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Blog Entries posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth
    That's what George Orwell described the Sagrada Familia as in his Homage to Catalonia.
    Well, on Thursday night we'll (me and the Forensics Team) be traveling to Barcelona and staying there for a week and a half for the International Forensics Association tournament. The tournament sounds cool and all, but the reason I'm really excited for the trip is because I'll get to see said "hideous building".
    Not that I think the thing is terrible; I'm a bit of a Sagrada Familia fan myself. So it only made sense that our head coach, who offers a class called COMM 307: Field Study in Communication, gives team members the option of, every year, writing a paper on an aspect of the country we travel to that year and compare it with something in the U.S. As an excuse to learn more about architecture and symbology, I proposed that my paper became about the Sagrada Familia and the Library of Congress (Sumiki might have something to say about that). Specifically, I'll be examining the juxtaposition of the symbology of both buildings, how the Sagrada Familia as a temple intertwined with Catalonian identity, and the Library of Congress as a temple intertwined with the nation's founders and early American identity. Yes, it's a mouthful.
    Lucky for me, my hospitalization gave me a week to curl up next to Gaudi's biography by Gijs van Hensbergen (highly recommend it), the Taschen book on Gaudí, as well as two books on the Library of Congress. It's weird to think that almost a month ago I was having my stomach cut open, and in two days I'll be hopping on a plane (I actually fought to be operated as soon as possible so I could make the trip).
    And over the past week I've been absorbing everything about Gaudí and the Sagrada Familia. There are so many factoids bustling in my head I feel like the unofficial tour guide of the group. I'll also get to interview members of the Sagrada Familia Archive, and maybe get a behind-the-scenes look at the Archives and other documents. For a myriad reasons I think the Sagrada Familia is one of the most gorgeous buildings on the planet, and these past two weeks have just made that conviction stronger.
    To conclude this convoluted mess, I found out while at the hospital that I might have much more to thank this building for; my mom mentioned that in college she'd taken an Art History class, and spent hours poring over pictures of the Sagrada Familia, and she too became obsessed. A few years later, my mom went on a first date with my dad, and as he pulled out his wallet to pay for something she noticed a little torn-up photo of the Sagrada Familia. She said she fell a bit more in love with him then. And just as she said, when my dad passed by the hospital that evening, he pulled out the same picture, so many years later but unmistakably the building that towers over Barcelona.
    I hope to bring many pictures from the trip, as well as a more fair (thought probably very biased) report to counter Mr. Orwell's.
  2. Zatth
    "you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
    - Aegon the Conqueror (at some point probably)

