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Satogo: Toa of Steelers

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Blog Entries posted by Satogo: Toa of Steelers

  1. Satogo: Toa of Steelers
    Saw the transformers movie last sunday! IT was totally sweet! Normally I don't like the cartoon series, but that was awesome!!!! Secret government branches, hot cars, military action, and fast jets! You cannot tell me that the new Camaro that Bumblebee transforms into is not totally awesome. I know there's gonna be a sequel because Starscream the Decepticon (badguy) got away. Speaking of sequels, who likes National Treasure! There's gonna be a sequel to that, too.
    So long!
  2. Satogo: Toa of Steelers
    I haven't said anything, but I FINISHED HARRY POTTER NUMBER 7!! And in only four days after its release! Don't read the spoiler if you haven't finished it yet!
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The ending was awesome! I can't believe Harry was a Horcrux! And that he got killed but came back! VOLDEMORT DIED! YESSS! YESSS! Tonks, Lupin, Mad-eye, Hedwig, Fred Weasley, they're all dead. :( WHY?! WHY?! *sob sob sob*. *Sniff* OK, enough crying *sniffle*.
  3. Satogo: Toa of Steelers
    Ok, I gots to tell you about 2 awesome things. First, the MNOG-Style Character Creation Kit. It allows you to create your own MNOG characters in the style of the Mnog Animation. That's how my av was made. Secondly, there's Takuma Nuva's Comic's, the most awesomest comics around. Takuma Nuva takes some of his own characters, along with guest stars from people who apply, and creates hilarious comics. And the best part is that Takuma Nuva uses the Mnog-Style Character Creation kit for his characters. You should really check them both out. The kit's in Artwork II, and the Comic's are in Artwork III.
    That's all for now,
  4. Satogo: Toa of Steelers
    Ok, lets get this show on the road.
    Who got HP and the Deathly Hallows??? I am on chapter 15 and it is Awesome!!! However will they destroy that locket? No posting spoilers, or I wil hunt u down and gut u like a fish!
    Who likes alternative music!? I love the canadian band BNL! I would tell you the real name of the band but I would then risk getting kicked out of BZP. So lets just go with the acronym. My favorite songs would have to be Alternative Girlfriend, Pinch Me, Shoebox, It's Only Me (The Wizard Of Magicland), What A Good Boy, It's All Been Done, Falling For the First Time, Brian Wilson, Get In Line, and If I Had $1,000,000.
    Who has a sicknasty cell phone? Mine is an LG VX9400. I'll show you a pic of what i looks like.

    Cool, huh? It's got a camera, Vcast, and alot of other things, too.
    Well, that's all for now. I gotta go read Harry Potter.
    P.S. A line of Viktor Krum's: Vot is the point of being an international Quidditch player if all the good-looking girls are taken?
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