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Blog Entries posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth
    I guess it's happening!
    So excited for this opportunity, and for everyone else who won! For those who didn't make it, feel free to ask me to take pics/tell you about anything there, and as long as I'm legally allowed to relay any information, I will do so!
    Thanks so much to the other BZP staffies and to The LEGO Group!
  2. Zatth
    Ermahgerd. Mershed perderders.
  3. Zatth
    [14/08/12 19:38:42] Pablo Ramírez: GUISE
    [14/08/12 19:38:44] Pablo Ramírez: ER
    [14/08/12 19:38:45] Pablo Ramírez: my
    [14/08/12 19:38:46] Pablo Ramírez: GERD
    [14/08/12 19:38:49] Pablo Ramírez: IT'S BRICKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:39:01] Brickeens: yes, that would be me
    [14/08/12 19:39:37] Pablo Ramírez: IT'S A BRICKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:40:39] Brickeens: yep
    [14/08/12 19:40:51] Pablo Ramírez: BRIIIIIIIIIIIIICKEEEEEEEEEEEENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:00] Daiker: Brokens
    [14/08/12 19:41:04] Pablo Ramírez: BRAIKENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:10] Daiker: Brock
    [14/08/12 19:41:12] Pablo Ramírez: NATALIE BREEZEKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:20] Brickeens: don't get too excited there pablo
    [14/08/12 19:41:23] Daiker: ^
    [14/08/12 19:41:49] Pablo Ramírez: BUT EETS BREECKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:42:00] Pablo Ramírez: BTW, this is totally going on my blag
    [14/08/12 19:42:14] Daiker: ohboyherewego.jpg
  4. Zatth
    Due to the awesome cosmic powers that our very own Sisen possesses, he has been able to rechristen me and give me another name to add to my list of a myriad names I go by.
    I can now, also be called:

    Zatthman the Bley.

  5. Zatth
    I'm not sure how I'm still alive. I barely have any free time now.
    In other news, I'm hosting a Doctor Who party at my house to night for the new season. Super excited for the event and the episode itself. Then two more days to relax.
    And then back to school.
  6. Zatth
    I was hospitalized at NIH a week ago, and while there my mom told me she was thinking of having us go on a vacation as a family to some theme parks in Florida. I was surprised, but super excited.
    A week later, and it looks like we're going to Legoland and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
    Should be fun. Stuck in a car with my sister for 14 hrs might be tough, but I WILL SURVIVE. I'm scared because we're visiting Legoland on the 31st, and I dunno if they'll have Bonkles in stock then. Because it would be unreal to buy my first Gen 2 BIONICLE from Legoland.
    I'm excited about The Wizarding World of Harry Potter after reading the entire series for the first time in May (why, you ask? For a class. Yeah, my classes are THAT cool). Since I know what house I'm in I feel more pumped to go and shell out money on unnecessary things. BECAUSE I'M AN ADULT.
    Any of y'all who have gone or live there have any tips? Preferably for Harry Potter since we've been to Legoland in California.
  7. Zatth
    So I started Sophomore year of cawledge about a week ago, but on Thursday I left on a trip.
    If you didn't know before, I compete for George Mason's Forensics Team (no, not CSI-forensics). It's competitive public speaking (think Speech & Debate but in college). At the start of the year we go for four to five days to southern Maryland for a special team-wide retreat. The title of the blag entry refers to the fact that the house in which the coaches stayed was called Valhalla (and the name fit perfectly for the house. It was UH-MAY-ZING).
    Anywho, we use the time to take pics of the team and the people so we can use them on the team's site, but one of the pictures of all the officers on the team ended up looking like we were the cast of a sitcom, so I can't help myself but share the image with y'alls.

    Anywho, my (Forensics) friends are purdy.
