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The Mugbearer

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Posts posted by The Mugbearer

  1. 47479207042_92dcca1576_h.jpg

    Roodaka (Bionicle) by Artemiy Karpinskiy, on Flickr


    "Always remember this, little hordeling... though I am not a Visorak, I too can weave a web."
    — Roodaka to a Boggarak, Shadow Play


    Roodaka was a treacherous female Vortixx in Bionicle canon, who worked a double agent for both Brotherhood of Makuta and the Dark Hunters, was a key figure in one of the major story arcs, and a generally unpleasant villain to deal with.

    Inspired by Demitsorou's design.

    • Upvote 4
  2. 32317297737_7805b87387_h.jpg


    This is Samus Aran, a famous bounty hunter and the main protagonist of the Metroid game series.

    Made as a very belated b-day gift for a good friend.

    The model itself took me 3 hours, the render took another 3, and I am p sure all of Photoshop shenanigans took me 3 more, so it's 9 in total!

    Made with Lego Digital Designer. Rendered in POV-Ray. Post-processed in Adobe Photoshop.

    • Upvote 4
  3. I love the fact that you gave him edited-on eyes! You've successfully escaped one of the biggest limitations in LDD- the lack of appropriate decals for things like eyes or tiny facial details. The hands are really creative, too. And I also really dig how you did the hemmed boots (I don't know what else to call them).


    Very solid build and shaping as usual. Great stuff

    Thank you! That's the biggest challenge to me: how to add more details to parts that don't have their own designated decals/stickers/whatnot? I think that I am getting the hang of it to be honest.


    Pretty sure the hemmed boots are not it, but thank you anyway!

  4. Listening to critique rather than dismissing or deleting it is important, but sometimes it feels like too many in the community don't realize that...

    Sometimes it feels like too many in the community think that them giving critique is warranted and necessary. :) But that's okay! As long as we are nice to each other, we can get along.

  5. 47200431251_4b3b1406a9_b.jpg


    Ironclad is a playable character in a card-based dungeon crawling roguelike game called Slay The Spire.

    Ironclad used to be a soldier, but sold their soul to the demons to obtain their power to scale the Spire and slay its heart.

    Made with Lego Digital Designer. Rendered in POV-Ray. Post-processed in Adobe Photoshop.

    The design process for the model can be seen here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/385969225

    • Upvote 4
  6. I have to say, I'm always impressed by how you are able to recreate certain Bionicle parts that are simply not available in LDD. Are you planning to eventually try recreating some other series of G1 sets, like the Toa Mata/Nuva, or the Toa Inika/Mahri, or the Piraka? (I imagine that last one could be quite challenging)

    Thank you!


    I can't say for certain. Eventually, everything is possible. The Piraka can be a challenge, but I already built a Skakdi MOC so it's not like I can't do it. It's more of the case of me having time (I have plenty), energy (I don't have a lot of it at any given time) or motivation (see energy). So yeah, maybe someday!


    But you know what? I actually did Toa Nuva! Or, rather, the Phantoka.

  7. Oh WOW these are so cool. I particularly love the way you've built the heads mostly out of system pieces; capturing the look and aesthetic of the Vahki perfectly without needing any of the big specialised parts that the sets so relied upon. The attention to detail on the various staves, too, is spectacular...

    Thank you! I somewhat pride myself on my brick-build Bionicle designs! You can see it in another of my recent threads here, The Toa Hagah.

  8. Now that is really amazing! Man, it must've taken you forever to make these. These are totally awesome, I love everything about 'em.


    I am extremely impressed. Those brick-built staves are absolutely perfect, and the vahki bodies themselves capture the movie appearance perfectly. I love how posable they are without sacrificing aesthetics for it. I'd love to give you constructive criticism, but I have none. With my current mind, I view the actual Vahki sets as pretty lackluster, but I remember the anticipation I had for them as a lad and these pictures bring back a sense of that innocent wonder when they were first revealed way back when.



    Thank you guys!


    @Pohatutron, I am glad I made you feel that way. I really wanted to capture the feel of the old Vahki animations. It's ok that you can't provide any criticism! Thank you for your feedback anyway! <3

  9. Vahki were the mechanical law enforcers designed by Nuparu that kept order in the more dystopian times in the city of Metru Nui.



    Making Onu-Metru their home and the Great Archives their domain, Rorzakhs used their Staves of Presence to spy on the Matoran suspects, routing out illegal trade hubs and Matoran Underworld hideouts.



