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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    I'm sitting here with Takuma and Sumiki and we're just back from playing laser tag with a bunch of other BZPers. I've never played laser tag before and I'm hilariously bad.
    Also, public hours tomorrow, so if you're visiting, say hello to me.
  2. Brickeens
    wow it's really fun having anxiety levels so bad I can't even read more than a few paragraphs without getting lost in a torrent of thoughts and fears that prevent me from being able to focus properly on things I really like and want to do
    even better when things have been that bad for 1+ years and medication has only made it worse
  3. Brickeens
    Provided there are no delays, right now I should be boarding the plane at Dublin airport and will shortly be taking off. The flight will last about 7 hours, so it'll be very boring.
  4. Brickeens
    Well, this is the last thing I expected, but the last two days, I've been feeling really bad, and the symptoms I'm experiencing are pretty much unmistakeably the symptoms I experienced when I had ME/CFS a child. I've mentioned it before, but basically it was awful, lasted four years, and was pretty much the worst thing that ever happened to me.
    And suddenly out of nowhere I'm getting the symptoms back. Ever since I recovered (recovered is a strong word seeing as I was never really the same since) the symptoms have never just reappeared like this. They've only been here two days and I'm kind of hoping they'll disappear as enigmatically as they've reappeared, but it isn't exactly a good sign.
  5. Brickeens
    Well, halfway through the third day and... Still no sign of withdrawal symptoms? My head is still fuzzy, and I feel tired, but I felt like that before I started the diet. I'm slightly underwhelmed really, because so far nothing's changing. I don't feel any better or worse.
    I suppose it's still early yet though.
  6. Brickeens
    So we've been planning this for a while, but next week, Zatth will be flying over here to stay for a few days. I can't believe this is actually happening?!? I haven't met any BZP buddies since Brickfair 2012, and this will also be the first time I've had a BZP friend over to stay in this little pocket of Ireland. Long story short I am super pumped, and am trying to figure out what the best way to spend the three days is. I think there are some pretty cool sheep near here?
  7. Brickeens
    As I mentioned a few entries back, I'm going back to school for the first time in ages, although only for art classes. I start back today.
    So yeah, in an hour's time I'll be walking in that classroom door and seeing my old class for the first time in two years. This is going to be weird.
  8. Brickeens
    I'm just back from my last art class. My teacher is retiring once school concludes for the summer, so I'm not sure if I'll ever be going in for classes like that again. If so, I'll miss them.
  9. Brickeens
    This happened a while ago, but basically, a guy I know straight up offered me a job in his photography shop. He said he's having trouble doing all the work himself and that he'd teach me how to edit, print and frame photographs to a professional standard. It was an amazing offer, because I mean, it's not every day you just get offered a job, let alone a job you'd actually enjoy.
    But of course I couldn't take it. I can still hardly cope with basic day to day life and there's no way I'd last working in a shop. It's been a while, but I'm still upset and frustrated about it, because it was such a fantastic offer and I don't know if I'll ever get an opportunity like that again.
  10. Brickeens
    A friend from school is in hospital with leukemia for the second time in her life. She's easily the nicest and most understanding person I ever talked to there because she's had it a lot worse than I have. Last time she had leukemia she nearly lost an arm.
    Life, this is not how things should work.
  11. Brickeens
    This is weird, I'm actually in the same time zone as a lot of people here. Me and dad are just leaving our hotel and will be arriving at Sumiki's house in approximately four and a half hours.
  12. Brickeens
    Here goes trying another medication. It's supposed to improve immune system function, so let's hope it does.
    Unfortunately, when first introduced, it has side-effects of insomnia and headaches. But I suppose I'm used to those.
  13. Brickeens
    It's a big day over here, Ireland has legalised marriage equality by popular vote. There's still plenty to be done for LGBT equality here (particularly for transgender people) but it's a huge step in the right direction and I'm really happy. Here's to many more steps forward.
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