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Grey Snow

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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    I have to register for school tommorow...I hope to see someone who was held back (tommorow is 9 and 12 registration, I'm going with my sister since I can, I'm in 10), so I hope to see him and someone I know in 12. I hope they meet each other, that would be great...
    But something else, I finished my Lewa Nuva Imperial Armor form, his form from my epic, Kingdoms of Nightmare suited to his wind kingdom of Xia. I'm proud of it.
    That's it.
  2. Grey Snow
    Ok, non BIONICLE first.
    Glorious, Portal was on today, I love the Drifter, classic with him today.
    Horrible, raining out and I have to get shots soon, so if I have to go through the rain a second time today I'll be ####ed, and I have to spend like an hour there just to wait until my appointment, it's at 2 PM, we're leaving at like 1:15 PM and have to check in by 1:45, so why go so early? I can't get a straight answer for that.
    BIONICLE related.
    Glorious, I get to start Invasion today, I got Takanuva two days ago, and today I got Mazeka, now all I would need are the T sets, but I'm not getting them.
    Horrible, Mazeka is the last set I'll get, I'm done with sets, perhaps I'll get a Norik if I can find one since I didn't get him when he was released as a Hagah, but Mazeka, who I have yet to build, I'll likely do it at my cabin tonight (gone till Sunday, limited acess Saturday and Sunday, maybe even Friday or tonight), but I'm done, I can save my money for other stuff now, like this.
  3. Grey Snow
    Ok, a new BBC for my blog, the last one was Karzahni Pre-Pit, but this will be different.
    Originally this was different, then I saw Shadow Kurahk was doing the same, that I would be coppying him, but though this may not be as succesful as his, this is for building Toa, Order, Makuta and DH and others.
    So here's a basic list:
    The Hagah: Kualus, Bomonga, Pouks, Gaaki
    Makuta: Miserix (humanoid form), Kojol
    DH: Triglax, Lariska, Phantom
    Order: Jerbraz, Tobduk, Johmak, Helryx
    Other: The Pre-Pit Barraki, Toa Nidhiki, Toa Tuyet
    Prizes: Um...I don't know at this point.
    I don't really care if this gets a lot of people to join or not, but if anyone's interested, join.
  4. Grey Snow
    Aikka walked through the palace on Nourasia, the sun was setting which cast a pinkish glow on the walls. It had been one year since the Great Race of Oban had ended, though he faced hardships during that time, he decided it was better than what was currently happening, other than one detail, his fiancé.
    He entered the bedchamber, there was only a bed in the open, the dresser, wardrobe and other such items were against the walls so no possible assailant could hide behind them and wait for the occupant, in this case the King of Nourasia, to sleep. The windows were barred and he checked under the bed and inside the wardrobe, revealing no one.
    Since his father, King Lao, had died about six months ago, and his mother, Queen Nori, had refused to rule alone, or remarry, Aikka had been crowned King, despite being young and unmarried.
    He saw a small picture of himself on the dresser next to the bed, it wasn’t his bedchamber, it was his fiancée Luna’s.
    Luna had reported to him that she felt odd sleeping in there, she felt threatened, so he had taken her chamber for the night and she his. He felt fine with it, especially since only they knew in case of an assailant in the castle, and he had no threats on him yet, which gave him an odd feeling, why was Luna feeling threatened?
    He slipped his armor off and threw on a light white robe he had brought with him. He put his dagger next to the picture of himself and laid down in the bed, then he heard the stealthy scratching sound. He heard it once and wasn’t sure if he had imagined it, he was tired, or if it had been there.
    He put it out of his head and threw the covers over his body and was ready to sleep, when he heard it again, nearby.
    He sat up and grabbed his dagger and got out of bed. He drew the blade and put the tip of the blade under the pillow and lifted it up slowly to reveal a scorpion with tail reared back. Had he laid his head upon the pillow it would have struck.
    It saw him and reared back to leap forward and strike when he withdrew his blade, allowing the pillow to fall back, and he slammed the flat of his blade on top of the pillow repeatedly, crushing the scorpion into a crushed heap and red stain on the sheets and pillow.
    Canaan ran in and expected to find Luna, but found Aikka and saw the mess, “What happened?”