    Stalking the ramparts and scaffolds of ta-Metru, Nuurakhs used their Staves of Command, forcing the Ta-Matoran to turn their undivided attention to the work at hand, sometimes to the point of complete exhaustion.



    Overseeing the district from the rooftops of the crystalline spires of Ko-Metru, the Keerakhs ensured peace by using their Staves of Confusion, making any troublemakers lose their sense of time and space long enough for Vahki to apprehend them.



    Stalking the canals of Ga-Metru, the Bordakhs used their Staves of Loyalty to make the Matoran delinquents willingly hand over their accomplices and reveal the locations of hidden Matoran Underworld hideouts.



    Stomping the badlands of Po-Metru, the Zadakhs employed their Staves of Suggestion to soften up the minds of even the most rock-hard stubborn Po-Matoran.



    Watching over the hubs of Le-Metru, Vorzakhs possessed Staves of Erasing. Considered the most terrifying of all Vahki Staff powers, Staff of Erasing was capable of temporarily stripping the target of any higher mental functioning, leaving them shambling along the streets of Le-Metru without a thought or reason.


    This was a huge undertaking. It took me a lot of time, energy and motivation to not only put the staves together, but also pose the models in an appealing way, as well as create interesting backgrounds/scenes to put them in.


    For me as a content creator this set of models is a bit of a milestone as I have started to employ heavily the vector graphics using Adobe Photoshop. Vectors are hella fun but also a handful! I am glad I am doing them though.


    With some of those I struggled a lot, and in these moments I received help from my spouse Demitsorou who is an amazing artist and you totally should check them out.


    I've no idea where to go from here, but I guess up is a good direction?..


    Anyway, thank you for reading this and checking out my newest creations. <3

    • Upvote 9
  10. These are beautiful! I'm impressed with how unique each build is. I love Demitsorou's work, I'm glad to see some MOCs based on it.I am particularly impressed by the chests. The Bohrok shield -> Demitosrou art -> LDD MOC transition is a thing of beauty. Gaaki's stands out for its asymmetry, but Kualus's is my favorite, for its subtle angles.

    Thanks a lot! I often use Demi's art as an inspiration! Their overall aesthetic and style matches my own, which is always a huge plus. I am really proud of how the Hagah turned out to be, especially their chest pieces and staves.
  11. The Hagah were an elite group of Toa assigned to Makuta Teridax. When his betrayal was uncovered, the six went rogue. All of them, except for Norik and Iruini, were captured and mutated by Roodaka into Rahagah. Norik and Iruini lasted a little longer before surrendering to the Vortixx and succumbing to her powers.


    The following designs are based off Demitsorou's drawings, particularly this Toa Hagah lineup.



    Norik, a Toa of Fire, was the leader of the Toa Hagah, Possessing infinite patience, unusual for a Toa of Fire, Norik was an exemplary leader and a hero. He wears the Great Kanohi Pehkui, Mask of Diminishment.




    Bomonga, a Toa of Earth, was the deputy leader of the Toa Hagah. He used to be a quiet type, preferring to work alone and employing stealth tactics. Despite that, got famous for wrangling a Tahtorak Dragon by using his Mask Power to become as large as the beast itself. Bomonga wears the Great Mask of Growth, shaped after Great Kanohi Hau.




    Iruini, a Toa of Air, may seem grim and even cynical, but deep inside he cares a great deal about his teammates. He used to be the only Toa Hagah to ever raise a concern over Rahi, showing his devotion to the safety of the Matoran. Iruini wears the Great Kanohi Kualsi, Mask of Quick Travel.



    Kualus, a Toa of Ice. Always eloquent and classy, even as mutated Rahagah, Kualus enjoyed the company of avian Rahi. He wears the Great Kanohi Mask of Rahi Control shaped after Great Rau.



    Gaaki, a Toa of Water, wears a Great Mask of Clairvoyance, shaped after Noble Kanohi Ruru. The mask has an unfortunate habit of activating on its own and impose great stress on its wielder, which made Teridax’s betrayal all that much painful for Toa Gaaki.



    Pouks, a Toa of Stone. He’s loud and boisterous and believes in direct approaches in everything, which makes him come off as brutally honest at times. Pouks wears the Great Mask of Emulation, shaped after Great Kanohi Elda.


    All models are made in Lego Digital Designer, rendered in POV-Ray and post-processed in Adobe Photoshop.

