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Blog Entries posted by ~Drifter~

  1. ~Drifter~
    Whew. That was one long week, with no . No wonder yesterday the front page couldn't load, but what surprised me most was the message on the popout. It read,"There is an error loading the page due to connection problems. If you cannot see this message, please inform Microsoft immediately."
    (Highlight to see below)
    Just kidding!
    Anyway, it was the same old "Cannot display page" message. So, it was because BZP was moved to a new server...
    Well, hope this kind of stuff doesn't happen again.
    EDIT: Please note that I couldn't really get the background colour for the entries, so the not-so-invisible colour is based on the background colour of the preview. Oh well.
  2. ~Drifter~
    Well, looks like Premier is going to be over by the end of the day. I just thought that I could post some drawings/sketches here.
    Photok vs Gavla
    A drawing of the two Matoran. Yes, I know that Photok is confusing. And Gavla's mask is weird. But I'm happy with Gavla's body (besides the neck).

    Just a random, rough sketch of Xia. Based somewhat on the picture in Bionicle World, but zoomed in. The scanning kinda erased some of the lines.

    Piraka Noteboard
    Collection of Piraka notes, straight from the stronghold. Kinda random.

    That's all for the...year.
  3. ~Drifter~
    Just built Gavla and Photok today.

    ^Blurry photo taken from laptop integrated webcam.
    The Matoran were the most simple thing I have ever seen (Which means it excludes the McToran). The parts are okay and it's nice that they have new Kanohi moulds, but they aren't exactly worth the price. The only reason I bought them was to pair them up with my Phantoka. And then I encounter problems with the connection feature. First off, Photok can't look straight when Pohatu is looking forward, standing up. I either make him look at the stars or twist his head to the side. Both look weird. Or, I could put Pohatu into a flying position. There's where the second problem comes in. There are many articulation points, and it is difficult to position the sets together as a whole. Same thing with Vamprah and Gavla.
    Other than that, the connection feature is still pretty creative, I guess.
  4. ~Drifter~
    Was looking at the forums some time ago, and found this.
    Finally. A contest I can enter. I kinda suck at MOCing, don't know how to write epics and have no idea on RPG making. The only contest I can enter, and I've missed it.
    Great, just great.
  5. ~Drifter~
    Happy Birthday BZPower!
    I just checked this site yesterday and found that it was the anniversary. I've been out of Bionicle for quite some time now and I'm probably gonna get back into it. Seems that I missed a lot of stuff about the Mistika.
    Hm...Nothing else, for now.
    ~D~ (Possibly my new sign-off)
  6. ~Drifter~
    One more day to the end of premier perks...Oh well. Please, if anyone has a MPEG version of the Barraki Teaser, please PM me. Ah, wonder what'll happen next year...
    In other news...
    Guess what I found two days ago at TRU.
    ...Seriously! And today, I found him again, at another TRU (which up till now still stocks the 2006 playsets and two boxes of Irnakk)...What's the price? In S Dollars, $69.90, or USD $46.60. Now, THAT is expensive. And guess what? That's a discount price (for National Day). How much does it really cost? Eighty plus dollars or 53 US dollars. Ick. Shipping prices can't be that bad, can they? And, remember that handy lil 7% GST. Ugh. I can't even buy online! What kind of inflation is this? Oh yes, guess what else I found at the first TRU I mentioned. The Barraki? Duh. How about Toa Inika? Nope. Piraka? Nope. Brutaka...Yes. 2006 playsets? A whole lot. And there were twenty boxes of Karzahni there. But the oldest set I found there is......*drumroll*............THE BATTLE OF METRU NUI PLAYSET! Wow. Three boxes of it. There's also an old Pakari decoration I remember seeing when I bought my 7th set there (Panrahk). Some things never change...
    P.S. You know why I'm actually so surprised that Karzahni was there? All the summer sets were scheduled to arrive in Singapore in September. I asked the store clerk when the other summer sets would arrive...
