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Grey Snow

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    Ok, Greg said that the traitor from the first comic-to be revealed in the movie-should be a surprise. So, who better than Raanu?
    It was a small being it seems, so it should be Agori or Bone Hunter, but I'm guessing Raanu.
    Who knows, what we know of Raanu may be only the tip of the iceberg. Maybe he has an evil side to him...
    And no, this isn't a joke assumption or anything. I really am assuming Raanu.
  2. Grey Snow
    Power Rangers RPM, the final season, at least, the final live action season (it could go animated. If it did, I think suicide rates would increase).
    This is an amazing attempt at a final season, post apocalyptic warfare against a new Machine Empire (since we all think it's Forever Red's General Venjix and since the Grinders move and look like Cogs). Yes, this is truly an epic season, and a truly amazing last stand.
    Yes RPM, your best, for the 17 year long series is its best. I applaud you.
  3. Grey Snow
    Apparently the RPM leaked demos were right "This is the last stand, for humanity, Power Rangers RPM..." or "This is the last stand, and we'll do our best..."
  4. Grey Snow
    I didn't even realize it.
    I can't believe I've been here for two years, I was too focused on Power Rangers RPM premiering next week to realize when I joined .
    Man, time has gone fast...
  5. Grey Snow
    Just finished Code Geass R2, and I must say. Amazing. Anyway, anyone who has seen it, Lelouch's "death" is obviously a masquerade. The creators may list him as dead, but if that's true, they did a bad job of representing it.
    1. Nunnally saw his memories when she touched him, indication of Code, like how Lelouch touched CC earlier.
    2. CC is talking to someone at the end of the episode, and as we've seen, she talked to Marriane, but she wasn't really dead. So, no indication she can speak to the dead, ie. the cart driver is Lelouch.
    3. Who wears that much clothing? I mean, even to protect you from the sun? That's overboard. Yes, I am speaking of the cart driver once more. Hiding his identity? Likely.
    Anyway, argue with that if you think he is dead. If not, help strengthen this argument for anyone who tries to argue that he is dead.
  6. Grey Snow
    For my epic "Bara Magna Chronicles". I wanted to know if anyone liked this idea for naming chapters, or liked the names of the chapters I have chosen:
    Round 1: Across the Wastes—Defeat Fero!
    Round 2: Vulcanus Arena—Defeat the Mighty Skrall!
    Round 3: The Expanse Wastes—The Fiery Malum!
    And for the end of the epic, 09's end, despite if this happens in story or not
    Round ?: The Forgotten Tournament—The Invasion Begins!
    Round ?: Vs. (Insert Name)—Defeat The Predecessor Gresh!
    That would be Mata Nui going after Tuma, and Gresh fighting his predecessor if in summer there's a green Glatorian, if the summer sets are Glatorian, otherwise that name would change. If it stays though, it's unlikely I'd do it again, like if a white Glatorian in summer, there wouldn't be a Strakk vs. (name) as a chapter or a fight even.
    Anyway, can anyone give me input?
  7. Grey Snow
    That's right, a new epic. I finished chapter 1 of it today, "Chapter 1: Across the Wastes—Defeat Fero!", 4 pages, calibri 11 point font. Next will be "Chapter 2: Vulcanus Arena—Defeat the Mighty Skrall!". I think I'll have fun with events like fights against Malum in the Wastelands, I thought up a great move for him to pull off with the help of Zesk and Vorox that will lead into a small story arc with the Bone Hunters leading up to the events of the MLN game (although I haven't played it, so only the defense of Vulcanus).
    If anyone has any ideas for techniques for the Glatorian to use, anything special that they could do, like, Malum heating his armor, then doing his deathgrip with his burning armor to do double damage to an opponent, the choke and burning to induce fever or something, let me know of your ideas if you wouldn't mind me using them.
    Anyway, other news.
    I finished re-watching "Zoids New Century Zero" and started "Zoids Chaotic Century" today. I've also been watching the BBC series "Supernova", great comedy about an Australian observatory, just hilarious.
    I've been reading "Wizard's First Rule" a lot recently, bringing it home and reading most of it outside of school these past three nights since we've had two days off, a snow day, and then normal day off before the weekend. Great book, though there's a gay character which was weird, well, not gay per say, but a pedophile more or less. That's odd to know, he has a fitting death from what I've heard though (castration then death).
    I think that's it.
  8. Grey Snow
    We are making one. It will take up an entire classroom, be space based, and will use land forces to take capital planets. We plan on a political system to hold alliances between planets, use variables like black holes and the sun to be a way to destroy your enemies, use planet resources to make new and custom ships and weapons, etc.
    I will update on Monday if any new information is available since school is canceled tomorrow for the cold, and we don't have school Friday to begin with.
  9. Grey Snow
    From "Supernova" episode 2, "God Are You Out There?". I should have taken a screenshot of the magazine, but they were looking at a wormhole through the satelite while watching the Third Doctor, it mixed together, and made it look like God's face.
    "Wouldn't have been mistaken with Tom Baker."
    Great line.
  10. Grey Snow
    Yeah, I'm watching the BBC series, Supernova, the second episode, "God Are You Out There?", two of the characters found Doctor Who in Australian or something, I don't know what language it was, inside joke at "charging the TARDIS with (don't remember the element/chemical)".
    I really just felt like blogging.
    But I recommend the series to people who like comedic shows, or British I guess...I think a Doctor Who fan would appreciate it.
  11. Grey Snow
    In the Games and Trivia subforum, I'm working on a new strategy based game, splitting players into teams with their own limited forces, set them on a map, and let them fight each other in turn based style by moving their forces strategically and for their pawns powers to be used to the fullest. I hope to have it finished by Friday.
  12. Grey Snow
    My friend's theory.
    The first season was such a success, they bought a lot of pot. Using that pot and other drugs, they decided, "What if there was a polar bear on that tropical island?" And then, it became the weird **** that it is today.
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