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Posts posted by Zatth

  1. To echo Downfall's words, welcome to BZP! Also, I shall wield my mighty Forum Powers *lightning begins crackling* and allow topics revived to be brought down, for new topics to arise!

    It's like when a Toa gave of themselves to make new Toa... except, not? I dunno, I just summon the lightning.


  2.   IMG_0375.jpg


    “Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers in order to tell the tale.”


    - Gabriel Garcia Marquez




              They said, tell it to us. It’s only dredges of a tale, clinging bits of a mythical past that dare not wash away. They won’t let it wash away, much as the once Endless Ocean was challenged by rebel islands that sprung up, and survived, against all odds.

              I think they have a feeling that that’s the only reason why we’re here. By ‘they’ I mean all of those who live in this thriving metropolis, and those who live in all the other great cities. The ones that jut into the sky with Coliseums and Towers of Knowledge as if wanting to reach upwards in order to cut a star from the cloth that is the night sky; the ones that call prototype masks and ritualistic tunics the carpets they walk on; those by the beaches and those under the waters and those clinging above the sky, all of them replicating the different cities of yore, lodged into our genetic memory, but forgotten to all.

              We thought it was better that way, the six of us. How do you encompass millennia of history? How do you tell those collected chronicles, of heroic Toa and devious Makuta, of deaths of Great Spirits and magical fusions of planets? Names like Kodan, Takua, Hahli, Kopeke, Tarduk…

              And how do you tell someone descended from a Makuta that they were once the cause of a near-extinction level event? How do you force a now-sentient Rahi to regress into history and into savagery, so much like the Zesk and the Vorox during their own time? We chose, for all of them, to keep away the dangerous and the old, in order to keep this tenuous peace.

              And now they say, tell it to us.

              Look at them. Caught unawares by their own youth and inexperience, as thirsty for knowledge as all of us once were, far removed enough that they see but fascination and awe in what we call ‘our history’. But I, I am… so old. The joints in my fingers hurt. Breathing is labored, in that I feel when they slow down because I become afraid that I have forgotten to take a breath. I’m nearing the end, that much is clear. With me, as accorded thousands of years ago, it all must go.

              But you will appreciate that, in typical me fashion, I have followed this to an extent. It’s equivocation, in that I am not technically going against what we agreed on. The tomes sit behind me. It’s all there, you know? The maps of every major island and of what were once the three planets, with the sites of every village and every battle. The entire travel log of the Robot, with all of its tales of the places we never saw (I suppose the Robot also died, and so those coordinates will remain just that). The parchment written after my investigations into Mata Nui and Voya Nui, the crystals and panels from visiting Metru Nui and the Southernmost Islands. Every weapon that’s saved my life, labeled with the thing that threatened me and that I barely escaped alive.

              And the Kanohi. They’re all here, almost all of them. It took us, what, seven thousand years to collect the Mask of each major player? Seven thousand years and the death of one of our own… and now I’m dying, and this will be here, but with no one.

              Ha. It almost feels like a meaningless sacrifice, at the end of it all.

              Is that what the six of us ended up being? Meaningless? Or sacrifices?

              They will never know, will they. No, of course not. It’s shocking to me I still find myself rediscovering this.


              No. No, no. No, they don’t get this. Not now, not never.

              I- no!

              I said th- Look, I-


              A Rahi should have eaten you years ago, you know that?


             But I will keep the details to a minimum. And, I’ll have me an oath of secrecy!

             Yes. Yes, alright, I’ll let them in. Let me just get my affairs in order first.


    Review Topic


    I hope Jess's idea makes it because it's a great set idea and also i want to replace all her painstakingly crafted skeletons with Dino Attack dinosaurs


    how do i block someone from being able to buy a set


    I'd say use the Mask of Ultimate Power to warp reality around Xaeraz to render him unable to buy it


    but may I also suggest using the Mask of De"Xae"rability? (It has the double effect of being a Mask of Power and a terrible pun, which as I understand are both weaknesses [CITATION NEEDED] )


    (and on a more serious note, a thousand and more congrats, Jess! The model is amazing, and knowing that it comes from a friend like yourself makes it that much cooler. Best of luck with it going forward :) )


    • Upvote 3
  4. Muro De La Historia welcomes you again to the BIONICLE universe, in the channel's first dramatic production. Combining podcasts and radio dramas, Onu-Matoran Palan will bring you along to the story we all know while experiencing it through a new point of view.


    Hey all! This is Zatth, with a personal project I've been tinkering with over the past few months. It's a cross between a podcast and a radio drama, kind of like Welcome To Night Vale meets BIONICLE. In a new format and through a new perspective, it'll be a nice way to return to the BIONICLE universe in dramatic narrative.

    The other exciting bit, however, is that you will play a central role in the show. We want to feature your creations in the show, as if they were provided by Matoran from Mata Nui. If you compose music, it can be the latest Le-Matoran tune. If you are a thespian, you can appear on the show as a canonical character or your own alter ego. If you MOC or draw, your art can be a depiction of a recent scene or your MOC can be an taken image of a new Rahi species. If you write, we can read you "news brief" or "story". Anything is possible in the show, and you are at the helm. If you have an idea of what to send, make sure it fits within the island of Mata Nui and the 2001 saga, and that you give us what name you want to be credited as (a Matoran name, or a username we'll say is a nickname of you as a Matoran). You can send content to murodelahistoria@gmail.com

    We're super excited to see what you bring to the show and how the show grows, and please subscribe to keep updated with new episodes every Friday as well as some behind the scene goodies! (Also, any and all comments would be appreciated!)

    • Upvote 3
  5. What one direction is this? Doors are so last year.


    No, no. One Direction lost one of its members last year. And The Doors are from a few more years back.


    (Sorry, couldn't resist. Now back to a topical message: this is gearing up quite nicely! Considering Episode 8 is coming up instead of Episode 9, I am excited to see what giant shock befalls the series on the ninth episode!)

    • Upvote 4
  6. "As to Tekulo and Smoke Monster, I ran into them at the Ancient City when they travelled to my Stone Region. I asked about the then-rumors of Nato's traveling by himself to different areas including the Water/Jungle border, and though both defendants denied any knowledge they seemed uneasy and perhaps hiding something. However, I cannot prove anything, only what I noticed then. Since they were also there during the poisoning, of course, they could either have been at a complete loss of the scheme and have gotten lucky, or have known all along and saved themselves. I sincerely hope it was the former. Of Jed, I know little if none at all."

    • Upvote 3
  7. Think of it this way, Zatth:


    Aside from Vox, you've now been handed the most unqie experience of the game on a silver platter.


    Although Nato's shenanigans are a close runner up.

    *whispers* no one Zatth should have all that power


    Nah, but the game is amazing. It's turning out unreal and I can see we've all been taking the game to new grounds, as any GoT-based situation should  :P

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