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Status Updates posted by SCAR

  1. Hmm... after Talvak built the Lazu for me, I tried my own, not as good, made my own tahtorak, had dragon that was incomplete and scrapped for mocs... dragon was the biggest

  2. Anyone who reads my epics will be sad to hear that my current epic is being stopped to jumpstart a new. I have to do this in order to explain what is going on in the others. :(

  3. gotta have a camera in this game. as well as pieces

  4. So close and so far from finishing my Artic Dragon!

  5. *crush* you were saying? hehehehe!

  6. so what is stat on your epic Coran?

  7. Hey for the rider of my vine dragon, should I use Gresh or the summer 09 dude?

  8. Hello, I'm Scar Ruler of Talrec, hehehe! Welcome to BZP

  9. my family is hillbilly, exception of those in florida, they are rednecks. you see: hillbilly-redneck rivalry :P

  10. nah, family guy just isn't all that amusing to me and never heard of the first one

  11. All rightey. Will you put up pictures of the Makuta in soon?

  12. of course, Talvak is the top dog of MoCs, just look at his page, and if he renews their design!!! O_0

  13. I'm immune, not really but it won't get to me. Gravity remember?

    *Fires repulsive blast of anti- gravity*

  14. black hole then... zombies sucked in and Xairos following them. Muwhahahaha!

  15. gee, u eat Tlvak w/o inviting us Eki, I'm very mad at u!

  16. yep, got it... 5 days ago?... very awesome, wicked plots that twist at every turn are my favorite. Poor Krika :(

  17. Hey T, check out my Johmak/ Lariska Topic.

  18. Yeah Haru fly away!

    hey xairos, does Botahn have a mata red hau or a gray? (that is all I have) :(

  19. hmm baracuda? that might work, got pix of it?

  20. hmm, yu go oh card toa huh? congrats on the hot topic. well lightning is a female element *I know, the girls get the best* something like fire is best

  21. could you reply on the topic please? that way it has more front page views?

    whats the story to yugioh anyways?

  22. Everybody, check out the "I knew it all along" topic it is hilarious

  23. put links up! remember a Kanohi Sanok

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