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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    I just spent a whole hour typing and retyping a short post. Then I decided against posting it because it still didn't sound right. Not exactly time well spent.
  2. Brickeens
    I just realised I haven't been doing a very good job starting off this music sharing thing I was going to do this year. Maybe I'll try and post something every week, but I'm pretty sure I'll have forgotten in like no time. Also, like I said before you're more than welcome to recommend me anything.

    I promise I'll try to post some actual songs, but I inevitably seem to go for film soundtracks.
  3. Brickeens
    I don't think any year of my life has been this strange or bizarre. I'm really very interested to see where things are in another year. In fact, I should probably write out a list of questions I have right now and see how many of them have answers by then.
  4. Brickeens
    So over the last week me and my dad have been doing the long overdue task of redecorating my bedroom. I got a new floor in last year, and we were going to do the whole rest of the room right after that, but it just somehow never happened.
    Things are almost done now. The worst of it is all over - the walls are painted white, and I have new, blue curtains. Much better than the ghastly yellow wallpaper and curtains that had been there for as long as I can remember.
    All that's left to do now is some reorganization. My shelves are a mess at the moment and I need to get some new boxes for sorting out the large quantities of LEGO.
  5. Brickeens
    A mind and body that actually work properly seriously I've lost almost the last four years of my life to this and I'm still not improving and I'm not able to go to school or college or get a job or even do things I actually want to do like draw because my concentration is permanently poor and I feel like like a mental cripple how am I supposed to go on like this and I feel bad about making miserable entries like this all the time sorry

  6. Brickeens
    So I was in O'Connell street in Dublin a while back. If you've ever been to O'Connell street or anywhere near it, you'll know that we have this giant pointy metal thing called the Spire of Dublin, which is I guess the Irish Government's idea of a tourist attraction.

    I've seen the Spire loads of times, and I've always thought it was a pretty bland idea for a monument. But last time, it hit me that there is actually a way to rectify the situation. Give me a Kaiju movie where a Jaeger rips out the Spire of Dublin and uses it as a weapon. Someone get me Guillermo del Toro on the phone.
  7. Brickeens
    Legend has it that there will one day come a man who can decipher one of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century - Sumiki's Status Updates.
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