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    I don't believe in those 3,000 - 4,000 word interest pages. <br />It's just not rational! I mean, who would want to read 4,000 words of what you like, and in some cases, just rambling, and what I hate most: complaining! <br /><br />And I mean, why be impractical? Why must we make our interest page as long as humanly possible? That's exactly what I don't get!<br />So in the act of writing one of those, think of this and consider what you're doing. <br /><br />Why don't you use the time it takes to write that to go on a posting spree, or write a story, or make a theory, or draw a picture! <br />See, that's what I don't get! WHY, exactly, are you using your time to write something, people hardly ever read!<br /><br />So, if you shorten it a bit. Not a lot, but a bit. <br />My old page was: Bionicle. And basically everything else. <br />And I was content with that!<br /><br />It really makes no sense to ramble on about yourself, even if you add tidbits (yeah, I said tid-bits) of sarcastic humor along the way. <br /><br />And why write 3000 words about yourself? In that space, you could make an important statement!<br />Like... um... like an important statement (?)! <br /><br />So! -<br /><br />I fear I've said to much. How ironic. *slowly walks away*<br /><br />Just Joking. ;)<br /><br />EDIT: Wow, this is incredibly old, and even slightly musty. Although others would say, "Oh, FD, dust it off," I prefer to let it stay in its state of painfully slow decay. <br />Although apparently people are reading it (and pointing out it's foolish grammar mistakes XD). <br /><br />So that's something, I guess.

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