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Posts posted by Hodor

  1. Haven't seen Legendary Defender, but the redesign for Voltron is pretty dope. Golion is a fantastic design, and it does a fantastic job of modernizing the design.


    Most surprising. I'm aware that the original series has something of a cult following in the US.

    It does, but it's largely among Gen-Xers who watched the show as kids in the 80s, and mecha enthusiasts like myself. Neither is likely to browse this site lol

  2. Sentai and Kamen Rider are usually how I get my practical sfx fix, honestly. The fact I love martial arts cinema just endears me further to them. Don't really watch Power Rangers, though, since by the time Saban adapts it, I've long since seen the Sentai it adapts. That said, though, the last Sentai I watched to completion was Go-Busters.


    Mecha designs for Sentai have been going steadily downhill, though. It's kind of a shame, since part of my enjoyment for Super Sentai is the mecha.

  3. Yeah, the new Xeno game is a big motivator for me too, tbh. I hope there's a Switch port of XCX too, but I'm not holding out too much hope- I feel like that game would benefit immensely from the better load times of a cartridge, but I doubt Ninty'll shell out for that.

  4. Pokemon Sun.


    I'm actually kind of surprised that I'm enjoying this installment this much- I couldn't get into Gen VI terribly much, and I haven't sat down and tried to finish Gen V. I appreciate that it's basically a Pokemon game that's gone full JRPG, and has a pretty good plotline going, too. Probably my favorite game in the series since Conquest.

  5. Super Robot Wars X-Omega.


    I jumped through hoops to get this running on my phone, since there's an event going on where Godzilla is showing up. I have nothing but love for SRW and Godzilla, so I immediately downloaded this. It's a fun little game, though it's not the turn-based tactics game that SRW usually is- it's ore of a tower defense sorta thing.

  6. So I'm going through my backlog this summer.


    I beat Transformers Devastation. It was a pretty fun, well made game- though pretty short, even for a character action game. Still a worthwhile game if you like Transformers and/or character action/spectacle action games.


    I also beat Hotline Miami. Absolutely delightful game- challenging and with a great soundtrack, a fantastic aesthetic, and an enjoyable David Lynch-esc storyline.

    And then I plunged head first into the sequel, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number and also completed that earlier tonight. Managed to be even more challenging than the original, though I feel like it's slightly worse than the first game overall. A worthy follow up, though.

  7. I wrapped up a hard-mode run of Fire Emblem Awakening earlier, since I wanted to toy with the gay romance hack. pretty amusing romp, though still pretty easy outside of a few of the harder DLC and the last Spotpass map.


    Also started Mirror's Edge on my 360, which has been a pretty fun game. Gives me motion sickness after playing for too long, though.

  8. Felt like watching some Ralph Bakshi last night, so I put on my blu-ray of Wizards.


    Probably one of my favorite animated films. It's far from perfect, but it's an enjoyable (and somewhat trippy) little fantasy movie. Great inspiration for tabletop stuff, though.


    I also saw Army of Darkness.


    Ash Williams, undead hunter and supermarket store employee with a chainsaw for a hand and one-liners aplenty gets sent back to the 1300's north England and must fight witches, b**hes, dimwitted skelly-wellies, monsters, pixies, and even an evil doppleganger if he wants to return back to his time period before he is late for work! This entire thing reminded me of a live-action episode of Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and I have no doubt that this movie and it's predecessor Evil Dead inspired the show.




    Overall, these two movies made my little brother's birthday a very fun day.





    Since April 17th, I've seen a few more movies (not in order):


    Evil Dead - A scary movie when it first came out, this movie only had one 'scary' moment for me and it was a jumpscare at that. It was pretty nasty though, very gory. While having moments of tension, it was more revolting than scary.


    Evil Dead is a huge influence on Billy and Mandy, yeah- there's lots of little jokes about it, mainly one character being half-Ash parody, half Snake Plisskin parody. Have you seen Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn yet? It holds up much better than the original movie, mostly since it's arguably the best horror-comedy ever made. It's like watching a deranged Three Stooges, it's absolutely wonderful.


    The remake's alright too, but is honestly quite a bit weaker than the original three movies.

  9. Dark Souls

    I defeated on Black Knight thing

    and now they expect me to defeat another

    except this time in close quarters

    Black Knights are mostly optional mini-bosses until the end game, where they're just straight-up mooks. But at that point you should be able to handle them pretty handily.


    They drop great loot if you're lucky enough.


    so, did anyone else end up using the delocalization/fan-TL patches for FE Fates.


    The Treehouse translation was a trainwreck. I haven't seen a localization that poor since the PSX.

    That right there is half of the reason I haven't picked up Fates yet.


    Other half is that I really don't want to pay ~$100 to get the whole game, especially since (from what I've heard), all 3 storylines start off the same and they branch off at a certain point, and whatever path you didn't get can be played, but as DLC...


    yeah, honestly, the price is one of the biggest problems with Fates especially considering the Treehouse translation makes an already mediocre storyline even worse.


    Nintendo had absolutely awful timing with that 'translation', too. It's not terribly hard to get a hold of a downgrade-capable N3DS/O3DS (most on-shelf units have the exploitable firmware), and it's not exactly rocket science to get custom firmware running.

  11. Finished up Fire Emblem Revelation, which means I've finished Fire Emblem Fates as a whole (outside of the non-Rev DLC, outside of a few stages I have).


    Thought they were all pretty fun little games, but Conquest is by far my favorite since it had the best and most varied maps, and was generally a blast to play. I think it helps that I've been playing SRPGs since I was a kid, so I am definitely part of the 'genre/series veteran' crowd they were shooting this to. Worst story of the lot, even though the story in Fates is generally weak.


    Birthright was okay, I suppose. The gameplay suffered from same issues Awakening did, where the majority of maps had 'Seize the enemy/Defeat the boss' as an objective, on top of the fact it's pathetically easy- even compared to Awakening. Even on Hard, I never really felt like I had much challenge here, since once you get Takumi any semblance of balance goes out the window. Better story than Conquest, though.


    Revelations was a nice middle ground, and would've been my favorite if the unit balance were better. I never used the majority of the units I got because half of them were already dead weight on the stages you recruit them on. I think part of it is also that I started getting serious burn out by the end of this, since I had played both Birthright and Conquest immediately before, and did more grinding in this game to make some of those dead-weights more viable. Best story of the bunch, for what it matters, though.

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