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MT Zehvor

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Blog Entries posted by MT Zehvor

  1. MT Zehvor
    Looks like it's milestone time again. Aftermath currently has 990 posts in it, meaning that once we get 10 more, we will have reached the 1,000 mark(hooray for 2nd grade math)!
    Guess it won't be long until TBTTRAH no longer sits atop the longest comedy in the forum rankings.
  2. MT Zehvor
    It's been quite a while since I said anything on this, but the RPG is not forgotten. Gorgnak and I(and by that I mean Gorgnak) did some work recently on the areas, and we've gotten some space areas to go along with our planets.
    1. A pirate infested area, near Spherus Magna, like in those swooshes of purple cloud stuff.
    2. An asteroid field, preferably with Kanohi Dragons on the asteroids(and a space suit[notrly]).
    3. A Terna Blockade, outside Acrilos maybe.
  3. MT Zehvor
    "You know, come to think of it, the island of Mata Nui Sophomore year wasn't really that bad after all. Think we could go back?"
    Anyways this year has sucked and I still have like 9 months to go.
    As Lamp would say..."Yippee!"
    Chapters have been up reeeaaalllllyyyyyy slowly because of it. Not liking this amount of homework...reminiscent of the times when Mr. Matoro had the same problem.
    On the other hand, it is making the deadline for the Ihr contest going to happen before Ihr dies disappears mysteriously.
    So yeah. I'm mad.
    "u mad?"
  4. MT Zehvor
    Since TA has apparently taken it upon himself to create rivalries between every other Zehvor and himself, and since that quest will take a while(or not), TA decided to create some other story, which doesn't seem quite as offensive but seems to have something to do with...deadliest warrior.
    I dunno. Enjoy if you can.

  5. MT Zehvor
    TA used a random story generator to create this....um...odd story. Apparently, he thinks Sonu is female. Dunno what Sonu will have to say in response but whatever. Anyways, he asked me to put it here, and so it is.
    Note: The following story does not necessarily reflect the opinions of MT. It is here for your entertainment. Or for another reason to get mad at TA. Whichever you like.

  6. MT Zehvor
    Well, for the last chapter of Season 6, I was gonna MoC some of the more important characters to celebrate a new season and 200 chapters, but then I realized that I'm bad at MoCing. So instead I'mma let you guys do it. Don't you love how I make you do my work?(but notrly)
    Anyways, the MoCing challenge is to MoC a Xenon wielder named Ihr. He's...well...can't give away too many spoilers, but he's a roughly Hydraxon sized mutated Skakdi with a deformed head, random tentacles sprouting out due to immense Xenon absorption, and he wields a buzzsaw(along with whatever weapons you want).
  7. MT Zehvor
    Thought this was kinda interesting, so I figured I might as well share it with anyone who cares to read this entry. I was browsing the gaming web boards yesterday, and came across someone who thought that Tabuu(the final boss of SSBB's campaign) was a subtle jab by Nintendo at Microsoft.

    Anyways, this is what the guy had to say on the matter:

    Thought that was pretty weird, and it made me sorta wonder if other companies do this subliminal bashing all the time.
  8. MT Zehvor
    After playing video games for I don't know how many years and wasting God knows how long of my life on them as well, I've come to the realization that there are just too many spotlight hogs.
    I'd be willing to bet pretty much everyone who's ever lived knows of Master Chief, or would at least recognize him in a photo. But how many people know the Arbiter? All of his awesomeness, the energy sword in cutscenes even when he shouldn't have an energy sword, and the shoulder flashlight thingy...and yet he's never gotten even a complementary toaster. How do you think 'Thel feels about that?
    Or Luigi, who is still far cooler than Mario? All he's ever gotten is Luigi's Mansion. A freaking mansion that got wrecked in SSBB anyways. I think it's high time he got something more than a stupid mansion for all those hours being the "unimportant" brother. Luigi's Planet should be more like it.
    I could go on forever, with Ridley, Ganondorf(not Gandalf) and the other villians, but we'd run out of screen room. The important thing is that for one day, it's good to focus on someone besides the attention hogs such as Samus and Kirby(the evil pink ball of death). So from now on, August 6 is Non-Important Video Game Character day.
    Celebrate your non important video game characters!
  9. MT Zehvor
    Today we celebrate Aftermath, which recently hit milestones on post count and view count.
    Post Count: 900. I also believe it's now the 8th longest comedy in terms of post count. 'Course, we've still got a ways to go to catch those comic makers and their ridiculously high post count numbers. 1,000 here we come.
    View count: 20,000. This was pretty overdue. But good thing it finally happened. So yay.
  10. MT Zehvor
    Ono. It's that time again. Time where we pack up and say goodbye to another season(even though this one has another 28 or so chapters to go) and get ready for the new one.
    Outside of making the relatively weird title(The Lovable Mr. Tahu) which will really only make sense once the season gets 30 or so chapters in, I noticed that there was a nice response when the Piraka and Barraki returned. So, that brings me to ask....
    What would you like to see in Season 7? More guest stars? More old characters? Or maybe more Christmas and Cookies...
    But I'm not going to complain. *Ahem* Anyways, thoughts?
  11. MT Zehvor
    Been a while since we've done one of these, huh? Before I get into any new gameplay info, I need to say that the story I posted here and on the RPG planning topic is definitely not final. In fact, the last part of this thingy is gonna go a long ways to determine that. Everything else probably stays the same, except I've taken out a few GM controlled "boss" enemies in favor of character vs. character combat situations.
    First off is TA's addition to the VFM(Village Friendship Meter). For those who didn't read the earlier update, or just forgot, the VFM determines your standing with other villages, or possibly whole regions depending upon how this whole story goes down.
    TA's Add-Ons
    TA's update calls for 2 more levels to each end of the spectrum, which is nice for people who I guess really want to identify themselves with or against a village. My only concern is that this is gonna get too complicated, having to keep track of so many people's standings with different villages, and even more so with two more layers. At the beginning of the game, we'll probably start off with the VFM like it is now(without the last two on each end of the meter), and expand if necessary. I personally don't think it'll be necessary, but hey, you never know.
    Next up we come back to the question of multi or uni planet. I know, we had a vote on this earlier, but I'm starting to lean towards having a single planet this time, and possibly multiple ones if we get a sequel or something. In addition, I added a new feature to this uni planet idea, called the Planetary Layers System.
    Here's how it would work. The planet(still don't have a name for it yet) would have three "layers" of sorts, and each layer would contain different elementally themed areas. So, for example:
    Overworld: Like the name states, it's "over" the "world." It would be a platform above the planet's surface held up by huge metal towers. This would probably be the "jungle" area, as jungle is connected with flight in the Bionicle world, and the platform is about a thousand feet above the surface.
    Surface: On the surface of the planet is a few different areas, including ice, lightning, desert, and the top halves of water and earth(dirt). The surface would probably have lots more villages there, as underground is dangerous.
    Underground: Under the surface of the planet is also several different areas, including the bottom halves of water and earth. There would be a lava-y cavernous realm, and a gravity area as well. One thing that would be revealed later in game is the presence of a Xenon area, that could possibly serve as a dungeon or something(I dunno, we'll see later)
    Progress good? Progress bad? Opinions(and suggestions if bad) please.
  12. MT Zehvor
    Well, I was going to post this yesterday, but Yami was having a field day with the BZP server. Anyways, RPG design is ongoing, but it mostly consists of just writing the actual thing now. Thanks to everyone who helped.
    Anyways, we're(I'm) bored. Any suggestions on what do do?
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