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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    I'm not sure whether it's the LDN medication or the fact that my aforementioned friend has got cancer again, but I've been really up and down the last couple of weeks. Things with the medication should be levelling out as I'm no longer upping the dose, but I dunno. My head is sore a lot of the time and I really feel terrible about the friend with cancer because I feel helpless when people are in such bad situations like that. It's really confusing and I don't know what to do.
  2. Brickeens
    1 | 2 | 3 | 4

    No topic because Mr Tentacles was posted a couple of years ago and hasn't changed since, but I've been thinking for some time that I should rebuild and re-photograph my best MOCs, because they really deserve decent photographs, and I can do better now. It'll probably be a while before I do any more, but in the meantime, Mr Tentacles is back. Hope you all like.
  3. Brickeens
    I'm back at school part time now. I'm taking seven German classes a week, and I might be picking up Science and maybe Maths as well. We'll see.
    I've only just started, but I think things are looking good. Everybody seems to have grown up a lot, which means life there will be way more enjoyable. So, here's to this year of school being a success.
  4. Brickeens
    So as I've mentioned before, I really like jumpers (Or sweaters or whatever you guys call them) that have cool or interesting collars. I said I should get pictures, so here are a couple of my favorites.

    I might photograph more and add them in here later.
  5. Brickeens
    I'm not really doing anything called Wednesday WIPS, I just needed to rip off Sumiki in the title. I said I'd try and make my own version of his Teal Mech, so...

    I built that at around 3AM last night. As you can see, it bears practically no resemblance to Sumiki's MOC because I got carried away taking it my own direction. That said, it has the Kakama on the chest, the same hip pieces, and more or less the same feet. I don't think I'm going to go any further with it, but the chest/shoulder design might be worth looking into.
    Please do keep in mind that this is a really fast tablescrap and nothing more.
  6. Brickeens
    Well, guess what's back. While I'm on the diet I can't take a sort of Omega-3 oil, which is what prevents me from suffering from the aforementioned syndrome. I can get some in the salmon I'm eating, but it doesn't seem to be enough.
  7. Brickeens
    So this isn't huge news, but the latest health wise is that my phosphate levels are very low. What sucks is that they're still not able to make a diagnosis, but what's good is the phosphate is I think the fourth abnormality in my blood that points towards metabolic issues, so it's encouraging to see the evidence is building. My doctor said that if it is a metabolic disorder, it's almost certainly something rare. I guess I just have to be special.
  8. Brickeens
    Time flies. It's hard to believe 2012 is coming to a close. It might be worth my while making a list of the significant things that have happened this year.
    Anyway, on the health front, I'm seeing a psychologist and I started medication for anxiety a week ago. I don't feel any different yet but apparently it takes time to kick in. I hope things start to pick up because a lot of the time nothing seems enjoyable. I go through my music and things I like to do but it all seems unmoving.
    In other news, my friend with leukemia is leaving for London this week. I said goodbye this evening. She's going to be there for four or five months to get the cancer treated. I really hope whatever they're going to do works, because it's a rare form and it could kill her.
  9. Brickeens
    I'm having a creativity slump. And I'm feeling a bit depressed. I'm not sure whether one is a result of the other but I need someone to talk to.
  10. Brickeens
    I meant to make a blog entry about the last day of Brickfair and all the rest last night, but I didn't get a chance. I'll write one or two entries about everything once I'm back at home in Ireland.
    I'm sitting in Dulles International Airport right now and if things are on time I should be boarding the plane soon and departing a little after 10PM local time. I should arrive in Dublin at around 10AM Irish time, and after that there'll be 5-6 more hours of buses and trains to get home. I sure hope I can sleep on the flight, because if I don't I'll have missed a full night's sleep. I'm looking forward to being home.
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