    “Someone put a scorpion under Luna’s pillow, someone tried to kill her. It’s good she wanted to swap rooms for the night, she felt threatened in here.” Aikka replied.
    “But this room is guarded all day until evening when the chambers are locked down, so how did someone sneak that in?” Canaan wondered.
    Aikka walked to the window and tugged on one bar, it came loose and off, “Someone cut through them and replaced them, that’s how the assailant got in.” Aikka told Canaan.
    “But why would someone want to kill Luna, not you? Surely this was an attempt at her life, you would have been a swifter target to execute surely.” Canaan said.
    “I know, that’s what bothers me.” Aikka replied as he stripped the bed bare of its sheets and pillow, all that was stained, “We’ll figure it out in the morning.”
    “I’ll position a guard at each of your doors and take a look at the windows in your chamber and take care of these bars before I go.” Canaan told Aikka.
    He nodded and wondered, Why would Luna be the target? What importance does she have other than my fiancé?
  5. Grey Snow
    I have a new Oban Star Racers Season 2 epic coming soon, I finally started today and it should be good. I had an old one that I won't finish posting likely, I'll post it elsewhere, somewhere else with forums, but Shadows of Destiny will continue at some point for a few chapters at least, likely, but I lost about five chapters I won't post since I won't rewrite them, but A New Enemy will be more original than Shadows was, keeping the same characters, some of the same events (Luna's for instance), and I think that's all I have to update with.
  6. Grey Snow
    Somehow I'm out of the many parts I use in MOCing already after only building these for my epic, Kingdoms of Nightmare:
    Toa Mazeka
    Toa Vultraz
    Toa Defilak
    Toa Garan
    Toa Balta
    Toa Dezalk
    (Balta and Dezalk aren't great, I shouldn't have made two Toa of Fire, Dezalk I had to use too much black on (I picture him as red and black armored))
    And I still have to build these:
    Toa Velika (I don't have much brown for MOCing, I have to get other sets out to do so)
    Toa Kazi (used to much white on Mazeka, I don't have much for him)
  7. Grey Snow
    I'll post them later, with Kingdoms of Nightmare, but expect these MOCS, only the first two are done, but expect the others sometime.
    1. Toa Mazeka
    2. Toa Vultraz
    3. Toa Balta
    4. Toa Kazi
    and some more.
  8. Grey Snow
    Mainly an epic update.
    Legacies of the Final Battle: Ah, the 08 epic, coming along nicely, haven't worked on it recently though, mainly because of a few other epics I'm doing and I have to wait to know how 08 ends before I can finish this one since I want to end it right. But it is great so far.
    Power Rangers: Mythic Force: Ah, nicely as well, and let me say, this kind of fighting is hard to write. I don't go into the more personal stuff like the show does, not my writing style, but I don't think fans of PR will be dissapointed, 13 chapters done so far, the first arc consists of 15, the final arc is around that many if not more.
    Kingdoms of Nightmare: First chapter preview, but anyway, 3 chapters done so far. First is the leadership change and a mysterious mission. Chapter 2 is the results of the mission along with new recruits in the form of Toa Voya and then six members of the team venture to Mata-Nui and end up dueling the sand worms which leads up to some more new allies in the form of some Rahi. Chapter 4, I'll start likely tonight, will mark the teams strategem against Lewa and possibly, new allies in the form of former Hagah enemies (not that there are many, so you should get this one) and then the departure to former Xia, the site of Lewa's kingdom which all leads up to invasion.
  9. Grey Snow
    Chapter 1:
    Krakua stood on Metru-Nui, gazing out into the sea.
    “Helryx should have returned by now.” He muttered to himself and turned back to the staircase next to him, leading down into a series of secret tunnels and rooms, the base of the resistance.
    Brutaka approached him, since his exile in the Pit he had mutated, but over the thousand years since then, he had managed to partially rebuild himself along with evolve to a point where he had a few sets of small lungs, working together as his normal lungs once had, as well as losing his spiked armor and dorsal fin along with the gills, “Any word yet?” He asked.
    Krakua shook his head as he walked past, “No, and she went to see Gali two days ago. Do you think she’s dead?”
    Brutaka was a bit surprised by how Krakua had ended the question, “No, she’s skilled enough; I don’t think she’s dead, though if she did die, it was most likely against Gali.”
