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Status Updates posted by Zatth

  1. I wantz chapter nao plzzzzzzz

  2. I'll probably try out on the next project. I mean, I'm already on KoS' and yours. bTW, is GiTS gonna restart?

  3. bery guel. and ju?

  4. jelo mai frend. ai am Canoji Zas. guelcom tu BZP...


  6. Awesome Halo match. Thx!

  7. Good to see you back, Skully :)

  8. Happy birthday two days ago, and The Spartan Chronicles was awesome!

  9. Nice. You're auditioning for the RoTGB podcast thingy?

  10. Isn't that pic the character from the Doctor Who special The Waters of Mars?

  11. U awesome, Skully. Can't wait for Chapter 2

  12. My only comment to the uber-long message:

    roflcopter XD

  13. Soo... wat's ur name mean now, oh Great Skully, the Name Changer? XD

  14. Have you seen Lineage yet?

  15. Yo, Officer Sir! How you doin'?

  16. Nuther name change, eh Skully?

  17. Good to know all's (hopefully) okay, Lady K :)

  18. Hey, there. Just want to ask, and hope I don't sound like an ignorant, WAT DAS YAR NAME MEEN?

  19. Oh, well. It was good wjile it lasted.

  20. Like the new look

  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Sorry it's late.)

  22. Hey, there. Nope. Project didn't work. No one wanted to help. But well, having about only 70 active members, almost no women, and being from thirld world countries, it was bound to happen. But it's still cool to collaborate in the "Version Original", as we say in spanish. 'Cause yer Da Man.

  23. great to see you too!

  24. You're also sad because of Kutner's death-suicide? Terrible stuff.

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