  8. Zatth
    [12/10/14, 8:12:35 PM] The Zatthman: Brevity IS the soul of wit
    [12/10/14, 8:13:01 PM] Jon //Sisen: DONT WORDS ME
    [12/10/14, 8:13:06 PM] Jon //Sisen: YOU ARE NO LONGER MY
    [12/10/14, 8:13:09 PM] Jon //Sisen: FRIEND WITH WORDS
    [12/10/14, 8:13:13 PM] Jon //Sisen: OR WORDS WITH FRIENDS
    [12/10/14, 8:13:20 PM] Jon //Sisen: I'M DELETING THIS APP FOREVER
    [12/10/14, 8:13:22 PM] The Zatthman: aaaaAAAAAAAA
    [12/10/14, 8:13:27 PM] Jon //Sisen: zatth you are the weakest link
    [12/10/14, 8:13:28 PM] Jon //Sisen: GOODBYE
    [12/10/14, 8:13:32 PM] The Zatthman: nUUUUUUU
    [12/10/14, 8:13:42 PM] The Zatthman: BUT I AM ZATTHMAN THE BLEY
    [12/10/14, 8:13:50 PM] Jon //Sisen: YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE
    [12/10/14, 8:13:59 PM] The Zatthman: BUT I HAVE BLEY
    [12/10/14, 8:14:02 PM] The Zatthman: A LOT OF IT
    [12/10/14, 8:14:33 PM] Jon //Sisen: TAKE YOUR BLEY AND
    [12/10/14, 8:16:26 PM] The Zatthman: HOW DARE YOU
    [12/10/14, 8:16:30 PM] The Zatthman: YOU SHALL NOT PASS
    [12/10/14, 8:16:51 PM] Jon //Sisen: !!!
    [12/10/14, 8:16:58 PM] The Zatthman: DASTARDLY
    [12/10/14, 8:17:02 PM] The Zatthman: THAT’S DEVIOUS
    [12/10/14, 8:17:12 PM] Jon //Sisen: dun dun dun
    [12/10/14, 8:17:56 PM] The Zatthman: YOU DUN DUN DUN FOR
    [12/10/14, 8:18:27 PM] Jon //Sisen: Don't make me come over there
    [12/10/14, 8:18:40 PM] The Zatthman: BUT YOU LOVE TO TRAVEL
    [12/10/14, 8:21:50 PM] Jon //Sisen: do i love to traveL?
    [12/10/14, 8:21:57 PM] The Zatthman: MAYBE
    [12/10/14, 8:22:00 PM] The Zatthman: MAEBE
    [12/10/14, 8:22:06 PM] The Zatthman: MAY BEE
    [12/10/14, 8:22:10 PM] The Zatthman: THE BEE OF MAY
    [12/10/14, 8:22:22 PM] The Zatthman: THE IDES OF MARCH
    [12/10/14, 8:22:34 PM] The Zatthman: Everything returns to the Bard
    [12/10/14, 8:22:40 PM] Jon //Sisen: UNLESS
    [12/10/14, 8:22:44 PM] Jon //Sisen: THE BEES ARE DISAPPEARING
    [12/10/14, 8:22:45 PM] Jon //Sisen: THEN
    [12/10/14, 8:22:56 PM] The Zatthman: IT MEANS THEY ARE ALIENS
    [12/10/14, 8:23:00 PM] The Zatthman: DOO WEE OOO
    [12/10/14, 8:23:03 PM] The Zatthman: WEE OOO OOO
  9. Zatth
    They answered my question (when I called), I got a few q's right, and in the test they said me name!!! yay!
    Overall, it was pretty cool, except for the voitng stuff...
    Congrats to TTV and BS01 Podcast!
  10. Zatth
    I saw Avatar, and I loved its message.
    You can't try to take over others for resources, even if they seem savages. They are also sentient, you know? Also, don't mate with the female that already has a mate.
    Oh yeah, and awesomesauce effects.
    BEST. MOVIE. OF. 2009
  11. Zatth
    That's what George Orwell described the Sagrada Familia as in his Homage to Catalonia.
    Well, on Thursday night we'll (me and the Forensics Team) be traveling to Barcelona and staying there for a week and a half for the International Forensics Association tournament. The tournament sounds cool and all, but the reason I'm really excited for the trip is because I'll get to see said "hideous building".
    Not that I think the thing is terrible; I'm a bit of a Sagrada Familia fan myself. So it only made sense that our head coach, who offers a class called COMM 307: Field Study in Communication, gives team members the option of, every year, writing a paper on an aspect of the country we travel to that year and compare it with something in the U.S. As an excuse to learn more about architecture and symbology, I proposed that my paper became about the Sagrada Familia and the Library of Congress (Sumiki might have something to say about that). Specifically, I'll be examining the juxtaposition of the symbology of both buildings, how the Sagrada Familia as a temple intertwined with Catalonian identity, and the Library of Congress as a temple intertwined with the nation's founders and early American identity. Yes, it's a mouthful.
