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Republic Commando Fixer

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Republic Commando Fixer

  1. Republic Commando Fixer
    My best friend had heart surgery. This is not the first time, but when he was born his heart was not "made" properly. He had surgery on the 30th and is in the hospital. I visited him last night! We gave him a card, a balloon and a Bionicle!! He LOVED it! In his room he has a PS2, so we played that for a while and talked. So just pray for him that he will get better and the pain will go away! The doctors cut his left shoulder and into his back so he will have a BIG scar!! But remember girls LOVE scar's
  2. Republic Commando Fixer
    We had it again last night we watched a video and ate dinner and then we plaed Taboo. I scored 16 points for the girls team!! Youth Group is soooo much fun!! We had to leave early so the boys won by two pionts just found that out!!
  3. Republic Commando Fixer
    Ok guys, I just sold my Heifer at the County Fair and I miss her a lot! Yeah I guess you could say I get attached to them! But anyway I sold her for $1,300 and( that is not a lot with the Dairy Economy the way it is! I have to pay the Dairy farmer $600 and I have to put some in savings and buy some stuff for the cows like feed and halters and clippers and with the moneyI have left over I am planning on buying an Ipod Touch! So tell me which one I sould get!
    I am leaning twords the 16 gig but tell me what you think!
    The 8 gig is $250.
    The 16 gig is $300.
    The 32 gig is $400
    P.S I know I will not get the 32 gig one! To $Pricy$
  4. Republic Commando Fixer
    I'm going to buy this next week! And YES Ziva uses this knife in NCIS all the time! <333

    For any of you knife geeks like myself It's a "Blackhawk ,CQD Mark I Type E"
    Ohhh and it also has a glass breaker if you will and a seat belt cutter! The more the merrier!
  5. Republic Commando Fixer
    I've been waiting for this series so long! I loved the first two episodes! Can't wait for " A Town Called Mercy" and "The Angels Have Manhattan"! I’m a Whovian! I LOVE DOCTORWHO!! Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor! Amy pond (Karen Gillen) is my favorite companion! So sad she and Rory are leaving! But I’m so excited for the new companion! Aka Oswin!
  6. Republic Commando Fixer
    My dear friends uncle just passed away today! We are all very sad but happy at the same time because he is in heaven!! His family was almost to his house when he passed! Pealse just pray for his family and friends this will and has been a HUGE impact on their lifes!!
  7. Republic Commando Fixer
    Well the Fair will be here in a week! and I'm stressing out!!! Well if you win 1st place you get a belt buckle!!! Well we spend 14 hours a day at the fair!! So I better get some good nights of sleep!!! So wish me luck!!!
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