    Krakua turned to him, “You think she got past the Gate of Macku?”
    “Yeah, I’m sure she did.” Brutaka sat down, “If only the Nuva hadn’t struck at Teridax in the end this wouldn’t have happened…” He muttered.
    “They didn’t know! None of us did!” Krakua snapped.
    “If we had known we’d have them all.” Brutaka cursed. “If Artahka would have stayed out of it!”
    “Artahka didn’t know either!” Krakua yelled at Brutaka, “He thought he was doing the right thing, teleporting the Nuva to Teridax’s location after the Makuta invasion was wiped out, sending Takanuva away to be helped by a Klakk; he thought he was doing everything right.”
    “Yeah, and then Teridax tore their minds apart like the monster he is, and out of spite restored their minds with darkness, just out of spite! Why couldn’t he just die like his precious Brotherhood?” Brutaka yelled.
    A bat winged Rahi flew into the chamber and dropped off a small tablet to Krakua before flying off again.
    He took it and Brutaka tore it from his hand and looked over it, “No.” He muttered.
    Krakua took it and read it, “It’s from Helryx, I recognize how it was written, water beat the symbols in.” He said, but clearly Brutaka knew already as Krakua read, ““They are too strong in their realms, our powers are below theirs if we fight them in their kingdoms”. What does that mean?”
    “It means you Toa are underpowered because of the Nuva’s armor!” Another voice snapped.
    Krakua turned as the Dark Hunter leader emerged from the shadows, “It means that since the Nuva forged their kingdoms in their elements their armor makes them stronger, through adaptation.”
    Brutaka swiftly drew one of his daggers and pointed it at The Shadowed One, “This is private.”
    “I know, our so called leader is dead. How long could you keep that from the rest of us?” He asked.
    Brutaka sheathed his dagger and brought up his double bladed sword, “Look, I don’t know why Helryx let you join us after blindsiding us once the Makuta were slaughtered, but she’s dead now which puts me in charge, so be obedient and quiet or die.” Brutaka growled.
    “Fine. I don’t see why you should lead though, I led the Dark Hunters, I should lead.”
    “Because Helryx and I were the only remaining members of the Order of Mata Nui, and with her dead, the leader of the Order and us, I take command.” Brutaka replied, tightening his grip on his blade.
    Krakua walked between the two, “But Brutaka, you’re forgetting the servants of the Order, like myself and Umbra who survived.”
    “All you are is as you said, servants, not members.” Brutaka replied.
    Krakua took up the tablet again and looked it over carefully before, for some reason, triggering his Kanohi on the stone.
    “Brutaka, this stone is sentient.”
    Brutaka turned, “What?”
    “It has a mind, not much of one, but one none the less. Do you think Helryx had something to do with it?”
    A being with sleek black armor walked out, “Here’s her Kanohi, she left it behind.”
    Brutaka took it, “Lariska, where did you find this?”
    “Hidden behind some stones, she took another Kanohi though, I’m sure that brought the stone a mind with it.” Lariska replied before going back farther inside.
    “Why would she do that?” Brutaka muttered to himself.
    “Maybe as a message to me.” Krakua replied.
    “What sort of message would she give you by just giving that a mind do you think?” Brutaka asked.
    “Well, I think it means I should have more importance here, maybe she wants me to lead us now.” Krakua replied, tightening his grip on his sword in case Brutaka was furious at that statement.
    “You lead?” Brutaka asked, “You’re a Toa, a servant of the Order. It should be myself, or even The Shadowed One who should lead.”
    “At least give me a chance.” Krakua pleaded, “What if that’s what she wanted by giving this message?”
    “Fine, try it for a few days.” Brutaka shrugged, “I’ll be here to take control again when you can’t handle it.”
    “Helryx was a Toa, so am I, so you don’t think I can lead?” Krakua demanded.
    “No, I don’t, but try.” Brutaka finished and walked inside.
    Krakua sat where he was and thought about what to do first, “What would Helryx do?” He asked himself. He knew the Nuva were each in their own kingdoms and they wouldn’t dare attack Metru-Nui, even to destroy the resistance since it might kill Mata-Nui who was still asleep.
    “Helryx apparently fought Gali and died, so they might get suspicious if someone else attacks Gali, so let’s attack another…Lewa.” He stood up, “That’s it!” He ran inside the rest of the base, knowing their first move.
