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Blog Entries posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth
    Hey all! We now have our guest for next month's episode, so if you've every wanted to ask Takuma Nuva a question, post those questions on the Meet The Staff topic and they will most likely feature in next month's episode!
    *zatth out*
  2. Zatth
    Just one of those weird days where I've got a lot of emotions. I cried from sadness today. I got angry. I got deflated. I wrote. I edited a silly video. I remembered my friends and colleagues (at least the people I call my friends, who knows how they see me). I filmed a serious video. I laughed at some stuff. I balled my fist at others. I felt powerful and important. I got taken down a notch. I got some good news. I read sad news. I planned out parts of my schedule for the next six months. I was reminded how fleeting life is and how quick it can be taken away.
    I dunno, a lot of stuff in the last 24 hours.
    So I'm gonna re-post a blog post from a while back, and amend it a tad.
    Smile back at someone today
    Give someone a compliment
    Help someone out in some way
    Hug your loved ones, tell them how glad you are for them to be here
    Give yourself a few minutes of the day just to yourself
    Wake up happy for what you have. Strive for more, even if it's a little or a large goal, but go at it
    Thank your friends, your family
    Take 30 seconds or more to ponder on your current existence. Look at what you're thankful for. Think about what you want. Decide to learn something new, or change something about yourself today.
    Cry, laugh, do whatever you need to.
    This too shall pass.
    Our time here is limited, so spread the love, y'all.
  3. Zatth
    And so, it is done.
    I had a blast returning to the universe that started me off on creative writing back in '07. However, I'm always looking to improve (and trust me, I know I have A LOT to improve upon), so if you have any comments, they are very much appreciated. This Epic was fun to work on, and if nothing else, as I was nearing the end, I realized I wanted to work on some other project, similar, but different.
    Which brings me to tomorrow.
    Tomorrow I'll unveil a video that's meant as a teaser of sorts for this next project. I won't lie, it's super ambitious and bizarre (the project, probably not the video). I'm deathly terrified of sharing it, because while it could go well, it could also go terribly.
    I guess I'll only know when I post it.
    So tomorrow I'll post the video/teaser, and starting on Monday, I'll upload a chapter a day. I feel it's the best way to give an idea of the project; I feel like posting a chapter a week will make it seem very discombobulated and it might lose its steam.
    So yeah. A Mystery Explored is done (for now), teaser tomorrow, and the new project begins on Monday.
    I hope y'all liked A Mystery Explored, and will enjoy this new little something.
  4. Zatth
    I'll be moving on Monday, but I may have Internet problems, so next time I post will probably be when I get a membership.
    So goodbye for some time, blog.
  5. Zatth
    So this has been a crazy good week and a half.
    For those who didn't know, we had our National Forensics tournament in Portland this past weekend. We flew from DC on Tuesday, and arrived that night. Unfortunately, we spend our days leading up to the tournament in a hotel preparing, so I knew from the get-go I'd be stuck inside a hotel with no chance to visit or see anything. When I got a message from Micah (Kakaru) I sadly told him this, and let him know that I'd be stuck at the hotel.
    Micah, being the wonderful human being that he is, said he wouldn't mind driving down to meet up with me at the hotel. A few hours later that Wednesday night, and Micah and I were catching up at the lobby of the hotel. We spent an hour talking about BZPower, BIONICLE, LEGO, making art, and a lot more stuff. If nothing else, I got to improve the first impression I made at NYCC (I was so excited at the Bonkle booth that I stumbled into a fake potted plant and some BZPers and looked like a total buffoon). Micah also gave me a Hero Pack like it was no big deal, and I have to admit that the visit kept me elated the entirety of the prep days at the hotel. It reminded me the kind of wonderful people that BIONICLE fans are, and just how wonderful some people are. Micah totally rocks.
    However, this was also going to be a bit of a weird and important final tournament for me. Forensics is a unique activity, because it allows us to perform and speak about topics that we're passionate about. For me, this took the form of my Program Oral Interpretation on Jaime Garzon. For those who didn't know, I started off this year with a piece on a Colombian comedian and historical figure that was murdered in 1999 for not only speaking the truths others didn't want to hear or couldn't say, but also for working for peace and understanding between all Colombians.
