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Blog Entries posted by Shurtgal

  1. Shurtgal
    Went shopping today. Got some nice new clothes. Also my Woolworths has an Axalara T9 for about the equivilant of $55. So i'm wondering whether to get it. What doyou guys think?
  2. Shurtgal
    Cos my PMship runs out tomoz I've decided I'm gonna stay on BZP for 24 hours
    Cept when I have to get tea and stuff
    And I probs won't make it but hey, who cares =3
  3. Shurtgal
    Lets see if they notice
    Bfahome posts wayyyy too many blogs per day
    There should be law against it
    And cholie
    is it just me or do you comment blogs
  4. Shurtgal
    Well todat i went out and got th rest of the 2008 bionicles. Well most of them so now i have all 6 phantoka and toa Ignika. i also got Karnarzhi as he was only £15. So thats it, until next time
  5. Shurtgal

    For all of the 3 people that will read this welcome to my Blog where i will ramble on about many things from the (un)significant events of my life to ummmm..... Yep see I'm already out of words .
    Well I have decided to get Premier Membership, had to pursuade my parents that it was a good thing but i finally got it. Only took me a year:D. Umm that was about the only exciting thing that happened to me today apart from the fact that i went to work and didn't get shouted at . Amazing. Well thats this entry over.

    Until next time,
  6. Shurtgal
    Life isn't fair.
    And I don't get why some of the nicest people I know have to put up with so much ###### in their lives.
    Because it certianly isn't fair
  7. Shurtgal
    I'm not a perfect person
    There's many things I wish I didn't do
    But I continue learning
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know
    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is you
    I'm sorry that I hurt you
    It's something I must live with everyday
    And all the pain I put you through
    I wish that I could take it all away
    And be the one who catches all your tears
    Thats why I need you to hear
    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is You [x4]
    I'm not a perfect person
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know
    I've found a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    and the reason is you
    I've found a reason to show
    A side of me you didn't know
    A reason for all that I do
    And the reason is you
  8. Shurtgal
    Well, Christmas is over , though we always have next year
    Didn't get any bionicles, though that's not too bad, since I have most of the ones I want
    Also, looked at S@H on Lego. Am actually sad now, as the people living in the UK have a price increase
    Stupid lego, although we have been on the same price for about 4 years now
  9. Shurtgal
    Well, I decided to take a break without telling you guys
    Lots of things have been happening and stuff.
    Anyways I'm back now, though i'll probably be posting less often :/
  10. Shurtgal
    I'm going to France on Sunday
    Won't be back till september 1st
    I'm gonna miss this place
    And 14 hours to go
    Like I said, gonna be a long night....
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