    Soon Krakua, Brutaka, Lariska and Lurker, all wearing cloaks of weed and fiber walked through the streets. They were full of Skakdi of many elements, all escaped Zakaz when the Nuva wiped them out shortly after taking their empires. Visorak, Matoran, Toa and Turaga of other elemental types such as gravity and sonics who tried to escape the Nuva’s attacks and ended up in the relative safety of Metru-Nui.
    “Where are we going?” Brutaka demanded.
    Krakua didn’t answer.
    “Answer.” Lurker hissed, his stinger laden tails moving around, wanting to strike.
    Lariska also remained silent and he wrapped one around her body, “You know where we’re going, now tell me!”
    She relaxed and slipped out before hitting Lurker’s feet with a sweeping kick which put him to the ground, “Krakua trusted me with this information for a reason and I’m not telling either of you.”
    “Why would he trust you?” Lurker hissed, standing and poising his tails to strike.
    It had piqued Brutaka’s interest and he turned to listen to them better.
    “Because,” Lariska said with a shrug, “I’m the only one here he can trust.”
    Krakua stopped on the other side of Metru-Nui. They had waded through Visorak, many other species of Rahi, Skakdi, Vortixx, members of Sidorak’s and Krekka’s species, Toa, Turaga and Matoran of Gravity, Sonics, Lightning, Plasma, Iron and very few of the main six elements.
    Krakua led his group into a small alleyway and crouched down.
    The others joined him and Brutaka looked around, “Nothing, so why are we here?”
    “Well, Gali should be suspicious if someone made it to her, so most likely she alerted her brothers so they’re all on alert. So, striking now would be expected, moronic and a complete suicide mission, exactly what they wouldn’t expect. So we’re recruiting.” Krakua explained.
    He felt a blade to his back, “Krakua, I’m taking leadership. Your plan will have us all killed.” Brutaka told him.
    Krakua stayed down, he knew he had allies, and as such Lariska leapt up, landed on Brutaka’s shoulders, and placed her daggers at his neck.
    Brutaka knew he couldn’t strike Lariska down without Lurker and Krakua attacking him, and attacking Krakua would mean Lariska would kill him.
    “Fine.” Brutaka dropped his blade and Lariska flipped off of him, “But what are we doing here? Who is there to recruit?”
    “Helryx once spoke of a group made by an aquatic agent in case of emergency, to handle the everyday dangers the Matoran face. We’re recruiting them, I’m sure their leader will be happy to help, and here, hidden, their minds shouldn’t have been warped by the Nuva, they had no one to try to convert here, or so they thought,” Krakua gestured to the hatch he uncovered, “and as such, they didn’t convert this team to their side, or kill them either.” He opened the hatch, “Let’s go.” He dropped down into the darkness.
  10. Grey Snow
    I need suggestions for serials I'm putting into my blog, one will be normal, one a blog type and one a podcast type, so I just need sugestions for what to write them on. My ideas as of yet:
    One involving Lesovikk's team (I think I'll do this one for sure, a podcast)
    One involving Nidhiki and Krekka's early missions (blog maybe)
    And that's all I have for ideas. I need some, so please give me any you have that I could do.
  11. Grey Snow
    I changed my name to _The Drifter_ (Portal reference, a character), my avatar is him, my personal photo will be when I can get another picture of him, I need one of his quotes soon, time to go re-watch episodes, for my sig, and now my blog has been redone with a Portal theme.
    I am still Koji though.
  12. Grey Snow
    Ok, that epic I've been mentioning (still don't have a set name), well tommorow I'll probably have started the first chapter or two and will post them here as previews when I have them done. I can't do more yet until the Matoran Universe map comes out though, but something to look forward to.
  13. Grey Snow
    Ok, look at my previous entry, I need a name for that epic.
    I'm thinking:
    Shadow Kingdoms
    Kingdoms of Shadow
    Kingdoms of Nightmare
    Rise of the Shadow Nuva
    Kingdom of the Shadow Nuva
    Anyone have any other ideas? Or which do you like the best?
  14. Grey Snow
    Let me know what you think of this.
