PM me your question if you want a faster answer. Also, if you've already entered, don't worry, list will be updated eventually.

  5. All the art is done in powerpoint. The images are cropped (and in the old days, color modified) in a prog that came with an old scanner, Photoplus.

  6. Although not sure what the reward would be...

  7. And EW -- again, a who? Where are all these strange terms coming from...

  8. And I'd have to see my own wording -- I believe all I said was what Greg had told me once, which is accurate in its context. :P

  9. Aside from DRL tediousness for the moment I'm doing good. :) Nice to hear from you man.

  10. At the moment all I know is there's a lot of the language coming in the Prologue of Twisted Island, and I expect to launch that epic shortly after CoT is finished. :)

  11. Aw, so close to 42 and yet too far!

  12. Awesome sig. Always loved that scene. Desktopped it just now. :D

  13. Biobylan -- Thanks! But I must disagree -- Omi is cooler.


  14. Bionicle retelling is LAUNCHED! Enjoy! http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=12172

    1. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      Thank you so very much for making this!

  15. bones triple "i" :)

  16. Boy, I am late in here lol. @TL re: the theory... huh. I have no idea how I thought it was gone. @ Skully, Tyrant results are almost ready, but I'm very busy. @ CF, I say that sometimes to mean "In My Tastes", since IMO can mean two very different things and often causes arguments. See my blog entry "Can Opinions Be Wrong" for more. @ TL, thanks. :)

  17. But I like spam!


  18. Can you ask it in the blog comments so I can be wordy? :P

  19. choc -- I think I see what you meant -- that the farther you were from Earth the less "back in time" we're looking? Well, since time has a speed limit, things like quasars are so far away, the tiny difference between land and earth-orbit isn't even noticeable. The diff would be in split seconds compared to millions of years (note I'm not talking about evolution vs. creation sin

  20. Choclate -- yes, they would have an effect as well. By the way, the "somehow" is pretty simple -- it's like the swirling drain I mentioned. Anything floating in the water would surround the drain for a while rather than go right in. :)

  21. Cobui -- I never liked debate teams; the ones I had access to forced you to argue a position regardless of whether you believed it, plus I'm into typing, not talking. :P

  22. Cool -- Same to ye. :)

    Tibia - I couldn't think of anything clever.

  23. Darkspine -- You're quite welcome. Thanks for entering. :D

    TtW -- I like Bones Triple Eye. I have three eyes, after all. And it's pronounced the same way as the proper way. :P

    Levahk -- Length befits me. :P

    Skullinator is cool. Are we keeping track? *looksaround*

  24. Data loss fix updates: I saved things like the Greg Compendium and all posts and reviews in all my fanfics (there aren't many of them that were on this forum, though; I had yet to repost any from the old forum). I'll try to get all that stuff up in some form or another soon, but it'll have to be next week at the earliest. Retelling: 70 of the planned 90 chapters done! Voya Nui plot started.

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