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Year 15

About munchy

  • Birthday 01/06/1998

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    sucked into iPhone
  • Interests
    Check out my blog :) (link in about me page)
    helo i like fire twirling and i do fire poi fire staff and juggling an i can juggle 3 balls and 4 balls and am learning 5 balls i also do devil sticks and i has a levistick and i do contact juggling i got 4 contact balls for my birthday and i banana and i juggle bananas and i really like waffles and i also can juggle 3 clubs and balance things on my chin and i have a unicycle and i think thats all i do but i might remember more later bye
    hmmmmmmm i like doing........ art... stuff..... playing with my pet bird... my pet fish... bzpower... hmmmmmmm lemme think...

    ooooooooooo yeah my dsi computer games hitting stuff tv...
    (We dont have a tv in our house...) swimming horse riding playing with spike computer games playing with bionicles lego bzpower lying on the sofa xbox elite psp go ps3 ps2 ps1 ...
    wellllllllllllll... not really i have only played on the ps2 and ps3.... not the xbox elite the psp go or the ps1....
    nintendo... lol catz... cheese yogurt making up this random intrests list...
    casting crowns
    various other bands...
    the computer that im on at the moment.
    playing flight gear and transformers revenge of the fallen for ds decepticons version......
    making paper water bombs in school under the table ... they are actually real and do work...
    throwing my paper bombs at random things like teachers and stuff...
    playing with my bb gun and shooting the can that is still on the fence cuz i cant hit it from 8 meters...
    maybe i should try it a bit closer...
    going to a summer camp for a week on my own...
    reading stuff and making things like guns and then not finishing them cuz i get bored and then they end up in the bin...
    using joy sticks in games and bionicle rox and so does bzpower and please look at my sig and paste sluggy gangsta into your sig:)...
    I also like making banners and i wil take requests for them but i dont actually have a shop... :)
    Now... i like my pet bird...
    and once me my mum my dad and bricky all had flu...
    and then we kinda ran out of bird seed to feed my bird...
    so someone telephoned someone to tell them that we needed bird food and that we all had flu and couldnt get it ourselves because we had flu so they got some food but it was budgie food and we didnt have a budgie we had a cockatiel and budgie food is for budgies not cockatiels so we gave my bird some and she liked it but it is a little bit bad for her because there is loads of millet in it...
    anyway i still have my pet bird and its called spike because it has a spike on its head :)
    while i was writing this load of rubbish i was staring at a battery charger and it had four aaa batteries whick are the small ones for anybody who didnt know that...
    anyway i just thought i would tell you... :)

    Another thing is that we have a fish tank and we bought a snail in a fish shop and we put it in our tank and about two months later it died and then the fish ate the snailey part out of the shell and the shell is still in our tank........ :)
    On wednesdays i go to and art class and once on my first year there i made a mask out of plaster of paris and i made it look like a clown and on my second year i made another mask and that one was garfield...
    anyone who hasnt noticed by know brickeens is my brother and btw all of the people who are reading this two faced toa is my friend in real life...
    i want to get a psp go but i doutb i wll cuz i already got a dsi....
    I like playing tennis and my cousins who live in england have a tennis court and i can play there when we stay there and once when i was there they had rented a clay pigeon shooting set and it was fun and we had a 12 gauge and it was fun but it was still hard to hit the clay disks... I like fire twirling like i said IN CAPS above and its cool and fun and if anyone is wondering I have never in my life set myself on fire with them :) One year when i was in france I bought a diabolo and it is fun but i dont know how to do anything ecept spin it and stop it from falling off :)
    I like making banners and avvies and stuff like that and i like drawing and i go to an art class and im im the highest class my teacher has but she must think im really good because in that class there are sixteen year olds and im eleven...!!
    if u just read that im eleven well... i do fire twirling because my sister does it too and she is and adult so its not illegal as long as she is with me :)
    hmmm i said i was eleven so id better say that i will be 12 on the 6/1/2010 in case i forget to edit this... :)
    My pet bird spike loves eating cheese and stuff and when we have dinner she likes to sit on our shoulders and eat it aswell but my dad doesnt like my bird and never wants her on him...
    I got my bird sppike the day before christmas and she used to stay in the cage but now she is always on the top of the cage and she sings to the birds outside and she sits on our shoulders while we are walking around and you can walk perfectly normally with her on your shoulder and she doesnt care at all She likes millet and it is her favorite seed but she likes cheese more than that... :)She loves potatoes but not any other vegetables as much...
    If I eat something she wil want some too so i have to give her some if she can eat it...
    One problem is that chocolate will kill her...
    This is quite fun to make and i like doing it and while im doing this i am learning to type faster so i can post faster :)
    I used to have a lego account but when they upgraded i couldnt do it because something went wrong and my account was deleted...
    If anyone who is reading this and has read this from the start all the way to here pm me and ill... ill give them a free virtual pie :)
    My brother brickeens loves to eat lemons and he leaves lemon skins all over the house and I like lemons too...
    Not sure if i already said this but i have a fish tank with fish in it...
    they are col and i have got some fish called mollies (its a tropical tank or warm water tank) and the mollies had babied and we had about thirty of them in our tank.
    we gave some to a friend in exchange for some guppies.....
    the guppies died......
    We stil have a load of mollies though.....
    our tank is a juwel 60 litre warm water tank.....
    its big......
    im not sure if i said this either....
    my pet bird cant fly because it was extremely bored in the shop and pecked out its wing feathers and as a result... cant fly
    She has started to get new ones. :D
    at the moment bricky is trying to annoy me by taking photos of me and saying stuff in a silly voice and doing stuff like bashing pencils off the desk the computer is on......
    now he is poking my leg with his finger..........
    today i was trying to learn a new juggling trick and i was doin stuff

