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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Teemaich

  1. Teemaich
    I absolutely hate looking back at some of my older posts. It's hard to believe that I used to be even more noobish than I am now.
  2. Teemaich
    So apparently my premiership runs out today, though apparently premiership never runs out when it's supposed to.
    so um
    possibly bye
    EDIT: btw if anyone cares, gonna be less active on the site, as I can't say I'm enjoying myself here at the moment. :/
  3. Teemaich
    A couple of days ago, I AM NOT THE OTTER sent me a PM saying that he was going to be hit by Hurricane Ike the next day.
    The day after that, I was watching the news, and it showed images of the hurricaned Texas, and described how millions had died due to Hurricane Ike's rage.
    I AM NOT THE OTTER hasn't been online since the 13th, when he sent that PM, and when Texas was struck by Ike. I am truly worried for him, I fear the worst.
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