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Status Updates posted by SCAR

  1. "Hmm, Black hole or supernova? You choose, either way I win!"

  2. *crush* you were saying? hehehehe!

  3. *gasps* R U gettin in trouble Xairos? JK!

  4. *prepares to cook Eki* :evilgrin:

  5. *sarcastic*well long live the continuance of our dull education!

    I got a question, is Fa cold or hot in the winter? Its so humid that I couldn't imagine it cold when I was there.

  6. *Sticks Eki into boiling pot* Mwuhahahaha!

  7. A big hug for Talvak, still writing tales of Kamas Nui?

  8. All rightey. Will you put up pictures of the Makuta in soon?

  9. alrighty then, just have to load them onto brickshelf

  10. Anyone who reads my epics will be sad to hear that my current epic is being stopped to jumpstart a new. I have to do this in order to explain what is going on in the others. :(

  11. Are all your Dark Hunter MoCs apart of your coming epic or just the three

  12. Awesome, does his weapon give addittional powers or just fire

  13. Awesome. That female DH's dog was pretty cool

  14. black hole then... zombies sucked in and Xairos following them. Muwhahahaha!

  15. congrats, hey make a steed for one of your mocs

  16. could you make it 4 me?

  17. could you reply on the topic please? that way it has more front page views?

    whats the story to yugioh anyways?

  18. depends though, I might just have it as a titan or Dark Hunter in Pride as well

  19. Do the Toa Kamas have a story or are they just MoC's?

    How come your messenger doesn't work

  20. do't know? probably.

  21. Everybody, check out the "I knew it all along" topic it is hilarious

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