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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    Okay, maybe this is old news, but I was looking through Boston Dynamics' videos on YouTube, and I came across this thing:

    It's a freaking humanoid robot with a (kind of) spherical upper torso with a blue eye thing in it. It's even called Atlas. I am now convinced these people are turning into Aperture Science.
  2. Brickeens
    Well, this is the last thing I expected, but the last two days, I've been feeling really bad, and the symptoms I'm experiencing are pretty much unmistakeably the symptoms I experienced when I had ME/CFS a child. I've mentioned it before, but basically it was awful, lasted four years, and was pretty much the worst thing that ever happened to me.
    And suddenly out of nowhere I'm getting the symptoms back. Ever since I recovered (recovered is a strong word seeing as I was never really the same since) the symptoms have never just reappeared like this. They've only been here two days and I'm kind of hoping they'll disappear as enigmatically as they've reappeared, but it isn't exactly a good sign.
  3. Brickeens
    So I was in town this evening, and lo and behold, it snowed. It actually snowed. The last time we had snow was back in Christmas 2009. It's pretty much nothing compared to what the rest of you get, but for Ireland it's great.
    What's sad is, I live away from town and we hardly got a thing in my part of the countryside. I was thinking if the snow didn't melt during the night I could go out tomorrow and take pictures, but I guess that won't be possible. Ah well.
  4. Brickeens
    Well, things have been getting a bit heated recently, so I feel like the best thing we can all do is take a minute of our day to pause and learn something fun and new about the natural world.

  5. Brickeens
    So this isn't huge news, but the latest health wise is that my phosphate levels are very low. What sucks is that they're still not able to make a diagnosis, but what's good is the phosphate is I think the fourth abnormality in my blood that points towards metabolic issues, so it's encouraging to see the evidence is building. My doctor said that if it is a metabolic disorder, it's almost certainly something rare. I guess I just have to be special.
  6. Brickeens
    I just realised I haven't been doing a very good job starting off this music sharing thing I was going to do this year. Maybe I'll try and post something every week, but I'm pretty sure I'll have forgotten in like no time. Also, like I said before you're more than welcome to recommend me anything.

    I promise I'll try to post some actual songs, but I inevitably seem to go for film soundtracks.
  7. Brickeens
    I don't know how often I've mentioned this here, but if you follow me on tumblr you've probably heard me ranting about getting bad headaches every day. But hey hey hey, guess what? We finally know what causes them, and even better, how to fix them. It turns out the muscles down my neck and back have been badly screwed up (for a long time it seems) and have been restricting the blood supply to my head. So little wonder it's been so painful since forever.
    But even better, it's quite easily fixed. I've been given various exercises to stretch out the muscles and get the blood flowing properly. It's been about two weeks and the difference is huge. I have way less pain on a daily basis and life is generally easier to cope with. So how about that?
  8. Brickeens
    So I've been thinking I should start sharing some music because of reasons. And if anybody's interested, you're more than welcome to recommend me anything, because I need new stuff to listen to and I'm terrible at finding music I like.

    This is the Pacific Rim theme by Ramin Djawadi, AKA the guy who did the glorious music for the first Iron Man film.
  9. Brickeens
    The good:
    Worked on photography a lot and improved
    A close friend recovered from a rare form of cancer
    Doctors might be a little closer to finding out what's wrong with me
    The bad:
    Physical health has been declining since 2012 (which was the only year since 2009 where it was anywhere close to decent) and not being able to exercise properly is driving me insane
    Got nowhere fixing bad anxiety problems

  10. Brickeens
    So that's a tiny adorable little mushroom I found at the start of December. I wish the picture wasn't so dark, but the light was really poor and I had to shoot using very high ISO, and it was already so grainy I didn't want to go higher. I went back the next day when there was better light, but unfortunately the teensy thing had collapsed. I'm still quite fond of the picture even if it would have been greatly improved by better lighting conditions.
  11. Brickeens
    A mind and body that actually work properly seriously I've lost almost the last four years of my life to this and I'm still not improving and I'm not able to go to school or college or get a job or even do things I actually want to do like draw because my concentration is permanently poor and I feel like like a mental cripple how am I supposed to go on like this and I feel bad about making miserable entries like this all the time sorry

  12. Brickeens
    So, long story short, they still don't know what in the blazes is wrong with me. The less negative news is that they're not giving up here. They took more blood on Monday, and while I don't really understand what's going on they're doing DNA tests and looking for more metabolic problems that could be causing all the headaches, fatigue, nausea, and occasional muscular problems I have.
    What is there even left to say at this stage?
  13. Brickeens
    So I'm still going up for results on Monday, but today I got a letter from the hospital, and they want me back up there in January for an MRI scan. I have no idea why they've suddenly decided they want that done, but I'll find out soon I guess?
  14. Brickeens
    So remember how I was in hospital getting tests done like 7 weeks ago? I had an appointment on the 25th last month to go back up and see the specialist doctor person who would take us through the results (and hopefully give me a diagnosis or something) but that was delayed until the 9th of December, which is this day next week. So one more week. I really, really, really, really, really, hope they're going to be able to make a diagnosis and not just tell me they don't know what the problem is. Like every other time the last three (nearly four) years.
  15. Brickeens
    okay so photography's about the only thing I'm able to do these days, I really want to draw and do other stuff as well but my concentration is just terrible from anxiety levels being permanently high so this is about the only thing I can do properly so here have some pictures

    also yes I'm talking without proper punctuation again, full punctuation makes me sound like I'm in some sort of coherent state of mind, which just feels dishonest at this stage
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