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Status Updates posted by bonesiii

  1. I added pronunc. guide to blog main sidebar. :P

  2. I am a source of language.

  3. I am confused by your use of the word "Kumano". :P Did you mean "Kumao" (I think) or "Kuano" (I call)?

    "I (think?) I translated part of (the) speech of (the) Paracosmos into (the) speech of this universe. Is this speech translated to truth?"

    Is that what you meant to say? :P

  4. I am the Rank Explorer. :)

  5. I didn't name the polls, Zeddy. :P Probably Nuhrii did; he gave me the info. :)

  6. I don't have the slightest clue which topic that was in, A. :P Linky?

  7. I don't have time to reply to PMs right now, so probably not, Gakurak.

  8. I don't live on the uni. :P I commute; live at home with the folks.

  9. I don't see what Earth's atmosphere would have to do with quasars -- it's a gravitational effect. :) It is related to the event horizon, yes -- the visible orbiting debris is what is outside the e.h. Maybe you're thinking of land-based telescopes, but I am pretty sure it was Hubble and/or other satellites that do most of the photographing of quasars. So atmospheric distortion would

  10. I guess, GB. :P But as I said in replies in the blog, there's a difference between a tool like a gun and a programmed robot -- if it's programmed for good, it is (arguably) good. But gray areas there be.

  11. I have one eye for vision, primarily daylight. One eye for depth perception and night vision. And the eye of the mind to be able to discern truth. :)

  12. I think you're talking about the Voya Nui font, JMMB. Should be able to google it. :)


  14. I'd like to say yes, but unfortanately I AM too busy. :P

  15. I'll assume that was the neural collapse...

  16. I've just made a Bionicle storyline quiz using the new system -- check it out! http://www.bzpower.com/board/quiz/20-bionicle-storyline-guru-quiz-1/ If you're curious why the right and wrong answers are what they are, PM me the link to your results to prove you took it, and I'll forward you a list of explanations I wrote up. :)

  17. I've just posted a blog entry with more detailed updates about the progress of my retelling: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=39&showentry=128035

  18. If I talked to you in real life, I wouldn't say much anyways, cuz I hate talking. I prefer typing. :P

  19. Ikki -- No. Freakin'. Way. O_O

    I swear, I looked it up in the official topic before I typed that. Uh, yeah. Ever had one of those moments where you think you just passed into an alternate timeline? This is one. ()_o

  20. it would be okay". You have until midnight of next Tuesday (so a week) to edit it to fix this problem. :)

    Link to entry: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=316482&view=findpost&p=6649677

  21. It's a university. Although there are subdivisions called "colleges."

  22. It's on our restoration to-do list. Right now busy with real-life stuff. Probably what we'll do is finish touching up some stuff with the bonus battle and after-storyline-end content before we repost it.

  23. It's survUrlode but otherwise spelled right. :P

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