    Lucky for me, my hospitalization gave me a week to curl up next to Gaudi's biography by Gijs van Hensbergen (highly recommend it), the Taschen book on Gaudí, as well as two books on the Library of Congress. It's weird to think that almost a month ago I was having my stomach cut open, and in two days I'll be hopping on a plane (I actually fought to be operated as soon as possible so I could make the trip).
    And over the past week I've been absorbing everything about Gaudí and the Sagrada Familia. There are so many factoids bustling in my head I feel like the unofficial tour guide of the group. I'll also get to interview members of the Sagrada Familia Archive, and maybe get a behind-the-scenes look at the Archives and other documents. For a myriad reasons I think the Sagrada Familia is one of the most gorgeous buildings on the planet, and these past two weeks have just made that conviction stronger.
    To conclude this convoluted mess, I found out while at the hospital that I might have much more to thank this building for; my mom mentioned that in college she'd taken an Art History class, and spent hours poring over pictures of the Sagrada Familia, and she too became obsessed. A few years later, my mom went on a first date with my dad, and as he pulled out his wallet to pay for something she noticed a little torn-up photo of the Sagrada Familia. She said she fell a bit more in love with him then. And just as she said, when my dad passed by the hospital that evening, he pulled out the same picture, so many years later but unmistakably the building that towers over Barcelona.
    I hope to bring many pictures from the trip, as well as a more fair (thought probably very biased) report to counter Mr. Orwell's.
  12. Zatth
    Since almost all the staffies have mentioned him in some way, I thought I'd steal that idea and do so too.
    I remember after the TFOL Talk I was standing at the BZP table, as I heard a younger voice say "Kanohi Zatth?" And there he was. Actually, he's the same height as me, so that was sorta cool. Also, he helped to build the milk cup, to light the Batman video thingy, and to make me feel pretty good at BrickFair, since he is officially the first BZPer I spend so much time with. Not to mention we both speek Spanish as a first language!!!!!!
    While I was unsure or shy of approaching staff, he wasn't, which makes him pretty awesome. I wish he'd been at the TFOL follow up.
  13. Zatth
    I will be in the Yale campus in New Haven, CT for the whole weekend for a Speech Tournament. I literally left school to get on the train. I'll be returning back home at 11 p.m. on Sunday, at which time I'll have to stay awake for four more hours finishing homework, to then leave school halfway through to go to an interview for something and then prepare for a college visit and Model UN Conference the next day.
  14. Zatth
    [21/08/12 21:41:30] Spink: I wanna learn the Single Ladies dance
    [21/08/12 21:41:35] Zatth: Ermahgerd me too!
    [21/08/12 21:41:48] Xaeraz: i danced the time warp this summer
    [21/08/12 21:41:57] Zatth: We walked the dinosaur
    [21/08/12 21:41:59] Xaeraz: that was the last time i danced in public excluding bfair
    [21/08/12 21:42:35] Spink: A friend I have who lives in Australia can do the Single Ladies dance, I envy him because he's actually good at it <<
    [21/08/12 21:42:59] Xaeraz: well everythings easier when gravity is the other way
    [21/08/12 21:43:11] Zatth: When Tension is rising, graaaaaavity falls
    [21/08/12 21:43:17] Zatth: Everything's falling apart