    Years after the end of the Karda-Nui saga, the Toa Nuva were driven into insanity by Teridax who's plan had failed. In the process of said insanity, Mata-Nui was not awakened. Shortly after, Teridax reached out before dying and fixed the Nuva's minds, but corrupted them as well. Now, each rules as a king (or queen in Gali's case). Each rules their own kingdom, forged in their elements, destroying whole islands to forge their kingdoms. Metru-Nui remains, not even the Shadow Nuva foolish enough to dare try to take it in case it is destroyed.
    Each of the Toa has a following, such as Tahu, almost all Ta-Matoran and fire Toa and Turaga follow him (though beings like Skakdi of fire don't and were wiped out by Tahu's army, same with the other elements respectively). Only rebels who can see through their new actions dare stand against them. Takanuva, freed from his light drain by a Klakk is now a wanderer. He did take something away from his freement however, he has a black and white sense of justice and stands against the Nuva. The Order was wiped out in battle with the Brotherhood and then blindsided by the Dark Hunters, resulting in the three organizations being destroyed, only members (except the Makuta, servants) remain, in very few numbers.
    The Shadowed One, Brutaka, Helryx, Krakua and few more notable beings exist as rebels in Metru-Nui, where they know the Toa's armies won't dare strike. However, Helryx doesn't believe them unreedemable and went to see Gali. Gali was enraged and beyond talking, attacked Helryx. Helryx was slaughtered but she got a message back to Krakua before she was killed. The message had something along the lines of "They are too strong in their realms, our powers are below theirs if we fight them in their kingdoms", an ominous message. Krakua and others with him must now find a way to stop the armies from conquering more lands, by joining with the surviving members of the other tribes, like Magnetism, Iron, Plasma, etc. who the Toa slaughtered most of early on. But there's always threats like Takanuva who has grown in power tremendously, able to use the Av and Kra (Shadow Matoran) powers from Karda-Nui almost on command. The Nuva however, are waiting to claim final victory and rule Metru-Nui without a massive invasion force or destroying it in the process.
    How's that sound? I'm personally just bored and nearly out of stuff to write.
  15. Grey Snow
    My next RPG, Kex just has to get back to me, or Toaraga, whoever gets it first. Kex has replied already, but needed an answer on something else first, but here:
    Plot: You are a part of an elite police unit in the year 2010. The story is set in a new California city. As a member of this unit of presumably seven(depends on number of members I get), you will have to take a set amount of tools, weapons, equipment, etc. and go out to stop situations like hostages and roberies.
    During missions each member of the team will be given a set amount of tools which include weapons, ammo, bombs, handcuffs, and more along with a map or maps of the facilitiy or area. You will have a set amount of objectives sometimes, like in a hostage situation, some may have to keep the area clear of civilians while one or two get set up to snipe the criminal.
    You will have to do everything within police guidelines. Doing things like unprovoked killing will result in either jail time, thrown off the force, etc.
    When you get the call, "Code: SCORPIO", you are allowed to use any force necessary to take out your target, other than killing innocents or causing mass property damage.
    *All standard BZP rules apply
    *No god-modding
    *One character only
    *Detail must be used because of the limited equipment
    *You must play this out as a real situation, like taking into account the factors of the building, what the enemy may do in the various situations, etc.
    *It will not be scheduled, so players are free to make calls on what the target(s) do, like kill hostages, etc., but it must be approved by me or any co-leaders I get depending on what it is exactly, like as above, killing a hostage
    *Proper grammer is needed, no short posts due to factors like no detail
    *All standard RPG rules I may have missed apply.
    Character form:
    Anything else: (married, children, etc.)
    Sound good?
  16. Grey Snow
    Finally, tommorow at my cabin (gone till Sunday, perhaps limited acess Friday-Sunday, not much), couldn't find them last week at Target, but our friends in La Crosse found them at Walmart, Toys R' Us didn't have them there, suprisingly, so tommorow I get the canisters and Vultraz. They couldn't find Taka or Mazeka unfortunatly, but found Rockoh, though I don't want the vehicles and aren't getting it.
  17. Grey Snow
    I was on Bionicle.com and finally got the arrow to work so I could look at images like Axalara flying, and the last one made me think.
    Now, look in the back, doesn't that look like something large rising? I'm thinking that's Mata Nui rising. What do you think?
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