    "Summer sets?"
    "The sets that are released in the second half of the year, with this *Points to Karzahni*"
    Clerk: *Looks clueless*
    "The others except those (Barraki) that are already here."
    "There are others?"
    Well, that was an interesting, constructive chat.
  7. ~Drifter~
    Today's mood meter: :angry:
    Why? Today is National Day. There is a holiday from today to Sunday....BUT guess what I was doing the whole morning (before getting on to the computer)?
    From 10.38 to 12.27, I was STUCK@HOME doing homework. WHILE my dad was just watching some Music DVDs...What kind of world is this?
    Trust me. It will get worse. What am I gonna do next? Well, I HAVE to follow my parents to some car workshop and stay there for a long time, just because there're some tiny dents or whatever. Well, at least my dad says he might buy some stuff. But not Bionicle sets. The summer sets haven't even arrived where I am, the the 2007 sets I have so far are: Dekar, Defilak, Thulox, Takadox and Ehlek. I tell him that there are so many people on BZP that have full collections, and guess what he said?
    "Information on the internet is not acuurate."
    Hmph. People here have over maybe fifty sets, but he thinks that I have the MOST number of sets in the whole of a 4 million people populated country. Ha.
    Let's NOT talk about that, shall we?
    Anyway, I'm thinking of doing some individual Barraki (and maybe warriors, Mahri, etc) Videos, so does anyone here have a converted version of the Barraki Teaser, Mahri Short Video and Mahri Teaser? I tired converting them, but the quality was so bad that I almost wanted to write a complain email to the creator. Well, not really...But still, anyone with converted versions (MPEG if possible), please PM me and give me the link to it. I might post the finished product in General Art...Or it might be a blog exclusive.
  8. ~Drifter~
    OK, this is not really related to BZP or Bionicle, but it still is a big event. To say this quickly: Yesterday was the National Day Parade preview for this year. Ok, you might be confused but to clear things up, it was for Singapore. Happy 42 years-Oh wait, the real deal's in August... Hmm, BZP's 6th Year, Sg's 42th Year...42 divided by 6 is 7...So folks, seven is our lucky number! But next year, 43 divided by 7 is...6.14285714285 and to infinity and beyond... Anyway, what surprised me most were the goodie bags. Not only the bags themselves (which are made out of different strips and can be customised) but the content. This is the first time food was given in the bags...OK let's see the contents:
    Electric Fan(which can project messages) Shiney clay star things Two bottles of water Gummy sweets Chrysanthumun Tea Green Tea 3 Wipers 1 tissue A flag and stand And last but not least, 3 bags of snacks The first segment of the show was pretty boring, and it was drizzling (it did not have a shelter), the ponchos looked and felt like plastic bags hit by a weaken Kanoka Disc and the dinner pack was waterlogged.Then, those military/civil defense/police vehicles arrived, and it started to get interesting. What next? The big bang. Hundreds of performers danced across the stage and there was this lip-sync-ing guy dressed up in a fish costume (what's up with that?) At last, the fireworks! Hmm, Tahu and Tahnok-Kal battling? But then, no one expected Toa Tuyet to turn up and start a drizzle. Everybody there was one Live television!...But no one I knew was lucky enough to get caught on film. *Sigh* Makuta, will you just call off your Rahkshi-Of-Unluckyness (RoU)?  
    Well, that does it for the day. 'leven o'clock when I got home. I can never get tired of this blogging thing...
    Me: Enough already...
    :Heh you're just scared!
    Me: Be quiet! Don't make me use you as an electric circuit!
  9. ~Drifter~
    Hurray to BZP! The greatest site on Earth-No! The UNIVERSE! Premier features are sweet! Too bad this lasts for a week only...I wonder what else will happen? B)
    Blog, search feature, polls, ranking icons...Unbelievable!
    :Tohu is pleased!
    So is everyone else!
    Yay to BZP! If you are a true BZPer, post something like this to celebrate!
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