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Status Updates posted by --V--

  1. same.. i've got another one coming up in mid May, thinkin up a name and an epic moc to go with it. (we should probably switch this over to PMs)

  2. its been a while.. whats new?

  3. exposure to the aperture science 5000 megawat button is not part of this test

  4. exposure to the aperture science 5000 megawat button is not part of this test

  5. did you just put that aperture thing we don't know what it does into the aperture science intelligence incinerator?

  6. i can't seem to get the neurotoxin into your head any faster

  7. There was even going to be a party for you, with cake, and your friend the companion cube.. of course he couldn't make it because you killed him..

  8. "Please do not destroy vital testing apparatuses"

  9. "did you know you can donate one or more of your vital organs to the aperture science self esteem fund for girls? its true..."

  10. "speedy thing goes in, speddy thing comes out"

  11. i dont care how many times they win... they still fail at life.

  12. LSU and Ohio are made of win... but i do not acknowledge BYU, they FAIL and are made of FAIL

  13. thats cold dude, last years kicker was amazing though...

  14. university of wyoming Cowboys... duh?

  15. actually cowboys, but they're not on a good start this year.. longhorns are second.

  16. nonsense, if it rains sulfur the smell will give you a couple hour notice..

  17. the game, but the show is cooler... even if GLaDOS is made of WIN

  18. but there's no sense crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

  19. Ok, name changed... i went for juggernaut because that's the name of the moc im finishing up (no it's not the juggernaut fromt eh comic books)

  20. Ok, I'm most likely to change my name here soon... as of the few people who even know me, i haven't decided the name but this one's getting boring!!

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