    For me this was an important project, since Jaime's story is very intimately tied with mine. When I was four, my parents brought me to the front out our building, giving me a white handkerchief, to wave at the black car carrying his casket. Fifteen years later, that grown up boy was about to lay to rest this year-long project. Over the past year, I watched all of Jaime's material online. I did research on him at the Library of Congress. I called and interviewed Jaime's brother, a close family friend. I became an advocate for the peace process in Colombia, and did all this because I knew Forensics would allow me to teach others about this wonderful historical figure, and about my hurting country. For me, the Nationals tournament wasn't about wining awards or accolades. It was about the last time I'd bring Jaime to life, the last time I could present my art to others, the last time I could be an advocate for this cause I cared so deeply about. My friends and team knew how much this meant to me.
    I don't say this to brag, but I am happy to have advanced to Quarterfinals in POI at the National tournament, and being given the chance to perform my piece in an outbound. Though I dropped after Quarters, I had one audience member come up to me and ask me more about Jaime, telling me he'd look him up later on and watch his material. That to me was the best way to let my piece to rest; I knew I'd reached at least one final person, let someone else know Jaime had existed, and had become more of an advocate for Colombia.
    But the end of the tournament was also so important for our entire team. Last year, we barely made it as the 5th school in the nation. Under any other circumstance, this would be amazing no matter what, but last year there was a toxic and sour attitude within the team, and the post-tournament dinner was quiet and filled with tension.
    This year, 35 of our 66 slots broke to outrounds, breaking the university's record. We rose up from 5th to 3rd place, even after we lost a third of our team in December. This was a team that was united by self-realization and love for every team member. We were there for each other, as a true family that was passionate about its message and everyone in the team. By the time the tournament was over, every single team member was happy and glad with what we'd done. We'd turned around a failing program, and individually and collectively overcame these difficulties to show the nation that when we fell down, we got back up and rose higher than before.
    Finally, I got confirmation of another big event in my life. Right before the tournament, I applied to study for a semester at Oxford University. I got an e-mail the day before the tournament letting me know I'd been accepted. This mean I will, for the first time, spend a semester away from home. For someone with a rare illness, who has been coddled by his parents and relied on a heavy support system, this means that the next semester will force me to grow up and live, truly for the first time, independently. I am scared but excited, as I know that this semester will bring me great personal growth that I have been lacking and yearn for.
    All in all, this has been a crazy week and a half. A month and a half ago I was in a hospital, with my stomach burst open for an operation, not knowing what Forensics or life would herald for me. I am now feeling emotionally elated, having seen performances that changed my way of thinking, seeing friends from both the BIONICLE and Forensics world that reminded me that there is good in this world, and knowing that the future looks at least a bit brighter than usual.
    tl:dr: Happy Pablo is at peace
  6. Zatth
    [14/08/12 20:09:39] Orino Ryuujin: greetings, all
    [14/08/12 20:09:48] Pablo Ramírez: HAI ELL EMM
    [14/08/12 20:10:21] Orino Ryuujin: Ellem
    [14/08/12 20:10:23] Orino Ryuujin: Ellem Page
    [14/08/12 20:10:27] Orino Ryuujin: that should be a future username
    [14/08/12 20:10:30] Pablo Ramírez: LM PAGE
    [14/08/12 20:10:42] Pablo Ramírez: THE STAR OF THE IDEAING BY CHRISTOPHER TROLLIN'
    [14/08/12 20:10:43] Kit: Oh hey LM
    [14/08/12 20:10:44] Daiker: Gotta Ell'em all!
    [14/08/12 20:11:22] Orino Ryuujin: hey Spink
  7. Zatth
    Day four of Team Farm Animals, and today we have the only Toa to have ever tamed and Avohkah
    (clarification: the link does not send you to the story of how AT tamed the Avohkah)
  8. Zatth
    First off, don't think I'm not grieving about Korra being over, I just haven't seen it yet (I don't want to cry twice in one night).
    ANYWHO, I just watched The Colbert Report finale. There were a lot of feels. And don't worry, no political message in this blag entry.
