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Posts posted by cdrch



    Hey there everyone! It's about time for an update! The team (now 10 people) have started working again on MNOG 3D! Right now we are working on the following:

    We also have some new team members. Shadow Destroyer and cdrch! Welcome to the team guys!


    I will lighten the mood and say thanks for having me! (This is really delayed, considering I missed that post when it went up. :P )


    But yeah, I think some people are having confusion over what a "pre-alpha" is. It's a work in progress. The final version will be miles better!



    And here I am, even more delayed.  :P Thanks for having me on the team, specsowl.


    Hi, everybody! I'm cdrch, the team's new programmer. I'm over here in the corner, adding features and removing bugs for the next update, and generally hammering away at the game.  :gavel: The elevator and boat issue, and as many issues leading to unintentional swims as possible, will be a focus of mine leading up to the next released update. Let us know if you catch any bugs that have not yet been reported!


    - :c: :m_d: :r: :c: :h:

    • Upvote 1
  2. Long ago in a distant land, I, Makuta, the shapeshifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil (mask).


    But a foolish team of Toa warriors wielding magic tools stepped forth to oppose me.


    Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and flung them into the future, where my evil is law.


    Now the fools seek to return to the past and undo the future that is Makuta.


    This made wading through all 30+ pages of this topic that I had missed worth it.  :D



    I don't believe the TTV speculation because I was also at the panel and the phrase "It's a reboot" was used at least a dozen times, and all without the word "soft" in front of it. Also, the phrase was never uttered in our interviews with the same BIONICLE story and set and entire franchise employees either. There was a bit about the mask of time mentioned by a couple LEGO employees, and yes, references to it being the full mask were indeed used. TTV's "confirmed facts" list is a conflation of actual facts, and misconstrued LEGO comments.


    It was a TTV podcast member who used the term "soft reboot" in an interview to get the employee to agree to it. The idea of these toa being the original ones is both right and wrong. They are not the same characters as the ones we had before- they are NOT going to be the original characters who we kept up with for ten years. They are new iterations of those characters, and that is what TLG meant when they mentioned "we're using the original toa". The Mask of Time reference was indeed used, but not in a way to imply the old characters moved to the new continuity via time travel- rather it seemed to us there to hear that discussion as well (since the TTV guys recorded it like three feet from us at the booth) that the reference was more like "we're using elements from the original, like you know how the original they had the character making the mask of time from the disks? And then you ended up with half a mask? We're going to have the full mask."


    I can see where the confusion would come in, but I don't in the slightest believe this was a "it's a soft reboot" mention. Definitely seems like a conflation of terms mixed with some leading and confusing questions from TTV, and some speculation that has worked its way into their facts list.


    Thank you very much for your insight, as always.


    After reading most of this topic in one sitting - thank you for clearing that up, DeeVee. Every time I thought I understood, the next page would show how wrong I was.  <_<



    Can someone with the new parts please disprove my awful feeling of the mask's durability? I feel they'll snap apart after a few uses :|

    *snipped incredibly useful and detailed information on the new masks and stuff*



    While I am wavering back and forth on how much I like these sets (an internal war between curiosity and nostalgia continues to go on), it was nice to have that information. Thanks, Aanchir!



    Okay, I'm just gonna be open to everything as to why I'm not happy with 2015.


    It's all a big cop out.


    I like the new builds, and the fact that Mata Nui and Makuta are brothers again, but it's all just... Meh.

    The island is still MATA-######-NUI.

    They've completely changed the characteristics of characters - Lewa's clumsiness onto Kopaka, Kopaka's dry humour onto Gali, Gali's wisdom and other things onto Onua, and they made Onua SLEEPY OF ALL THE ###### THINGS.


    Plus, we haven't heard a thing about the spiders that are with all the sets, which are probably a main point, mainly due to the fact that they're getting a box of their own, unless they're just a generic bad guy, a la the brain slugs.

    And the fact that some of the design choices are in very poor choice.

    Generally, Lego has just made a company cash out to get some more money to work on things they know are working.


    Lego, I am disappointed.


