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Status Updates posted by ChocoLvr13

  1. Ok, get 10 posts, and I'll be able to PM you... So, POST!!!!!

  2. You're TK impersonation. Hilarious.

  3. Is that the top three? If so, yes.

  4. New Mocs, that's what's up.

  5. None... at all?

  6. Dude... FRINGE frog FTW.

  7. Jeez, little c? What was I thinking.

  8. Happy B-day and stuff

  9. Absolutely everything and anything that could happen. :P

    Newspaper team, football, soccer, and my least favorite- swimming in gym. But life is swell other than that.

  10. Happy Birthday!

    Go Bink!

    Go Bink!


  11. Dark Raanu? You really can't find a name you like, can you? :P

  12. Hey, I really like the Epic, but could you check mine out?

  13. That's cool. You know I like it when people do that.

  14. I got third. But hopefully, I'll get at least ~Ballom~'s vote again in the Semis, and that should spark a big 'vote for that guy' thing.

  15. ???

    What are talking about?

  16. Choco RULES

    OVER ALL!!!!

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