    [21/08/12 21:43:24] Zatth: *cue Phantoka flying in*
    [21/08/12 21:43:32] Zatth: Choosing the right side
    [21/08/12 21:43:36] Zatth: Choooooosing our faith
    [21/08/12 21:43:40] Xaeraz: dang mr barrowman
    [21/08/12 21:43:42] Zatth: Choosing is what we must doooooooo
    [21/08/12 21:43:44] Xaeraz: u work those heels
    [21/08/12 21:43:50] Spink: I could suddenly burst into an EA song
    [21/08/12 21:43:52] Zatth: Everyone's counting on youuuuuuuuuuuu
    [21/08/12 21:43:59] Zatth: FOR FREEDOM WE FLYYYYYYYYYY
    [21/08/12 21:44:07] Xaeraz: CAPITAL E
    [21/08/12 21:44:10] Xaeraz: CAPITAL A
    [21/08/12 21:44:12] Xaeraz: CAPITAL SPORTS
    [21/08/12 21:44:16] Zatth: THOUSANDS OF MIIIIIIIIIILES
    [21/08/12 21:44:28] Zatth: AND I WOULD WALK FIVE HUNDRED MILES
    [21/08/12 21:44:34] Zatth: AND I WOULD WALK FIVE HUNDRED MOAR
    [21/08/12 21:45:03] Orino Ryuujin: and I ra-a-an, I ran so far awa-a-ay
    [21/08/12 21:45:12] Zatth: SING ALL THE LYRICS
    [21/08/12 21:45:15] Xaeraz: I GET KNOCKED DOWN
    [21/08/12 21:45:16] Zatth: AND ALL THE SINGLE LADIES
    [21/08/12 21:45:19] Xaeraz: BUT I GET UP AGAIN
    [21/08/12 21:45:24] Xaeraz: YOURE NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN
    [21/08/12 21:45:26] Zatth: IS THIS THE REAL LIFE
    [21/08/12 21:45:31] Zatth: IS THIS JUST FANTASY
    [21/08/12 21:45:33] Xaeraz: IS THIS JUST FANTASY
    [21/08/12 21:45:36] Zatth: CAUGH IN A LANDSLIDE
    [21/08/12 21:45:38] Xaeraz: DANGIT PABLO
    [21/08/12 21:45:39] Zatth: NO ESCAPE FROM REALITY
    [21/08/12 21:45:42] Zatth: OPEN YOUR EYES
    [21/08/12 21:45:47] Zatth: LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEEEEEEE
    [21/08/12 21:45:51] Zatth: I'M JUST A POOR BOY
    [21/08/12 21:45:53] Spink: I can't tell if this is one song
    [21/08/12 21:45:55] Spink: or many songs
    [21/08/12 21:45:56] Zatth: I NEED NO SYMPATHY
    [21/08/12 21:45:59] Avohkah Tamer: WE'RE NO STRANGERS TO LOVE
    [21/08/12 21:45:59] Zatth: BECAUSE I'M EASY COME
    [21/08/12 21:46:01] Zatth: EASY GO
    [21/08/12 21:46:04] Zatth: LITTLE HIGH
    [21/08/12 21:46:04] Avohkah Tamer: YOU KNOW THE RULES AND SO DO I
    [21/08/12 21:46:06] Zatth: LITTLE LOW
    [21/08/12 21:46:10] Zatth: EVERYWAY THE WIND BLOWS
    [21/08/12 21:46:09] Avohkah Tamer: A FULL COMMITMENT'S WHAT I'M THINKING OF
    [21/08/12 21:46:10] Spink: but it's reminding me of Coin Operated Goi @.@
    [21/08/12 21:46:15] Zatth: DOESN'T REALLY MATTER TO MEEEEEEEE
    [21/08/12 21:46:18] Avohkah Tamer: YOU WOULDN'T GET THIS FROM ANY OTHER GUY
    [21/08/12 21:46:18] Zatth: TO MEEEEEEEEEEE
    [21/08/12 21:46:24] Zatth: NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
    [21/08/12 21:46:25] Avohkah Tamer: IIIII JUST WANNA TELL YOU HOW I'M FEELING
    [21/08/12 21:46:31] Zatth: NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN
    [21/08/12 21:46:33] Avohkah Tamer: GOTTA MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND
    [21/08/12 21:46:35] Xaeraz: HOW DO I
    [21/08/12 21:46:38] Zatth: WHAT IS LOVE
    [21/08/12 21:46:41] Xaeraz: GET THROUGH ONE NIGHT WITHOUT YOU
    [21/08/12 21:46:42] Avohkah Tamer: I THINK WE PARADOXED ZATTH
    [21/08/12 21:46:43] Zatth: BABY DON'T HURT ME
    [21/08/12 21:46:45] Zatth: DON'T HURT ME
    [21/08/12 21:46:48] Zatth: NO MOAR
    [21/08/12 21:46:50] Xaeraz: IF I HAD TO LIVE WITHOUT YOU
    [21/08/12 21:46:57] Xaeraz: WHAT KIND OF LIFE WOULD THAT BE
    [21/08/12 21:47:02] Zatth: IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY
    [21/08/12 21:47:10] Orino Ryuujin: oh dear lord no
    [21/08/12 21:47:18] Zatth: OPPAN GANGAM STYLE