    bricky interrupted me and says that today isnt any good cuz it could be today next year but who cares
    im learning how to throw a ball under my other arm and keep juggling.....
    im not good at explaining stuff...
    brickeens says i'm using too many full stops and im a noob
    he says it should be two zeros but he also says that two zeros will be filtered out because its leet...
    today i was playing runescape and bricky was coming in to tell me that he couldnt talk to two faced toa because bzpower was too slow...
    I had the idea of two faced toa joining my clan in runescape and brickeens could talk to him live while i player runescape...
    if anyone who read this plays runescape my user is zamoralgata...
    im lvl 57 at the moment...
    ill lvl up and forget to change it so dont think im lvl 57 all the time...
    im on runescap a lot...
    two aced toa is on runescape too...
    btw he is called erusperletum or sumpthin like that...
    it means master of death in latin or some language like that.
    brickeens is doing maths cuz he was sick and he is off school so hes doing some to catch up...
    my cousin died a while ago......
    he was eight...
    a few days and he would have been nine... :(
    i had never met him before.
    he died of lookeemia
    thats how you say it but not how you spell it and i dont know how to spell it...
    at my art class im doing a picture with a pine cone
    ill stop there cuz im not good at explaining things....
    at school on fridays we do art and today is thursday and there was a competition and i am sure ive won cuz im best at drawing is school :D
    i hope i have won and bye need 2 go to bed
    i have to go to bed now...
    its ten to nine and i have school tomorrow...
    Im back now :D
    Time to do toodays update. =D
    At the moment im listening to number 1 by tinchy strider.
    Spike my bird is on my shoulder and i have made some new om nom noms to post on sumikis blog...
    take a look at his blog ans see what there is there =D
    I PMed him to ask if he would make an om nom nom club.
    I asked bricky but he said sumikis blog got more views...
    I asked him and he made it :D
    Sumikis blog is called blogarithim or something like that...
    im not sure if i spelled it right so dont blame me!
    I am going to post the om nom noms on sumikis blog now :D
    every saturday i have horseriding lessons and last saturday it was so wet i couldnt go :(
    At horseriding at the moment im doing stuff like bareback riding but i can already walk trot canter and gallop and jump fences about three fifths of a meter high...
    its really fun doing it.
    i always wanted to go horse riding but i didnt get to go until i was 9 and my dad booked a riding lesson for me and brickeens and we went and bricky didnt really like it but i loved it so i kept going :D
    over here its 25 euro for an hour lesson but in england my teacher said it was 85 pounds for an hour!!!!!
    im not sure this is true but i dont think she made it up!
    im eating curry flavored noodles here and they taste yummy :)
    today its been raining non stop here and its really annoying...
    i just finished my noodles and they were yummy :D
    im listening to ghostbusters theme song and i likeh it :D
    I have a snake like toy thats made of wood and it moves and when it moves it makes a funny noise like a clicking noise...
    its not motorised in any way its just pieces of wood...
    (PM me if you want a picture of it) Anyway my pet bird spike was on my shoulder and i was rattling it and suddenly she started singing to it!!
    She kept on singing and singing and when she stopped i did it again and she started it again!!
    it was really funny :D
    I got a bow and 3 steel tipped arrows for christmas and some other books and stuff...
    i got a sunfolwer that squirts water and other cool things :)
    Brickeens got me a case for my dsi and it had a spare stlus so i now have 4 spare ones lol :D
    i got animal crossing wild world for ds and a balloon modeling kit and i only really needed the balloons and pump because i could already make stuff :D
    right now im wondering what else to write here...
    i have an idea...
    for Christmas my sister got me 3 curly straws and what looks like a tube of tooth paste but if you take the cap of its really a pen :D
    i can play a bit of piano and drums and guitar and trumpet and tuba and clarinet and saxophone but can only properly play drums guitar and piano.
    recently i have been learning to type but i am extremely lazy as two faced toa and brickeens would know and i lost interest and stopped because i got boredlololol
    well nao i amu board as a bored :P (yes that was on purpose) and my mum is on the phone now and yesterday i was at two faced toas house and beens was thar too and we watched the 3rd and 4th harry potter also the p key isnt working very well and i hae to hit it quite hard to get it to work :) i dont know why im smiling i should be sad because ot is borkennnn oh noes help my contuper is borken aaaaaaaa nayway im bored nao so i amu gion to go nao adn playu a gamu so nao tehn i wilu gow two a gamu website so bai nao
    i am banana and my toast that i had this morning says hi to all bzpower members and the egg i put on the toast this morning says mmmmmmmmmmmmmffffffffjhaskufhaekvahbavaj
    cause i ate it
    so it cant talk properly
    i ate the toast too so it shouldnt be able to talk but it is super toast so it can still talk also asdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsaasdfdsasdfdsasdfdsasdf
    idunno why i are doing this :3
    im bored i should learn a new juggling trick so i will try and do that now so bye bananananananananananana
    12397 characters :) :D B)

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    http://Offsite blog removed.
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    it got deleted somehow i dont know why

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