    (In case you're wondering, yes, I did procrastinate all of my classwork for three days and turned my dorm room into a studio where I made a fully modular Iron Throne that can be disassembled and rebuilt on any dorm chair, as well as making the Valyrian steel sword Ice. Because procrastinating for Game of Thrones is always worth it.)
  3. Zatth
    I will be in the Yale campus in New Haven, CT for the whole weekend for a Speech Tournament. I literally left school to get on the train. I'll be returning back home at 11 p.m. on Sunday, at which time I'll have to stay awake for four more hours finishing homework, to then leave school halfway through to go to an interview for something and then prepare for a college visit and Model UN Conference the next day.
  4. Zatth
    So I went to see 2012 today. It was a pretty interesting movie. I loved the effects, but as always, there were some downsides that can't be avoided, but that still made me bored:
    1. Characters nobody likes die
    2. Before almost all the deaths there is a sentimental moment
    3. The main characters always seem to save themselves in impossible ways
    But still, that can't be avoided. Still, overall it was a good movie.
    And if you want to know, no. I don't believe in 2012.
  5. Zatth
    I finally published Chapter 1 of the thing!
    I hope y'all get a chance to look it over and feel free to send any comments and criticisms!
    Thanks again, y'all
  6. Zatth
    Chapter 2 is out!
    I finished my Science final yesterday, so one of the first things I did was finish the second chapter. Hope y'all like it, and feel free to comment on the Review Topic!
  7. Zatth
    And so, it is done.
    I had a blast returning to the universe that started me off on creative writing back in '07. However, I'm always looking to improve (and trust me, I know I have A LOT to improve upon), so if you have any comments, they are very much appreciated. This Epic was fun to work on, and if nothing else, as I was nearing the end, I realized I wanted to work on some other project, similar, but different.
    Which brings me to tomorrow.
    Tomorrow I'll unveil a video that's meant as a teaser of sorts for this next project. I won't lie, it's super ambitious and bizarre (the project, probably not the video). I'm deathly terrified of sharing it, because while it could go well, it could also go terribly.
    I guess I'll only know when I post it.
    So tomorrow I'll post the video/teaser, and starting on Monday, I'll upload a chapter a day. I feel it's the best way to give an idea of the project; I feel like posting a chapter a week will make it seem very discombobulated and it might lose its steam.
    So yeah. A Mystery Explored is done (for now), teaser tomorrow, and the new project begins on Monday.
    I hope y'all liked A Mystery Explored, and will enjoy this new little something.
  8. Zatth
    [11/08/12 20:42:38] Pablo Ramírez: GUISE MY INTERNET IS BEING ANNOYING
    [11/08/12 20:43:44] Jon: Cambodia.
    [11/08/12 20:43:53] Pablo Ramírez: CAMBOOOOOOOOOODIA
    [11/08/12 20:43:57] Pablo Ramírez: EXOOOOOOOOOOOODIA
    [11/08/12 20:44:11] Jon: YUGIOH
    [11/08/12 20:44:18] Pablo Ramírez: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE
    [11/08/12 20:44:50] Jon: SUGAR SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE
    [11/08/12 20:45:03] Pablo Ramírez: THESE ARE THE INGREDIENTS NEEDED TO SAVE THE WORLD
  9. Zatth
    [14/08/12 20:09:39] Orino Ryuujin: greetings, all
    [14/08/12 20:09:48] Pablo Ramírez: HAI ELL EMM
    [14/08/12 20:10:21] Orino Ryuujin: Ellem
    [14/08/12 20:10:23] Orino Ryuujin: Ellem Page
    [14/08/12 20:10:27] Orino Ryuujin: that should be a future username
    [14/08/12 20:10:30] Pablo Ramírez: LM PAGE
    [14/08/12 20:10:42] Pablo Ramírez: THE STAR OF THE IDEAING BY CHRISTOPHER TROLLIN'
    [14/08/12 20:10:43] Kit: Oh hey LM
    [14/08/12 20:10:44] Daiker: Gotta Ell'em all!
    [14/08/12 20:11:22] Orino Ryuujin: hey Spink
  10. Zatth
    [14/08/12 19:38:42] Pablo Ramírez: GUISE
    [14/08/12 19:38:44] Pablo Ramírez: ER
    [14/08/12 19:38:45] Pablo Ramírez: my
    [14/08/12 19:38:46] Pablo Ramírez: GERD
    [14/08/12 19:38:49] Pablo Ramírez: IT'S BRICKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:39:01] Brickeens: yes, that would be me
    [14/08/12 19:39:37] Pablo Ramírez: IT'S A BRICKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:40:39] Brickeens: yep
    [14/08/12 19:40:51] Pablo Ramírez: BRIIIIIIIIIIIIICKEEEEEEEEEEEENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:00] Daiker: Brokens
    [14/08/12 19:41:04] Pablo Ramírez: BRAIKENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:10] Daiker: Brock
    [14/08/12 19:41:12] Pablo Ramírez: NATALIE BREEZEKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:20] Brickeens: don't get too excited there pablo
    [14/08/12 19:41:23] Daiker: ^
    [14/08/12 19:41:49] Pablo Ramírez: BUT EETS BREECKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:42:00] Pablo Ramírez: BTW, this is totally going on my blag
    [14/08/12 19:42:14] Daiker: ohboyherewego.jpg
  11. Zatth
    [14/08/12 20:44:31] Sisen: Ask Susen.
    [14/08/12 20:47:19] Zatth: ALRIGHT SUSEN
    [14/08/12 20:48:08] toadaiker: susun
    [14/08/12 20:48:13] toadaiker: Su Sun
    [14/08/12 20:48:14] toadaiker: Sue Sun
    [14/08/12 20:48:20] Zatth: SUN SUN SUN HERE IT COMES
    [14/08/12 20:48:50] Kit: Sue Sundries, a young flowershop owner living on the outskirts of New York, New York.
    [14/08/12 20:49:08] Zatth: THIS MUST BE MADE INTO A GRAPHIC NOVEL
    [14/08/12 20:49:14] Zatth: THE ADVENTURE OF SUE SUNDRIES
    [14/08/12 20:49:20] Zatth: BY SISEN A.K.A SUE SUSEN
    [14/08/12 20:49:26] Zatth: WITH MUSIC BY THE BEATLES
  12. Zatth
    (okay, i should provide some context. we have a vacation week starting tomorrow, and my trip will include legoland windsor on the 27th, doctor who experience and cardiff on the 28th and 29th, and then a flight from bristol to visit brickeens. spoiler alert: the trip to visit him was actually the reason for the study abroad program)
  13. Zatth
    So as luck would have it, I live right by D.C. (explains the BrickFair VA connection), and so when I first heard of An Evening with Neil Gaiman, I (literally) jumped at the chance to see one of my favourite authors.
    I just came back from the event, and wow.