    "dry humor" doesn't mean what you think it means. Gali isn't deadpan, she just sucks at telling jokes.


    I can't say Lewa was ever clumsy; he was easily the most agile and fleet-footed of them. He was just careless and cocky, which IS demonstrated in this new personality. 


    Onua was ALWAYS wise, perhaps wiser than Gali. They're just playing that up more this time than some cliche "BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH MAN POWER" tough guy like in MoL.


    We don't know about the spiders, no, but we still have almost three months to go. What we learned was the legend, and some things about the setting, and the personalities of the Toa. We'll see more about the antagonists when it becomes more relevant.


    I don't see how avoiding releasing the EXACT SAME TOYLINE is a bad thing. Change happens. In this case, I think it's definitely for the better.




    What I'm thinking for the web shorts is that's the PERFECT way to show off a mask quest. make a little animation for each Toa locating and retrieving their masks and the hardships required. Episodic, yet also cohesive with the overall story.


    While a lot of the collecting kanohi/krana/kanohi nuva/krana kal/magical kahu saddles/whatever quests from 2001-2003 were left untold at least in part to let fans fill in the blanks (plus to make it easier story-wise to avoid monotony), I'd love to see those smaller sub-tasks of a bigger quest shown off in more detail. Some of my favorite parts of those early years were those mostly-plot-inconsequential tales of finding items and the Toa crossing each others' paths, like Tahu learning acrobatics by fighting on an extremely narrow bridge, Nokama trapping Gali in a cave with a boulder to teach her how a new mask was different from before, and Lewa and Gali talking about the wetness and morality of a body of water. ...any other fans remember those events without checking BS01?  :D These all really gave the Toa character, and personally provided just as much enjoyment for me as having blank spots did.


    On a related note, about the Toa's personalities being less flat this time than before (in posts other than the ones I quoted, don't want this post to be too long) - I have to disagree. True, the short summaries given for advertising were not particularly detailed, nor as long as these initial ones appear to be. However, regardless of whether one looks to the comics, the books, or whatever media (especially all in combination), I believe that distinct personalities emerged very quickly, and stayed fairly consistent (accounting for character growth, of course).


    And on the topic of personalities, I'm simply going to be keeping in mind that these are not the same characters as in the original story. Still Kopaka, Toa of Ice, but rather than being the one to deal with the clumsiness of others gracefully yet irritably (such as having an avalanche of boulders knocked onto him), he's now the one who buries others in snow by accident.


    So are the Toa the only 6 Toa in existence?


    The original tribal-theme of BIONICLE didn't really give much in the way of a long story, which is why I think they ditched that tribal setting and went to that sci-fi type of thing with Metru Nui and opening everything up into the MU.


    Something I noted about the new set design that I like is that they seem more elementally suited, particularly Onua and Pohatu. Onua very much looks one-of-a-kind in his ability to move the earth, and it seems, based on his design, that he may well be that; same goes for the other Toa to an extent. I would not complain to see these Toa remain the only Toa for quite some time (or even forever). Can anyone who saw these up close (or spent longer staring at the pictures than me) tell me about the differences between the new Toa besides weapons and masks?


    There have been a number of topics on the fantasy/sci-fi dynamic in the last few weeks alone, thanks to the hype train trundling on. While a lot of the aspects of Mata Nui (the island) did go away, most of it stuck around in other forms. It set up a lot of the trends of the Matoran Universe in a simpler setting, and it also was excellent as a setting for mysteries (which Bionicle is/was full of). As you said, the science-fiction element proportion greatly increased in 2004 and on, but establishing that the setting was a mix of the two was quite important in my opinion.


    And did I spy somewhere that a spider was packed in with each Toa set? Or did my tired brain misconstrue an advertisement as the contents of sets? If I did not imagine that, that would make for an amazing way to provide bulk amounts of enemies for Toa to fight.  :D

    • Upvote 2


    Eh, I feel like people exaggerate a bit. Yes, the BIONICLE storyline got ridiculously complex, but with a little patience and some research a person should be able to get a grasp on a good deal of it.


    Or maybe I'm just a BIONICLE story nut :P

    It seems like we're outcasts. XD

    Dark, Complex Story Outcasts, unite!


