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Blog Entries posted by Bluest-of-Jayys

  1. Bluest-of-Jayys
    Camp today. Leaving as soon as I finish breakfast.
    I'll be gone for two weeks, which means the premier perks thing will sure as heck be over by then.
    So, until next year, everybloody!
    Also, for those who read my comics, I'll be sure to at least post some comics on my first sleepaway camp experience once I get back. :3
  2. Bluest-of-Jayys
    And this time, I'm not like, going to Toronto in the middle of it. I'm sticking around for the week. Although, this is some pretty interesting timing, because I will be going to camp starting this Sunday. My first sleepaway camp! Haha, not missing out this year. 8D
    Okay, so I went to the mall yesterday with some friends, but not in the stereotypical "OMG LIEK LETS GO 2 THE MALL GURLFRIENDZZZZ" way, more like, "Hey Jay, wanna come to the mall with us? WE CAN GET SMOOTHIES! " kind of way.
    So at the mall last night, me, Tehuki, my friend (who I will call Fleepo) and his friend (who I will call Tree Stump) went to Hot Topic first (for the lulz), then we went to Spencer's Gifts (shudder), then we went to go get gelato (yaaaaay) then we went to the Apple Store (It took WAY TOO LONG to drag Tehuki and Tree Stump out of there), then we went to GameStop (The GameStop in our mall is kind of dinky... :/), then we went to the new section of the mall (which is where all the rich people go) and tried to find a new hat for Fleepo (since one of his friends threw his Gurrenn Lagann beanie out the window. D;). So there was this store called Metropark or whatever, and Fleepo did find a hat he liked, but OH WOE IT COST HIM $30 WHICH HE DIDN'T HAVE.
    Waitasecond? 30 bucks for a hat? ...I could buy myself a whole new outfit with that kind of money. o_o And the lady who worked there was hitting on Feelpo. It was hilarious once she found out he was still in high school. XD
    So after that we went to Sears to find a cheaper hat but ended up goofing off in the sunglasses department. So we went to the food court and I bought my parents' dinner and saw my friend MyMy~ It's been so long since I last saw her. X3
    So yeah, that's FI's trip to the mall.
  3. Bluest-of-Jayys
    Oh hey, I'm going to Canada tomorrow. For the next three days.
    Ontario, Toronto, and Niagara falls, here I come!
    Ten-hour car trip, here I... wait, what?
    Tehuki the Chibi Toa (my brother) and Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen convinced me to get Gresh, so I finally did. He's awesome, I'm glad I got him. As I talk, he's standing on my desk next to me, in all of his green... Greshiness.
    Oh, and I finally got "Raid on Vulcanus". After half an hour and asking at least three people at B&N for help. D:
    School starts for me on the eighth. I went school shopping recently and got a new memory stick. It looks like this:

    Holds 2GB. I like it.
    Also, I received my letter from school saying what homeroom I'm in and all that jazz. I'm confused and slightly disappointed. >_> -sigh-
    If the premier perks thing is over by the time I get back from Canada, then... uh... Sorry for the uneventful blog-week-year-thing. And in the words of Toa Whenua in the novelization of Web of Shadows...

  4. Bluest-of-Jayys
    The fact that I'm not getting a board message when I click "New Entry" leads me to believe that Premier perks are back.
    And if they're not and this is some sort of error on my part, oops, my bad.
  5. Bluest-of-Jayys
    I NEEDED something for my art category. NEEDED.
    So I just decided to post this picture I did. It's Macku, both Bionicle and Human.