    • Upvote 4
  12. "Menő" is Hungarian slang for cool, and I must say it definitely fits these builds. Your custom heads continue to impress!



    Interesting! I didn't know that!

    When me and Demi were creating the team, I went and asked Tolkien/Outofgloom to come up with the cardinal direction names in Matoran Language that he's developed.

    His suggestion was "Meno" for north, and that's what we went with.


    Thank you!

  13. 42272906055_0daa6357ac_b.jpg


    Toa Meno are the protectors of the Northern Continent, brought together in a dire hour by the Great Spirit himself.




    Saukavi is the Toa of Ice and leader of the Team. He used to be an artistic ice carver living by the river. However, a vicious attack by the deranged being Havoc have left no ice block standing from his village. Miraculously saved by Toa Krakua, Saukavi and his fellow Ko-matoran were delivered to the doors of the Peaceful Thought Abbey led by wise Turaga Krosis. With Krakua's help, the Abbot was convinced to have the villagers taken care off while Havoc is still at large. Saukavi's Mask is Great Kanohi Kiril, Mask of Regeneration. His Toa Tools used to be his ice-cutting tools, an Ice Hook and a Saw Blade.




    Eshelzo (an OC of my spouse Demi) is a Toa of Sonics who used to be a Grey Monk in one of monasteries dotting the Northern Continent. But one day Havoc came and crushed the monastery along with all of its inhabitants. Left to be a sole survivor, guilt-ridden and frightened for his life, Eshelzo was discovered by Toa Krakua and delivered to the Abbey of Peaceful Thought where Ko-matoran Saukavi took responsibility of caring for him. Eshelzo's Mask is Great Kanohi Avoku, the Mask of Suspension. His Toa Tools are two Bell Hammers.




    Tamora is a Toa of Kinetics, a member of a very rare Elemental Tribe that lives in several isolated villages in hard-to-reach corners of the Matoran Universe. Toa Krakua found them in his search to stop Havoc from sewing destruction on the Northern Continent, following the Prophecy devised by Nuju Metru himself. Tamora was always special, dubbed Tumbleweed by their fellow Ki-Matoran for always following the winds of change, so when Krakua showed up in their village, it was clear as day that he'd leave with Tamora by his side. Tamora's Mask is Great Kanohi Garai, Mask of Gravity. Their Toa Tool is a Telescopic Staff, transformed from their stylus.


    The three met in the Abbey of the Peaceful Thought, and it's there that they have become the Toa Meno, transformed by a Suva built by Turaga Krosis in the time before Time.

    The newly formed Toa Team, with some help, have defeated Havoc and imprisoned him. During the battle they have attained their true Unity by fusing into a majestic Toa Kaita of Peace, Arkoa the Peacemaker.

    One of the recurring features among all three of the Meno, is the lens eyepieces embedded in their Masks.

    - - -

    The models were created as part of the commission by my friend Nat.


    The Toa Meno designs are based on drawings by Demitsorou

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  14. 42079608725_5a9a8747f2_h.jpg

    Xenia by Artemiy Karpinskiy, on Flickr


    Xenia here is an albino matoran OC belonging to my good friend Zippy​.
    She’s in charge of a small island in the Southern Chains known as Woomera, where one of rare Energized Protodermis pools is situated. As such, the island was target for many powerful groups and individuals in the past. The Woomerans are the toughest, most hard-boiled Matoran in the universe, and fight off these threats without need of a Toa or any of the taller races.

    When Makuta Miserix was assigning his brothers and sisters to different regions of the Matoran Universe, he have sent Makuta Andrax, literally the worst candidate for the job, to oversee the Woomera island.

    At first Xenia stuck with him to protect from the dangers of the island, reasoning that if this guy accidentally dies the Woomera will get razed by Brotherhood’s armies, but in time she grew attached to the big oaf.

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  15. 29FsYSc.jpg B4pbqpz.jpg


    Those two are twins, indistinguishable from each other on the first glance. You can discern them by their eyes and heartlights, as well as their polar opposite demeanors, with one being collected and serious, and the other jovial and playful. They both serve Makuta Phobrahk.


    Adhara, Isida and Phobrak are the OCs of my good friend Gunmetalgold.

    • Upvote 4
  16. 41331319751_dd85d0c563_b.jpg

    The Doom Slayer (DOOM) by Artemiy Karpinskiy, on Flickr


    In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of ###### and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him… the Doom Slayer.


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