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Status Updates posted by Fighty

  1. I hope the name was a joke.

  2. I implore thee henceforth to halt thy commencing to be funky.

  3. I knew I missed something.

    Oh well.

    *virtual present*

  4. I will now grace you with the presence of a superior mind.

  5. I'll have to think on that one.

  6. I'm a drifter. I'm here today, gone tomorrow.

  7. If I didn't make myself clear enough, that was sarcasm - to some people its a sign of wit, to me its a passion.

  8. If you ain't outta control, then you ain't in control.

  9. It appears thou has not been replying to the comments of avid fans of the great Nikira, Nikira. Congrats on being a Premier Outstanding BZP Citzen. Not much else to say, the winds of boredom are coming my way, now I must depart, to read a topic of your art!

  10. It's hard to read your banner without feeling a swell of pity.

  11. It's in Season 4 when they're filming the commercial for Dunder Mifflin.

  12. itz an incurable disease

  13. Jack Bauer? He's from a TV Show called 24. One of my faves.

  14. Kabs: Well, you didn't HAVE to agree XP

    Zonis: Oh, that makes me feel real special XD

    creotoa: I know, I know, I'll get to it... next week.

  15. let's bash out a brain pinata's brains

  16. Love you too, man.


  17. lulz i flamd the admns and got spamzrd-band - now i shoopdawoop!

  18. me too

    what a coincedence

    we both have haru's spleen.

    but my haru's spleen is bigger.


  20. Never mind. We'd probably get into a flame-fight if I told you. You can probably guess.

  21. Nice memory, dude. I'm Fightman. I was expecting you to forget. =P

  22. Nice OP teaser in your sig.

  23. no wai

    me too

  24. Not for long, though, I'm afraid. I'm intending on leaving again, soon.

  25. Oh ######. Sorry, CMS, BZP automatically replaced my letters with asterisks. I did not call you anything really bad, trust me.

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