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Status Updates posted by Cobui

  1. FYI, the names of the MIB movies are censored because of an infamous hacking by a group of that name.

  2. Quick question: Are/were you on your school's debate team? You strike me as the kind of person who would be.

  3. And BTW, proper capitalization and grammar can get you a lot of respect on this site. (Unless English isn't your first language. In that case, it's all right.)

  4. I'm on LU under the username I have here, but I haven't seen you yet.

  5. I got my wisdom teeth out today, and a friend gave me his Minecraft Beta information. That XKCD I showed you just got ten times funnier.

  6. Oh wow - you're 15 too. I figured from your voice on TTV that you were at least 17. Must be the accent.

  7. I did a Google search of you name and found there's a farming community in Longford that's also called Brickeens (or Brickens) Did you name yourself after there?

  8. I saw you just by the CP launchpad in Nimbus Station. I was the rank 3 Space Marauder. My username is the same as here, so that should be easy to remember.

  9. Hey, I just saw you in Lego Universe!

  10. Quick tip: In the BZPRPG, you aren't allowed to have a place of origin other than Mata Nui if you're a Toa.

  11. Try using potions of shielding for the pipes mission. It worked for me.

  12. I should warn you that BZPower doesn't take well to spam posts. Be careful before you lose proto or get banned...

  13. To answer your question from a few days ago, I have not seen The Mist, but I did read the original short story. Scared the **** outta me.

  14. I'm just getting kind of tired of this. That's the thing. I don't want my time taken up with a futile debate.

  15. I'm just saying we should call this off before we get grudges against each other.

  16. Never mind. I'm not trying to get you to watch it, I'm trying to get you to admit it's not silly. It's okay if you think it sounds silly, but whether it is silly is another matter. Truce.

  17. If I had seen the same commercials and episode snippet as you, I probably wouldn't have cared for the show either. As it is, I own all 3 seasons.

  18. The only other source for your judging I can find is a few bad commercials and about 7 minutes of an episode.

  19. Out of curiosity, what episode did you see part of?

  20. You're saying you avoid the show because of the network it's on? That doesn't sound quite fair.

  21. The commercials are always bad. :P The show, too, has proven it can appeal to a teen audience. Really, it's about on par with the BIONICLE story serials.

  22. And what about talking about a toyline designed for kids half our age?

  23. If you're not going to watch it, that's fine, but try not to criticize it based on how it 'sounds'.

  24. At least try and read some reviews.

  25. If you've never watched it, I don't feel that you're in a position to criticize it.

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