    Granted, the guy was very humorous. If you've read Good Omens, fear not, the man is a witty in real time as he is funny in his prose.
    I'm just floored by his answers, his philosophy, his ideas and explanations. It's great to meet those you're a fan of, but he really blew me away. He also made me want to work even more on my writing, so this is a sort of apology to my parents/extended relatives/anyone else who hoped someday Pablo would grow up and get a real job (granted, my major is in Language Arts for Education, but I'm just using it as a way to do both); I ain't quitting' on this yet.
  14. Zatth
    Currently waiting to check out from GMIF. Wonderful two and a half weeks, as I previously elaborated.
    Tomorrow morning, drive to the Dulles Expo Center for good ol' BerkFer VA.
    Expect Xaeraz, Sumiki, and AT to carry my MOCs inside. Expect various vines and hats, maybe a pile of some sort. Expect random shenanigans, a seminar on Thursday that Xaeraz, Sumiki and I will give, and breadsticks. Many, many breadsticks.
    Expect the unexpected. Unless you can expect everything that's unexpected. In that case... um... EXPECT THINGS *smokebombs away*
  15. Zatth
    So I guess y'alls enjoyed that first bit of Let's Play?
    If you've got any comment/criticisms/etc, please send them our way! We wanna make these better and funnier and entertaining...ier if we can!
    I'm also gonna resume the use of the blag. Yay!
  16. Zatth
    I saw Avatar, and I loved its message.
    You can't try to take over others for resources, even if they seem savages. They are also sentient, you know? Also, don't mate with the female that already has a mate.
    Oh yeah, and awesomesauce effects.
    BEST. MOVIE. OF. 2009
  17. Zatth
    I have returned! The trip was fun, and yes, there will be pictures below.
    We arrived on Friday at 11:45 pm, and spent the next two days in the Hilton Barcelona preparing for the tournament. Monday and Tuesday we competed, and we did well (we Sophomores crushed it, having five of our six class members winning 1st place in one of out events).

    (Pictured above: the Sophomores of GMU 4N6, and the people I love the most on the team)
    By Wednesday, though, we were finally free to travel and visit places!
    We walked for an hour and a half to the Sagrada Familia, and I was not prepared for it. Wednesday I focused just on the outside, but even that was astounding.

    We then returned back to our new apartments (conveniently located literally in front of Camp Neu), and prepared for Thursday.
    Thursday I had a group go with me to the Sagrada Familia Archives for my project; we also used the time to visit the cathedral itself. Two things I want to highlight; the first being the stained glass and how the light made the inside literally change colours

    the second being how amazing and gorgeous the inside looks (and how it does replicate a forest)

    Needless to say, I cried. (I also got sweaty palms, but that was when we went up one of the bell towers. Fun fact: I discovered then that I have a fear of heights!)
    We then spent the evening in the Gothic District, where I found the chance for a literary inside joke that only true (15)90s kids will understand:

    Spent the next day again in the Gothic District, which conveniently is right next to the beach

    (Look at these nerds)

    The last day we went to Els Quatre Gats (and I began writing a meta short story right there and then, which I might post here in the future)

    We then ended the day by going to the Picasso Museum and taking some vague, heroic photos

    (Pictured here: a fool who thinks he looks cool).
    In all seriousness, this was a wonderful trip. I got to see one of my fave buildings in the world, spent a week with my friends, and ate amazing. I can't stress enough how lucky I am to belong to such a great program, that dazzles me every day and lets me be thankful for what I have.
    PS: While there, we filmed the pilot for our new sitcom, Pablo & Pablo. Below are two promotional images:

  18. Zatth
    It's true! Even though this weekend we are hosting the largest Speech tournament in the nation and I have finals in the next two weeks and then a hospitalization at NIH on the 15th that could last until who knows when, I'M BACK WRITING!
    I decided that if I don't feel like writing an actual novel (my second one, technically), I might as well go back to my roots and write a BIONICLE story!
    I mean, sure, my first BIONICLE Epic was written when I was 13, featured a myriad members who agreed to be characters in the story, and never actually got resolved, but that's past.
    I'm hoping this new Epic gets em writing in my familiar element (the BIONICLE universe and mythos), ensuring that I'm excited to write.
    And if the Epic goes well, I hope on making it a sort of anthology series!
    Expect the first chapter soon-ish.
    And, can I just say, it feels so good to be writing again
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