    [21/08/12 21:47:30] Xaeraz: HEY
    [21/08/12 21:47:31] Xaeraz: I JUST MET YOU
    [21/08/12 21:47:35] Xaeraz: AND THIS IS CRAZY
    [21/08/12 21:47:38] Zatth: BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CUT ME OFF
    [21/08/12 21:47:44] Xaeraz: BUT YOU'RE WALKING IN THE WOODS
    [21/08/12 21:47:46] Xaeraz: IT'S DARK
    [21/08/12 21:47:50] Xaeraz: AND YOUR PHONE IS DEAD
    [21/08/12 21:47:58] Xaeraz: OUT OF THE CORNER OF YOUR EYE YOU SEE HIM
    [21/08/12 21:47:59] Avohkah Tamer: SHIA LABEOUF
    [21/08/12 21:48:00] Zatth: RING RING RING RING BANANAPHONE
    [21/08/12 21:48:07] Xaeraz: yesss
    [21/08/12 21:48:10] Xaeraz: perf timing at
    [21/08/12 21:48:23] Zatth: IT'S JUST A FEELING
    [21/08/12 21:48:26] Zatth: SO APPEALING
    [21/08/12 21:48:31] Zatth: FOR US TO GET TOGETHER AND SING
    [21/08/12 21:48:32] Zatth: SING!
  15. Zatth
    As the tile suggests, these are many UPDATES!!!!!!eleven!!
    1. For anyone at BrickFair, you might have noticed I had a certain lack of hunger (a.k.a a lunch that consisted of a bag of Skittles and cotton candy). Apparently the doctors found what it was, and they have just prescribed an antibiotic that should make the EXTREEEEEME lack of hunger go away! YAY!
    2. I mentioned to others at BrickFair that I will probably try my hand at a Comedy and an Epic. Still ironing out the details on that.
    3. Pics and that one video from BF 2011 are on their way!
    5. I have also been MOCing a bit since it ended, so I might post some of my MOCs on here.
    6. Travelling to Colombia for 10 days tomorrow, so Internet might be weird, not sure how that'll work.
    That is all for now.
  16. Zatth
    TEAM FARM ANIMALS GETS A HOTEL ROOM. IT IS CALLED THE BARN. TO QUOTE XAERAZ, "Four nerds in a hotel room. I can see no way this will go wrong."
    heterosexual, chilipaste, supplies, not pablo, hevin kinkle, galidor2017, gremblin, orchard [REDACTED]
    we no longer discuss ghost peppers
    XAERAZ. LEG IT! (feat. Vine)

  17. Zatth
    If you have followed Team Farm Animals and the various exploits of our ragtag group, you will no doubt be well acquainted with our general silliness from BrickFair VA. Well, here is some extra content for you all to enjoy! (Courtesy of Sumiki!)


    And in case you're wondering, yes. If you attend BFVA, there is a great possibility, if you so wish, to partake in our silly and not at all funny exploits.
    We'll see what joke we can come up with and then repeat so often that the phrase 'beating a dead horse' doesn't begin to describe it.
    #Galidor2015 #confirmed
  18. Zatth
    I made a thing:

    Also, I am making another thing: stay tuned, because in about two to three days you should be seeing a picture of it (you'll enjoy it much more if you're a Doctor Who/arts & crafts fan)
  19. Zatth
    So this month and the coming weeks will be quite important.
    I have 100 days left as a Senior.
    I'm being auctioned off tomorrow at our school's Guy Auction.
    The medical treatment I've been on for about three months that has made my daily life more annoying than it was is hopefully ending this week.
    Our school has raised I think over $20,000 during February for Leukemia and Lymphoma Month.
    February 20th is Rare Disease Day, and for that I'm gonna be writing articles for my school newspaper, making a symbolic painting for this year's theme, and a cover of Give A Little Bit with facts about Rare Diseases.
    Yay for having a life, I guess.
    What's everyone else up to?
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