    When I moved here five years ago, I came from Venezuela. For those who don't know, during the time that I lived there (2000-2009) I lived through a coup, the Venezuelan government threatening my home country, lack of basic food and medical needs, many of my friends being assaulted and almost murdered. Colombia wasn't much better. Even though I only lived in Colombia for three years, my parents lived through three political candidates being murdered, the newspaper where they both worked being bombed to nothing, and more. My uncle was murdered, my grandfather lost all his land leaving my mom's family almost penniless when she was in her teens. A car exploded a block from where my parents had parked their car. Had they been a block closer to the car, I would've been left an orphan at age three.
    What did all this have in common? Not much freedom of speech. In Colombia, my parents being journalists meant that they could be targeted at any moment if they were to delve into investigative journalism. In Venezuela, I saw news stations being brought down, religious and secular places vandalized, and became paranoid of leaving my own house. Just this February, I spend a week not knowing if my friends had died protesting in the riots because the media in Venezuela didn't cover any of what was happening.
    Why do I mention all this? I want y'all to be thankful. I have been amazed and grateful to live in a country where someone like Stephen Colbert can have a humorous political show and say things and not be killed or shut down or be forced to flee. I am amazed that a man can have a political caricature for nine years, and can end his show when he wants to.
    We had a person like that in Colombia. Jaime Garzón was a comedian who basically had his own Daily Show/Colbert Report hybrid for almost a decade. His life was ended in 1999 by paramilitary forces, not just because he didn't shy away from the truth, but because he engaged in humanitarian efforts. I was four when my parents brought me to the front of our building. I remember waving a small white handkerchief at a black car that passed by the streets of Bogotá that day.
    All I'm saying here is to think about that. The freedom of speech that y'all have. That a satirist can end his show by his own will, not by the bullet of an assassin. Don't take these things for granted, because they matter.
    With that, I'm off to watch the Korra season finale and cry again.
  9. Zatth
    Yes! Today I arrived home to find that all my belongings had finally arrived from overseas! I now have all my posessions! Now... I have to organize all my BIONICLE and LEGO ... woot
  10. Zatth
    Actually really excited about Rooster Teeth's new channel.
    I remember when in the podcasts or in other Lets Plays we met the younger children (that one Christmas short sticks out), and thinking that Rooster Teeth had the potential to go much more family-oriented.
    Not only do I think the videos will be successful (I audibly giggled with the Fireplace and Sims videos), but I think it makes sense, not as a company but as parents who want their children to see content they create.
    I applaud RT for taking this leap, and while a departure from other RT content, I still think it'll be wild enjoyable.
  11. Zatth
    So if you've been following the BIONICLE: ANP, you might know that, eventually, some other kind of project would spring out of that.

    I believe that after this, I now have to proceed with my BIONICLE Parody Songs EP, including tracks like "Do You Want To Build a Boxor?", "The Plan", and everyone's favourite, "Some Story That I Used To Know"
    i may or may not be joking about all of the above
  12. Zatth
    Interested in seeing how Takuma and myself banter and work on our series of Lets Plays? WELL, WORRY NO MORE, FRIENDO!
    Here you can see a behind-the-scenes look (from my side, at least) of how we make the videos!
    Don't forget to subscribe to the BZP Channel to keep up to date with the series and other videos, and don't forget to support BZP's crowdfunding campaign!

  13. Zatth
    It's true! Even though this weekend we are hosting the largest Speech tournament in the nation and I have finals in the next two weeks and then a hospitalization at NIH on the 15th that could last until who knows when, I'M BACK WRITING!
    I decided that if I don't feel like writing an actual novel (my second one, technically), I might as well go back to my roots and write a BIONICLE story!
    I mean, sure, my first BIONICLE Epic was written when I was 13, featured a myriad members who agreed to be characters in the story, and never actually got resolved, but that's past.
    I'm hoping this new Epic gets em writing in my familiar element (the BIONICLE universe and mythos), ensuring that I'm excited to write.
    And if the Epic goes well, I hope on making it a sort of anthology series!
    Expect the first chapter soon-ish.
    And, can I just say, it feels so good to be writing again
  14. Zatth
    I finally published Chapter 1 of the thing!
    I hope y'all get a chance to look it over and feel free to send any comments and criticisms!
    Thanks again, y'all
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