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Aznat the Defender

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Posts posted by Aznat the Defender

  1. So due to the teleportation failure in the Red Star we can assume there are at least a few Toa stuck up there.

    Would they have had some way of observing Mata-Nui and his body and the goings on of the island of Mata-Nui and Voya-Nui?

    Lets say they can, would it be possible that they could have sent Toa energy through some sort of powering system in the Red Star to transform Jaller and co. into Inika?

    Just something i was thinking about before bed and thought I'd see what every one else thinks. ^_^

  2. I was around five when bionicle came out. I remember getting mctoran jaller from a trip to mcdonalds and falling in love with bionicle for the first time.

    soon after i bought a gali set and my 10 year journey began ^_^

    hard to believe it's been 10 years since mask of light, and three years more than that since it began. good times good times


    Hmm, apparently Final Fighter was produced. A quick Google search resulted in this, and a lot of football stuff. :P I wonder where I can get a hold of those masks...EDIT: Actually that Brickshelf gallery posted by Sybre shows ebay links, and that same picture. I need some!!I just hope this topic doesn't turn into a big flame war like the last one.And I do kind of like those Bohrok, those pieces would be awesome in those colors. :)

    Some of those bootleg Bionicle sets actually don't look that bad. That grey and yellow ones both look pretty neat but I don't know if they're "cheap" and delicate though...

    I bought them all back in late 2006 when I thought that they were 2007 bionicle prototypes (I was like 10 don't judge me :P).

    Nearly everything but the legs are not compatible with bionicle. They don't look half bad but putting them together was such a hassle especially with the connector bits. Almost like trying to fit a round bit into a plus hole, but i eventually did it.

    The "hand" pieces break fairly easily and the limbs are a little harder to move but if you can get past that they're not that bad. The two bad guys kind of look like skrall and the toa looking guys remind me of a toa with a noble rau and the red one a tahu nuva. at this point six years later i have a few pieces left and a few masks but they do no fit into any toa heads. :(


    The mask is immoral, and the Ignika did give it to him as a test. Now there are other Matoran that did carry some immoral masks. If they became Toa, who knows what would happen.



    Many of them are in the Ignition comics. The masks of incomprehension and aging were both in the first volume I believe, and the mask of undeath was on a matoran in Karzahni's relm in the Atlas.

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