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Toa Optimar-Toa of Gravity!

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Posts posted by Toa Optimar-Toa of Gravity!

  1. An introduction. Before continuing this project 3 years in the making (most of it taking a backseat to life in all of its infinite distractions. Pretty good ones by my line of thinking. In fact we grow as people when we're out there experiencing the processes of it all whatever it happens to be, right?) I haven't personally seen the mass appeal in a comic book or related undertaking this might have on its own, beyond wishful thinking I mean. I'm actually considering getting in to the ironic T-shirt business in partnership with my local print screen shop. But limitations not withstanding, any and all words of encouragement, critical thoughts on whatever this comic may mean to a general audience, references in the right direction I'm open to all of it. Really it'd be helpful.And by "I'm", I refer to myself. Toa Optimar/Ryan Castillo...in keeping with the title page and my identity among the billions of other people in the world. Civil unrest in a chaotic future world gone mad, man.



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