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Blog Entries posted by FireDawn

  1. FireDawn
    I've been working on a Fusion MoC, but I'm a bit stuck on the limbs. I think I'm going to try and redo the sockets...
    Well, take a look for yourself.
    So that's it!
  2. FireDawn
    Well, as the titles implies, this contest (or should I say challenge?) is the product of one very insane conversation with Resev, about the bunnies which have just returned.
    Yes, Nih. Rossiu is a bunny, no matter what you say.
    Well, Wesew and I decided that it'd be cool to have a little challenge, a small test for the BZPers: who can make up the most dastardly name for the cutest things ever?
    If you're having a hard time with this, here are some examples:
    "Fluffy Clouds of Evil"
    "Dust Bunnies of Doom"
    and so on.
    So what are you waiting for? Get thinking already!
    -FD [v.2 - New and Improved]
  3. FireDawn
    I forgot how good pumpkins smell when you gut them and carve faces into them.
    I forgot how gory Halloween was.
  4. FireDawn
    IT'S... GAMETIME!!!
    In order to increase the awesomeness of the Weekly Blog, I have decided to make a little game section. Every now and again (meaning when I'm bored and want to see people come up with strange ideas) I'll post a game, in which you (THA READERS) will have to complete a certain task I give you.
    This Games objective:
    Write a Haiku or Limerick about Rabbits, Hedgehogs or Ostriches that uses the word "chortle". There will be no ratings or prizes (aside from the satisfaction of thinking you beat the other guy).
    And this blog needs more color.

    Quote of the Week!
    Welcome to the weight loss hotline.
    To lose half a pound right now, press one 18,000 times.
    -All purpose greeting card
    The. End. of Blog of the Week entry number Three.
  5. FireDawn
    Well, as I have a shiny new blog (shiiiinyyy...), I may as well put it to good use!
    Guess what happens tomorrow?
    The RPG Contest polls open!
    And as I have an entry in it, why not link to it?

    And now that that is over and done with, it's time for...
    Quote of the Week!
    Jack shrugged and pointed at the newspaper.
    "'Mad Scientist Distills Pure Wag from Dog'?" she read.
    "Above that."
    -Jasper Fforde, The Big Over Easy
    And thus concludes Blog of the Week entry number Zero!
  6. FireDawn
    Well, my Blog is back, and over the next couple of days it'll undergo a drastic transformation into a semi-nice Blog. So, while that is taking place, I may as well exercise my bloggish power.
    Well, I'd like to notify everyone of the winning RPGs of RPGC #11, and in doing so I will provide a link to them all. Here is Metru Nui: City of Fear (commonly referred to as CoF), then Fracture, followed by Wasteland.
    If you find the time, I'd recommend joining these - they're all great games.
    And now it is time for that ancient practice of giving words of wisdom... the Quotation!
    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
    Dr. Seuss
    That appears to be it! Thanks for reading.
  7. FireDawn
    So while I was working on my Mata Nui fusion MoC (what?!?! You couldn't guess?), I built this dandy little creature called the Bakuragh, a fire demon.
    It's pretty much a compilation of all of the little things I thought would be cool in a MoC, from the blade to the head, the legs to the arms - It took some ingenuity, but I got it done!
    So why don't you drop by the topic and perhaps leave a comment? I'd love to hear what you think.
    Bakuragh Topic
    Oh, and I might have the finished pics of my fusion MoC up later - stay tuned.
    -FD [v.2 - New and Improved]
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