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Shattered Halls

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Blog Entries posted by Shattered Halls

  1. Shattered Halls
    Today in REAL LIFE ENTRIES ZOMG we look at MN's facinating day so far!
    Random Narrator: MN, what have you done since you woke up?
    MN: I got up at 12:00, and groggily stepped out of bed, then an idea hit me: I'm going to make a real life entry zomg!
    Narrator: And what did you do then?
    MN: well, I began typing this, of course!
    Narrator: And what has happened so far today that is memorable?
    MN: Well, my PSP Hacking lessons got shut down since I guess it's illegal. But, meh, a little juvinile hall never hurt anybody!
    Narrator: Ha ha ha! oh MN, will you ever win?
    MN: No.
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