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Grey Snow

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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    I've grown bored, so I made these backgrounds and banner for the show out of boredom:







    The last one is my current desktop background. And now the banner I'm using on another site, too large to use here:

    Every desktop is from my Deviantart which can be found in my profile (the "my website" link) and it contains "Gekifury" and "Portal" fanfics which differ a bit from those I posted here.
  2. Grey Snow
    Yes, stop PMing him for like a week and let him get caught up with the PMs. Only those desperate would probably choose not to adhere to this, those foolish who are completely dependent on Greg's answers and selfish, those who don't want every question they have to go unanswered. So stop PMing him! He's only human as well! He needs a break!
    And also, if I must, I'll PM Black Six or E.T. and ask them to step in, like shut down our PMing of him, like maybe make it show us his inbox is full or something to stop our PMs from going through.
  3. Grey Snow
    For the first time in a long time I'm Mocing again. I have one built, Toa Tuyet with only Takadox, Gadunka and Hahli feet, head and mask parts. I had a Twilight Taka but got pictures and took it apart. I now know that I had the element limbs backwards, so that's a problem, but I'll explain that when I post it. I'm also working on some Phantoka MOC's. Vehicles for the Toa and possibly Matoran. Like Kopaka's which I'm working on now, is a stealth bomber. Lewa's will be like a hoverbike sort of vehicle and Pohatu's will probably be a helicopter.
    I've only started the base of Kopaka's out of Sea Sled, Exo-Toa and MoMN parts and I'll probably need more, but I'll update as I get farther.
  4. Grey Snow
    Well, the reason I'm calling writers here, good Bionicle writers that is, is because I have a great, epic idea for the epics forum.
    I'll soon be starting an epic called Legacies of the Final Battle, an 08 epic in my own way, so I got to thinking, that would be great to rewrite every year.
    Something I'd call Project: Legends of BIONICLE
    So, if you're interested, let me know for writing a year of the story in an epic, adding whatever you want (side stories, etc.). Here's a list of the years:
    01: Quest for the Masks
    02: Bohrok Swarms
    03: Bohrok Kal/Mask of Light
    04: Legends of Metru Nui
    05: Web of Shadows
    06: Island of Doom
    07: Creeps of the Deep
    08: The Final Battle (mine)
    Also, anyone think this is a good quote? I came up with it for the 08 epic I'm doing:
    “Toa, you are truly an eternal anachronism. You fight for justice, but what truly is justice? Is it only in your eyes, or in every eye, good and evil?” --Antroz
    Any thoughts on that quote?
    That is all.
  5. Grey Snow
    So, going through channels today, saw the Valentine's Day Spongebob where he gets a giant valentine for Patrick. So, I watch a few minutes as it goes to commercial...and...it's Nick's "Secret Crush" weekend, or something like that.
    The obvious answer?
    They openly admit the relationship of Spongebob and Patrick? I certainly think they admitted it today...
  6. Grey Snow
    I have finally named the full version of my short story, Double. As you can probably see, it keeps the "Double" title, but expands on it more, to show what the epic is about.
    It's a unique epic for me to write, to feature crime as the main purpose. A typical arc involves some form of crime taking place, and the investigation into it. That, as well as the "double" which is the meaning of the title. The power that Linke and Recht have through the Duos Stones, to merge into one single Toa and do battle (though combat chapters are actually rare. Most chapters focus on crime, as opposed to fusion combat).
    Some basic updates that I'll share right now:

    I will begin posting it as soon as a few things get run through C.I.R.C.L.E. and hopefully, approved. If not, I'll have to rewrite chapters or revise articles to try to get it to work in the C.I.R.C.L.E. universe. The main protagonist is Linke. The character of Recht has his starring moments, but Linke is the main star of the epic. Each chapter is titled without "chapter", but rather, "Day". The short story is actually going to be reposted and titled "Day One". The second chapter takes place the next day, and takes on the title "Day Two", and so on. Days will skip around, to pass time on Doppel Nui and the storyline. At the moment, I predict 40 chapters spanning 100 days. I believe I'm on Day Seventeen right now, which is about the tenth chapter. There will be a small, side epic, composed of approximately five to seven chapters. This will be fundamental to understanding the entire storyline behind Double, but not a mandatory read. It's the origin story that we briefly glimpsed at the start of Day One, showing us how Linke and Recht became a team, got a hold of the Duos Stones, and arrived at Doppel Nui. As seen in "Day One", we meet Gahla, and her unnamed partner-named Derr (thanks to Toa Ausar for that name). I confirm that they make up half of the initial main cast of characters (Linke and Recht, of course, being the other half). As we go on, we will meet more characters who will join the main cast. This, however, will be sporadic and no characters are safe (a practice I started in Bara Magna Chronicles).  
    And that's about it.
  7. Grey Snow
    As of yesterday, I've begun the process of creating a new epic for the C.I.R.C.L.E. canon.
    I've MOCed the main Toa characters and their starting arsenal thus far. As soon as I get some stuff run through C.I.R.C.L.E. for voting, I can begin the process of actually getting things started for writing, since it hinges on one article getting through.
    So far, I'm probably setting it 998 or 999 A.G.C., keeping it roughly in "Double"'s time period, not that there will be any interactions. Thus far, I have yet to name my characters, but I did pick out elements for them. I wanted to keep less common elements in main positions, such as, "Energy", "Technology", and "Spirits", with really only one of the real elements from the main canon in the epic in a position of importance.
    Thus far, what I have is:
    Island: Angelus Nui
    Phrase incorporated with the epic (underneath the title, and in chapter previews): "Ascend from the depths of the pain of memories!"
  8. Grey Snow
    You can use this page to suggest new enemies if you want, and I will also use it to post enemies that will be faced.
    The main enemy:
    Dark Ninja:

    Spider Spirit:

    Vulture Spirit:

    Ram Spirit:

    (the front one)
    Squid Spirit:

    Crow Spirit:

    Crustation Spirit:

    Fish Spirit:

    Bee Spirit:

    And that's it for now.
  9. Grey Snow
    At the suggestion of a member and myself I'm hosting a Karzahni Pre-Pit MoCing contest here. Post your MoC's in the BBC and give me the links. Later I'll have members vote on their favorite MoC and the winner will have the honor of having the best Karzahni MoC based on the member's opinions.
    One MoC of Karzahni and at least two of his Matoran, make them look as you want, damaged, enhanced like the Voya-Toran, etc.
    Post it in BBC with a link to this blog in the initial post and say its for this.
    Since he can rebuild himself, it doesn't have to be black and gold, it can be any color really, like it showed in the Atlas.
    If you use a mask like a Hau, and just that, you will probably be told to fix it, but Kongu Inika's mask is fine as a stand alone mask because of how it looks.
    PM me the links to the MoC's so I can post them.
    Important: Mocers can vote, but not for themselves.
    In the blog, say who you vote for and I'll keep track of it, if you edit your post to change your answer, your vote will be void.
    Winner will have the honor of having the best Karzahni Pre-Pit MoC, and maybe I'll host more contests, like Barraki Pre-Pit.
    Deadline is 11-25-07, or maybe prior if I decide.
  10. Grey Snow
    Go here.
    I said yes since I myself will use religion as an aspect in one of my epics. Faith or religion can be a powerful thing, a powerful tool, a motivator, anything. And I found the perfect way to bring it into play in an epic.
  11. Grey Snow
    Well, round one is about to begin, on the third to be exact, but I wanted this up already. The entries will be posted shortly.
    Let voing begin.
    Prize: First prize picture will be put in my blog, as a single image, I won't put it in a grouping, like what I have on the sides, so I'll recognize the winner here, and all winners in later contests.
    Scorpion Kings
    Elemental Rahaga's
    More to come, maybe.
  12. Grey Snow
    1. Do you prefer simply "Chapter 1"
    2. "Chapter 1: Rise of the Toa"
    3. "Chapter 1: The Toa---A New Enemy Rises!"
    4. "Round 1: A Battle in Vulcanus---Defeat the Mighty Skrall!"
    So simply, what would you prefer for a chapter name? Something simple, like the first two, or something more like you may see in, as someone has told me in the past, Naruto (I actually got the idea from Gundam SEED), such as the 3rd or 4th option? The 4th is really just another idea (one I'm using in my Bara Magna epic), changing "Chapter" to something more befitting of the epic or what its about.
    So, out of curiosity, what do you prefer?
  13. Grey Snow
    Update 1:
    The Bara Magna Chronicles. As of Saturday, 10/3/09, it is done. All 70 chapters, 280 pages, are complete. A 2010 installment will follow upon first leaks, writing shall begin. New MOCs for it are also coming, and one of my best in a long time is one of them.
    Update 2:
    Kamen Rider Avon. As of tonight, I have more or less, fully established the Super Mode of the main Rider, Avon. Also, I have, more or less, fully established every Rider, including creating a new Rider for it, as opposed to the original idea of the set number. There is now another involved. A picture of Avon is being worked on by a friend of mine from Deviantart, and shall be posted upon completion as a preview.
    Future work:
    I shall soon begin the second part of the Kingdoms of Nightmare, hopefully I'll finish in about a month, depending on how my writing schedule goes, still working on it. And the third season of Oban Star Racers should follow shortly after, but again, depends on my writing schedule. Come to think of it, I didn't even post season 2 here. I'll have to get on that soon.
    Also...new name may be coming. I'm thinking "Sir Koji: White Knight".
  14. Grey Snow
    To anyone who has read/is reading the Bara Magna Chronicles, some new information as of tonight:
    1. 40 chapters is the 2010 storyline. I am on, I believe, the 16th chapter as of today.
    2. The chapters, instead of continuing "Round" is going to change, showing the change in storyline. It becomes "Sermon".
    3. At the least, two short stories will be written and posted as companion storylines to go with the 40 chapters. One is instrumental in bridging the gap between the chapter I wrote yesterday, and the storyline that continues into today's chapter that I'm writing, and beyond to the final chapter. The other is just to bring some characterization that I want to get inside, but hadn't the room to put into actual chapters.
    4. MOCs of most characters were done, and now, the only "unseen" characters will be Certavus and the Lords. Certavus is not the official image in real canon, but when we see the Lords, they will be, most likely. The Sisters of the Skrall will be drawn, not MOCed, most likely.
    That's about it.
  15. Grey Snow
