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Status Updates posted by SCAR

  1. still can't handle a black hole! *oh no! you're breaking through!*

  2. Do the Toa Kamas have a story or are they just MoC's?

    How come your messenger doesn't work

  3. hello; well, I got special edition since I live right next to Target and I owe my parents money for it.

  4. congrats, hey make a steed for one of your mocs

  5. What is Talvak's kanohi power.

  6. not yet, still in there

  7. *sarcastic*well long live the continuance of our dull education!

    I got a question, is Fa cold or hot in the winter? Its so humid that I couldn't imagine it cold when I was there.

  8. I saw it, and I like it.

  9. Fortunately, not a lot lives in a black hole.

  10. hey are you joinin the core war contest?

  11. yeah school is a bummer. My other epic isnt coming for a month easy and conquest is behind.

  12. is that arilu smashing that poor little grunt?

    :( What did he do to arilu?

  13. SCAR

    I put 5 stars but it didn't even add it. :(

  14. When I say different I mean from other Lariska's

  15. I can always come back through dimensions via blackholes.

  16. Of the six hero Toa, who is the strongest?

  17. on your interests you said Eragon Trilogy, its Inheritance Cycle, a fourth book is coming out later

  18. fool! you have made me one the shadows! HAHAHAHA!

  19. so long as your happy- from concerned Teridax

  20. what do you think of Botahn on Brickshelf?

  21. hahaha! good one Haru

  22. Same for me with Pride, I'll post it when it is done. But I need to make an MoC Page for it.

  23. saw them and like them. hey you have your first topic! Hurray!

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