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Year 16

About ManiacToaLaco

  • Birthday 01/06/1912

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    A long, long time ago, there was a cube. A very shiny cube. One day, it gave life to far away planet. The beings it created were mechnaical and huge. The foremost and greatest of these was Metrutron Prime. He was so great and foremost-ly they named tha planet after him.

    Pretty snazy, eh?

    The called the amazing cube the AllShiny, since it was all powerful and very shiny. However, they found that the more the cube gave them, the less power it had (duh). So, they devised a way to replenish its engeries, via eating a sun via a Sun Eaterer (a massive machince capable of harnishing the energies of a star), which inturn was powered by the Sun Matrix, which containd its own awesome power.


    This worked swell, and they pretty much agreed "Hey, we can do this on whatever star we choose, as long as there's no life on the surrounding planets, capiche?"

    And they agreed upon this.

    Except for one of them. His name, was Icarax. He thought that due to the amazing-ness of their race that they should have the choice of whatever star they wanted. On one planet they thought was life less, they almost activated the Sun Eaterer, although that planet contained life. Icarax hid the life from them, until they discovered it.

    Now, some of them agreed with Icarax, believing in their own superiority. Banding together under Icarax, they called themselves Deceptikuta.

    However, Metrutron Prime knew this was wrong. He took the Sun Matrix upon his person, keeping it away from Icarax and his forces. This angered Icarax, who led his Deceptikuta on the attack, killing and slaughtering their now ex-brothers, and exterminating whatever natural life on the planet they found.

    Metrutron Prime, being the mightiest of them, led some of his mighty friends on a counter attack, and they fought on the terrain before the Sun Eaterer. There, Icarax murdered his brothers, talking their energy one by one until Metrutron Prime himself faced Icarax. Newly over powered, Icarax beat down Metrutron Prime until Prime, using the last of his energies, threw Icarax back and forcibly transformed (transmoced as they call it) into a square shaped sarcophagus. They then brought Icarax's mini tomb back to their home planet and buried him there, hoping he would stay trapped forever, prophesing that "Icarax would remain imprisoned as long as a Prime lived."

    Metrutron Prime and the last of his brothers then formed a tomb out of their own bodies around the Sun Matrix, hoping to keep it safe forever from Icarax. The inhabitants of the planet, who called themselves "Matoran" built a pyramid around the Sun Eaterer, for no apparent reason.

    Life on Metrutron (the planet) continued peacefully, flourishing, until during the reign of High Lord Protectinator Makutatron and Lord Protectinator Matanui Prime, that a simple excavation unearthed Icarax's box. This box was then brought to Protectinator Norik Prime, friend of Matanui Prime.

    Icarax corrupeted Norik, who in turn (on orders from Icarax) gave Icarax's sarcophagus to Makutatron, who was normally a rather angry person, and became a raging sociopath who decided he needed the AllShiny for absolute power. And with this power, he could release Icarax (after killing the last of the Primes of course).

    Matanui Prime however, knew this was wrong, and stood against Makutatron. War happened, Metrutron got wrecked, AllShiny got launched into space, Makutatron followed it, both crash landed on Matoran planet (coincidently, the same planet where the Sun Matrix and Sun Eaterer were located), and Norik Prime, with amazing space bridge technology he got from Icarax, was shot down in his ship, which activated the space bridge stuff and landed him on the moon above the Matoran planet (bloody coincidences..)

    Matanui Prime and his Autotoabots then left Metrutron, searching the cosmos for the AllShiny. Strong energy signatures eventualyl led Deceptiktua forces to the planet, but the Autotoabots followed.

    Meanwhile, in Ko-Wahi on the Matoran planet, an explorer by the name of Captain Ithinkimbald found, frozen in the ice, a giant metal man.

    Meanwhile, in Po-Metru, the AllShiny was found by Po-Matoran, and they built the Canyon of UnEnding Whispers around it. The newly found giant robot (which was Makutatron), called "Project Frosty" by the Matoran (which the Matoran invovled called themselves Sector Six), brought him to the Canyon.

    Captain Ithinkimbald's glasses, which had been imprinted with the AllShiny's location, was kept by his family had passed down, until his great-great-great-great-great grandson Jaller Ithinkimbald tried selling them on bBay.

    What happend next is something I like to call Transonicle.

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  1. Hey, i'm resuming my series. Mind commenting on it?

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