    I decided upon possibly writing a series of short stories for the C.I.R.C.L.E. canon. Due to writing the crime basis of the Double epics (namely Crime and the City and The Final Game, the former to a greater extent), I might write a series of short stories based on the other side of crime.
    Create a new island full of laws and codes, and have Matoran and Turaga lawyers, for use on islands such as Doppel Nui and anywhere else requiring law to be carried out. I'd have to figure out how it would be carried out exactly, but it is a possibility I am definitely keeping open.
  16. Grey Snow
    So, I was looking for a Latin name to use for my Bara Magna Chronicles. Turns out that "frost" in Latin is "Gelu".
    Interesting, since apparently Malum means "evil" or something of the sort as well.
  17. Grey Snow
    Seriously, what if Tahu wasn't the leader of the Mata, but someone we've never heard of was? Like if Artakha originally was building someone else, but failed and built Tahu instead, and Tahu became leader by default, being built after the failure?
    Oh, and the leader would later return from being repaired in an alternate dimension, and the leader would be female...
    Yeah, I like that idea.
    Oh, and I got the STARS, all of them instead of just Tahu. Hands are great pieces, really helped with MOCs for a future epic.
  18. Grey Snow
    To all of my fans of the epic "Lightstone", I pose this question.
    Should I make a second epic? Sure, the characters are appearing in the Kingdoms of Nightmare Trilogy, but, should I make another Lightstone epic that coincides with KoN?
    For those of you who don't know what Lightstone is, it's an epic involving Matoro after his death. He was revived by unknown means-well, he's not truly living. He's just...there. He can't die. He can be destroyed, but technically he can't "die". Matoro is thrust into leadership of an elite team by the Order of Mata Nui as they enter the Destiny War.
    The Lightstone unit (a name that Matoro decided on) is led by Matoro, with disowned Order members named Introk and Torshia, and two Toa, a Toa of Water named Rhylm and Earth named Orwik.
    For more information on the first ten or so chapters, go here. It's likely not going to be updated since I rarely go to BS01 anymore.
    The team's goal is to protect the Matoran from any threats, native or alien. This has taken them all across the Matoran Universe, battling many forces. From mutated Rahi to dangerous beasts from the Void-a dimension opposite the Matoran Universe in essence, a real of darkness in a way. They fight and win on behalf of the Matoran Universe.
    They have been joined by others, including the Memory Changer from the Void, named Shkorl, and Hahli Mahri, with the rest of the Toa Mahri during the final two chapters of Part 2 (chapters 11-20). Also, with the beastly Klofn, the manipulating Wesker and others, including two of their ultimate enemies, the Phantorians.
    Lightstone is "Outside the Order, above the Toa. Arming the Matoran race against the future. Now is when everything changes, and Lightstone is ready."
    Members have had terrible lives in the past, mainly slaughter of someone or some people near to them.
    All five members have died at least once. Matoro, of course has died. The other four members died against their first major enemy's life stealing ability, but were revived later on, upon its death, rending Matoro into a coma.
    The only other death in the team had been Orwik. He was killed by a scientist, but revived for a brief minute to give the team a goodbye. He didn't die again, he stayed in a living death state.
    Lightstone has worked alongside the Resistance in a post apocalyptic future ruled by the Toa Nuva in the Kingdoms of Nightmare Trilogy's first epic.
    Now, I need to know what to do with them. Should they just continue on as more minor characters, or, should they be in the spotlight once more, in their own new epic?
  19. Grey Snow
    I have a new Oban Star Racers Season 2 epic coming soon, I finally started today and it should be good. I had an old one that I won't finish posting likely, I'll post it elsewhere, somewhere else with forums, but Shadows of Destiny will continue at some point for a few chapters at least, likely, but I lost about five chapters I won't post since I won't rewrite them, but A New Enemy will be more original than Shadows was, keeping the same characters, some of the same events (Luna's for instance), and I think that's all I have to update with.
  20. Grey Snow
    Anyone who's seen Kamen Rider W will know why I changed my name, avatar, and personal image to Kirihiko Sudo (Sonozaki)/Nazca Dopant. Because he's awesome.
    Any other questions?
  21. Grey Snow
    Ok, I have a human BIONICLE epic I'm working on, and I need a name for it. These are what I have:
    *Zero Chronicle
    Well, that's it. Any other ideas, or which do you prefer? It'll be a reboot of 01 with human characters essentially.
  22. Grey Snow
    Two reasons to watch Decade, despite only seeing Ryuuki.
    1. Diend
    2. The Shinkenger team up.
    Diend wins this, despite Shinkenger being amazing.
    Diend is just that awesome.
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