    The human Macku looks all human-y and regular Macku is on the right. (My right. Not her right.)
    And I don't know why I gave her pink hair. Who cares, it looks awesome!
  6. Bluest-of-Jayys
    I'm going to lose this thing on Sunday, so...
    It'll become inactive.
    Sad, huh?
    I'll try to make a couple more entries and maybe put some art up today, then I'll say goodbye.
  7. Bluest-of-Jayys
    I believe that this blog will become unusable by me until next year.
    So ya gonna have to wait 'ntil next year for me to post some entries.
    *Salutes Nerdgirl Style*
    Until next year, seeya'll!
    (PS: Was this really necessary? Wait, no. Don't tell me. I don't wanna know. )
  8. Bluest-of-Jayys
    Well, here's my poem about last night's green tea-ness:
    The Wonderful World of Green Tea
    Heavy damp air
    misting around my body.
    Wet, wet ground
    The world is so soggy this day.
    The sky looks green
    Like the tea I drank at lunch.
    Somebody must have splashed green tea everywhere.
    -----------------© Jin the Nerdgirl Toa-----------------------
    Anyway, a kid at my camp and I were discussing this, it turns out the green tea-ness was because of how heavy and damp the air is, plus the pollen that floats around in our town.
  9. Bluest-of-Jayys
    It rained a whole bunch today.
    One side effect of all this rain is the outdoors taking on a greenish tinge, for some reason. Maybe it's some sort of all-green rainbow lol
    Anyway, it was really pretty and looked very poetic, I'll try to write a poem about it tomorrow.
    My brother and I ran around outside, enjoying the world of green tea that had appeared in our backyard.
    Yep. The world of green tea.
    I called it that because I'm a green tea freak (if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend having green tea really cold or really hot, because lukewarm green tea is like, ick), and the greenishness outside looked like someone had dumped a giant cup of green tea on the world, or at least my backyard.
    I hope it rains like that again so the Wonderful World of Green Tea will come back. ^w^
    Also, I couldn't take a picture, because both my webcam and digital camera made my Wonderful World of Green Tea look stark white.
    But I noticed the green tea-ness around 8:00 EST.
    It was beautiful.
  10. Bluest-of-Jayys
    No, I did not lick my computer screen. I don't think it'd be that healthy to lick it anyway.
    Er... nothing really relevantly interesting in the past couple days... I'm going to a day camp... it's really fun... and this blog thing is uber awesome...
    I should stop mumbling now lol
    Anyway, I'm going to New Jersey for 3 days next Wednesday or Thursday, and I'm going to a concert at Tanglewood (If that's how you spell it lol) this weekend.
    I guess that's all I have to say.
    For now.
  11. Bluest-of-Jayys
    Grah I had Full-range sparring class today. I'm light for my height so I'm terrible at things like takedowns and grappling and groundfighting in general, and Grand Master says I have to work on moving faster, keeping my hands up, and hitting harder. :sweatdrop: Other than that, I'm good.
    Also, speaking of height, my younger brother Tehuki is now THE SAME HEIGHT as me. In fact, I think he might be a little taller... It's not my fault I haven't grown since last July... :'(
    Here's something awesome I drew for art class last term: It's a big image so I have to link it. I'm really proud of it so I thought I'd wanna show it off here.
    "Kokoro" by Rin and Len Kagamine is such a sad song. It made me cry. But I cry easily so I don't know if that matters.
    There are so many songs people have done for the Vocaloids with so much insanely deep feeling, like "Kokoro", "Rolling Girl", "Magnet", "Kagefumi", etc. that I'm surprised that they're not more popular around where I live. But oh well, I guess people have their tastes, even though it involves Eminem's "Love the way you lie"... -shudder-
    Also, speaking of Vocaloid, Anime Boston 2011's theme is "music" and I really want to cosplay either Gakupo or Miku, so I'm like, "ZOMG PERFECT OPPORTUNITY YAAAY", so I'm excited. :3
  12. Bluest-of-Jayys
    I've been on a writing spree lately~! Ohoho!
    And a drawing spree. Yaayz.
    ...You know the candy Lemon-heads? Yeah, I left a box of 'em on the floor where I was working last night, and I closed the box, and now they're kind of gooey and tasteless. I mean, it was a hot night last night, so...
    I need to switch computers from my bro's laptop to our family desktop but I'm going to wait until the good songs on the radio are over. Listening to "Telephone" by Lady GaGa now. YES I ADMIT I like Lady GaGa's music. Blame Fiona. I went over to her house last summer and we listened to "Poker Face" like a million times. Speaking of, I need to hang out with her sometime. D: We need to go to Harvard Square again.
    This summer seemed relatively short so far, it's already almost August. O_o Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh. High School is fast approaching and my head's spinning. I'm kind of afraid of it, because my friend (who's a Junior at the HS I'm going to) is like, "LAWLZ HOPE U DON'T GET MR. SO-AND-SO GUUD LUCK JAYYYY" Plus there's the fact that our campus is HUGE and there's a building for every subject. It's really gonna suck if it rains/snows. >:U And I have no wish to see certain people in my grade. Plus, there's the fact that there's this guy who kinda despises my guts and our last names both start with P so he's in my homeroom. Also, I have a pretty busy schedule with Violin and TaeKwon Do too...
    So, any of you who have survived Freshman year intact in a public school, got any tips? D:
  13. Bluest-of-Jayys
    I went to the concert at Tanglewood hall today. It was awesome, but it took one heck of a long time to get there. ;;
    I blame traffic.
    Anyway, I got Sarah Chang's autograph! She's a really famous violinist who made an appearance at the concert. *is starstruck*
    And my mom fell in a mud puddle on the way to the car... ^^;;
  14. Bluest-of-Jayys
    Rain on My Parade in the Water.
    I went canoeing in Ipswitch, MA today for camp (It's a day camp, so that's how I can use the computer ). All went well, but I got hit in the face by someone with a paddle. Thank goodness my glasses ain't broken. But I DID drop them in the river (calm river, not to worry) during lunch.
    Anyway, during canoeing, there was this little cove full of water lilies. They were so pretty, I wanted to lean out of the canoe and pluck one out of the water. I tried that, it didn't work. I blame the roots. That got me REALLY wishing for a camera at that moment lol.
    And after lunch, guess what.
    It rained again.
    Not just rain, but thunder and lightning too. It's been storming a whole lot in MA lately, so I wasn't surprised. I was just disappointed. No canoeing! So the counselors loaded all the canoes into the guide's flatbed-thingy. So everyone waited inside the van for like, 2 hours. The boys were being crazy and using a cell phone to tape each other drinking water with shirts through their heads. Let's all take a moment to go " ".
    Anyone ever hear about Murphy's Law?
    Well, it's basically, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."
    Guess what happened after the canoes were all loaded into the flatbed-thingy.
    It stopped raining!
    We had to go back to our "home base town" anyway.
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