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Guardian Axonn: Pie-Light Titan

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Status Updates posted by Guardian Axonn: Pie-Light Titan

  1. ....huki the kolhi player? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just sort of get that feeling..

  2. Thanks :P

    Sorry I didn't make more, I meant to. Ah well :P

  3. *Gasp*

    Okay. I'm sticking with GA, considering the consequenses of DV...And MY NAME GETTING OUT! Did I even tell you my name?

  4. Hahahaha...Yeah. Thanks a ton, Dean. You just made my life a ton better.

  5. Right under my personal photo, there is the Add friend button. Check out my new comics!

  6. Here's a big question: Should I change my name to

    Darth Vader: Enforcer of the Empire

    Or keep the trademark

    Guardian Axonn:

    Pie-Light Titan (GA)?

    As much as the first one is cool, I'm gonna say stick with GA.

    What about you guys, what do you think?

  7. Nid Pm'd me when my PM's were off. On the other hand, Dex PM'd me when I had posted 10 times and PM's were on. But, my PM box was full.

  8. ...Reaaaaly? Hmm...I may just revive them.

  9. Yeah I emptied them. Dex was filling my in with some things....

    I'm sorta sad right now, we had a conversation about deceased pets...

    May they rest in peace..

  10. :(

    Yeah, I'll take the job. I let everything else die...*goes and sulks in a corner*

    Btw, one of my new interests is a strange obsession with darth vader. Pie, bionicle, and all that stay where they are.

  11. Thanks, Dex!

    And i thought everyone wouldnt care if I returned..

  12. Sadly, yes. And so are my comics, I think.

    The bubble shop is all i have left, and due to Dex being nice, I can still work there.

  13. No, you're not..I would have fired me by now. I mean, half a year, Dex, half a year.

  14. cut me off... I have to continue.

    Well I thought i would have been fired and that everything would be dead....But my friend Dean (cMUoFFrINn) told me to rejoin...and you see, he(SOMEHOW...) logged in and posted the "Hi"...I've forced back on. He regretted that spam.

    The only thing i have left is TBS..I'm willing to come back if you'll let me.

  15. Aight....I'm...back...Well. I got back...And someone broke my computer -.-

    But i've been gone for a while. It's no exuse. It was broken for a while, a month and a half in fact. When it was fixed...Truth was I didnt want to come back due to nervousness and stress. I thought you guys would just forget about me and my comedies and comics would be dead, and that Dex would have f

  16. HI! This new upgrade thing is cool! I'll be checking here frequently, mmkay?

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