    I have to say, if people can follow Star Wars and the multiple comic book universes and they are still popular, then I bet peoe can follow another science-fantasy storyline, one that only has around a decade behind it. It has great potential to reach the stars and have many people rally behind it. One thing I absolutely love about Bionicle is its potential, and retconning its entire lore will not help it.



    One thing I love about Bionicle is the massive storyline. Even in 2001, it felt like there were a lot of stories that were untold, just outside of our sight. And, despite all the crazy reveals since then, there still feels like there are things left untold. The sense of mystery is perhaps less present than in 2001, yes, but the fact that we now know a lot of these characters makes up for that, in my opinion.


    I can see the case for a reboot quite clearly, though. If I hadn't been present for the entirety of Bionicle's history (I still have an old Lego Magazine somewhere advertising "a new adventure, coming summer 2001", right after a two-page spread for Slizers), as well as lurked in the background of BZP throughout its entire history, I wouldn't be surprised if the story would have been a lot more overwhelming to me. Goodness knows the number of times I've specifically decided to not get involved with other fictional universes because of the catch-up I would have to do to fully appreciate the current stories.


    As for my actual answers:


    1. Start over with 2001 story. What made me go from hating the idea of abandoning years of stories to embracing it was the memory of the Storyline & Theories forum back in 2008, before we knew about giant robots and Spherus Magna and such things. The forum was extremely active in trying to figure out the nature of the Bionicle universe, Makuta's ultimate plan, and Mata Nui's form. I seem to recall one theory that was at least pretty close to what was eventually revealed - but I thought that was a bit silly, and that it couldn't possibly be the real explanation.  :P Another theory, notably lacking in giant robots, was one I thought would be right. In fact, there were something like a half-dozen theories that appeared to cover every base and could have worked (in my opinion) as the actual story. Looking back on this makes me realize that a writer could take the story elements of any period of Bionicle and spin them into a new story that is at least as good. I picked 2001 because I just love that year of Bionicle's history.


    2. Finish them as a side project (keep out of main story). If there was a reboot, I would dearly want as many threads as possible wrapped up in the original Bionicle universe, no matter how long it takes.


    3. A new one, but something specific I'm hoping for (explain). I'd like 2001's questions, but with different answers. To put it another way, start with the start of 2001, and spin the story in a new direction from there. Having only the spirit of the void Makuta, no Golden Kanohi, or conflict between the Matoran tribes would all lead to extremely different tales.


    Of course, I'd honestly be happy with nearly any of the answers being true, so long as the writing is decent and I can have access to it.  :D


    Lesser known Matoran from the MNOG II? How could you say such a thing! All of those Matoran hold a special place in my heart. However, I am not sure about the other BZPers. How many of you remember Shasa, Ally, Kantai or the others without going to check BS01?


    Oh, my bad! You're right, there are some that have stuck with me through all these years! Let just go dig up those Toa Tiribomba fan-fics...



    I remember them!  :D I seem to recall an old fanfic or two I never published where I managed to find at least a minor role for 90% or more of those rarely-mentioned-but-still-awesome Matoran.


    Of course, the sheer number of viewpoint characters may have been part of why they remain unpublished.... *cough*  ^_^ Could always dig them out and rewrite them in honor of the official return of Bionicle.


    As others have said here and before, I would like for the ability to have male and female Matoran of any element in the story. 


    As for characters already shown in story, they should all keep the genders that they are. I really couldn't see any of them being switched around.


    I agree. For a while - until whenever it was confirmed that the tribes were each a single gender, at least - I simply assumed that the tribes were at least somewhat evenly split, with each tribe only being unbalanced in favor of one gender, rather than being entirely one or the other. (I believe I came up with at least one semi-plausible reason, too: a thousand years of war against the Makuta could have by chance created those ratios by reducing the population unevenly.)


    Even if the return of Bionicle is continuation rather than a reboot, I don't think it would be overly difficult to find a justification for making the tribes more even gender-wise. Either new Matoran production starting up, or lost groups of Matoran being found, or a million other reasons.

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